Cooperative Bank of Oromia
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Coopbank is the fastest growing bank in Ethiopia with the highest number of customers from private banks. The bank has a vision of becoming the leading private bank in the country by the year 2025.
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Abbootii Aksiyoonaa Baankii Hojii Gamtaa Oromiyaa Hundaaf
Calallii Kaadhimamtoota Miseensota Boordii Ifa Gochuuf Beeksisa Dhiyaate

Labsii hojii baankii, qajeelfamoota baankii biyyoolessaa, qajeelfama keessaa raawwii eerinsaa fi filannoo miseensota boordii baankichaa fi seerota kanneen fudhatama qaban bu’uura godhachuun, abbootii aksiyoonaa fuula duratti miseensummaa boordiin baankicha hoogganan filachiisuuf kan hundaa’e, koreen filachiiftuu miseensota boordii, eerinsa kaadhimamtoota miseensota boordii simatee calallii isaanii xumuree jira.
Haaluma kanaan, calallii taasifameen abbootiin aksiyoonaa maqaan isaanii armaan gaditti caqafame, eerinsa kaadhimamtoota miseensota boordii kennamaa ture keessaa ulaagaawwan fi madaalliiwwan ga’umsaa barbaachisoo ta’an guutuudhaan kan calalaman ta’uu isaanii koreen filachiiftuu kabajaan isin beeksisa.
1. Dr. Fiqruu Deeksisaa Sadeessoo
2. Obbo Fiqaaduu Dhugaasaa Guddataa
3. Y/W/H/G/Q/B Lumee Adaamaa, Obbo Taaddalaa Abdii Shaneetiin kan bakka bu’ame
4. Obbo Isheetuu Waaqkennee Bantii
5. Y/W/H/G/L/Q/Q/B Waltaanee Amboo, Obbo Tarrafaa Sanbaabaa Meettaatiin kan bakka bu’ame
6. Obbo Balaay Mangashaa Farajaa
7. Y/W/H/G/Q/B Utaa Waayyuu, Obbo Muktaar Adam Huseeniin kan bakka bu’ame
8. Obbo Tafarraa Anbassaa Kumaa
9. Obbo Kabbadaa Asaffaa Sishaah
10. Y/W/H/G/Q/B Jorgoo Birbir, Obbo Garramaa Afawarq Bakareetiin kan bakka bu’ame
11. Dhaabbata Bosonaa fi Bineensota Bosonaa Oromiyaa, Obbo Girmaa Dalasaa Daadhiitiin kan bakka bu’ame
12. Y/W/H/G/Q/B Gibee Dhiidhessaa, Obbo Dabaloo Jabeessaa Biduutiin kan bakka bu’ame
13. Obbo Nugusee Laggasaa Fallaqaa
14. Obbo Taaddasaa Maannaayyee Wandimmaaganyaw
15. Obbo Kabbadaa Ejjetaa Dabalii
16. Y/W/H/G/Q/B Liiban, Obbo Dassaalany Ayyaanaa Irranaatiin kan bakka bu’ame
17. Tumsaa Indoowumant Misooma Oromiyaaf, Ambaasaaddar Shifarraa Jaarsoo Dhaddachaatiin kan bakka bu’ame
18. Addee Saamraawit Faqqadaa Dhukii
19. Y/W/H/G/L/Q/Q/B Abdii Guddinaa Adaamaa, Obbo Wagaayyoo Tsiggee Indaashaawuun kan bakka bu’ame
20. Y/W/H/G/Q/B Warshaa Sukkaara Wanjii, Obbo Tashoomaa Abarraa Alamuutiin kan bakka bu’ame
21. Obbo Taklee Taaddasaa Galgalee
22. W/H/G/L/Q/Q/B Hojjattoota Waldaa Hojii Gamtaa fi Hojjattoota Qonnaa Aanaa Adaamaa , Obbo Abbitoo Lammaa Jimaatiin kan bakka bu’ame

23. Obbo Takkaaliny Malaakuu G/Masqal
24. Addee Leensaa Leellisaa Caalchisaa
25. Obbo Fiqaaduu Deebisaa Diimaa
26. Addee Alamituu Fufaa Guutaa
27. Obbo Daani’eel Dhufeeraa Fayyisaa
28. Obbo Leeqaa Leenjisaa Waldee

Abbootiin Aksiyoonaa eeramtoota irratti komii yoo qabaattan hanga Onkololeessa 30, bara 2014tti karaa teessoo armaan gadiitiin iyyachuu kan dandeessan ta’uu koreen filachiiftuu isin beeksisa.
1. Waajjira muummee baankichaa darbii 5ffaa irratti kan argamu waajjira koree filachiiftuu boordii daayrektarootaatti qaamaan argamuun, ykn
2. Karaa L.S.P 16936 xalayaa adaraatiin teessoo isaa Baankii Hojii Gamtaa Oromiyaa jechuun, ykn
3. Karaa Imeelii baankichaa ykn
4. Lakkoofsa bilbilaa: +251118549263 /+251974103886 irratti bilbiluun komii keessan dhiyeeffachuu kan dandeessan ta’uu isin beeksisna.

1. Koreen filachiiftuu komiiwwan Onkololeessa 30, bara 2014 booda dhiyaatan kamuu kan hin fudhanne ta’uu gamanumaan isin yaadachiisa.

Baankii Hojii Gamtaa Oromiyaa (W.A)
Koree Filachiiftuu Miseensota Boordii Daayrektarootaa
ለኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ አ.ማ ባለአክሲዮኖች በሙሉ
የእጩ ዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ አባላትን ምልመላ ለማሳወቅ የወጣ ማስታወቂያ

የባንክ ሥራ አዋጅን& የኢትዮጵያን ብሔራዊ ባንክ መመሪያዎች& የባንኩን የዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ አባላት የጥቆማና የምርጫ ማስፈጸሚያ የውሰጥ መመሪያ እና ሌሎች አግባብነት ያላቸውን ሕጐች መሠረት በማድረግ በቀጣይ ባንኩን በቦርድ አባልነት የሚመሩ አባላትን ለማስመረጥ የተቋቋመው የዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ አባላት ጥቆማና አስመራጭ ኮሚቴ እጩ የዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ አባላት ጥቆማዎችን ተቀብሎ ምልመላውን አጠናቋል፡፡
በዚሁ መሠረት በተደረገው የማጣራት ሥራ ከዚህ በታች ስማቸው የተዘረዘረው ባለአክሲዮኖች እጩ የቦርድ አባልነት ከተጠቆሙት ውስጥ አስፈላጊውን የብቃት መመዘኛዎችና መስፈርቶች በማሟላት የተመለመሉ መሆናቸውን አስመራጭ ኮሚቴው በአክብሮት ያሳውቃል፡፡
1. ዶ/ር ፍቅሩ ዴክሲሳ ሰደሶ
2. አቶ ፍቃዱ ዱጋሣ ጉደታ
3. ሉሜ አዳማ የገ/ሕ/ሥ/ዩ/ በአቶ ታደለ አብዲ ሸኔ ተወክሎ
4. አቶ እሸቱ ዋከኔ በንቲ
5. ወልታኔ አምቦ የገ/ቁ/ብ/ህ/ሥ/ዩ / በአቶ ተረፈ ሰንባባ ሜታ ተወክሎ
6. አቶ በላይ መንገሻ ፈረጃ
7. ኡታ ዋዩ የገ/ሕ/ሥ/ዩ/ በአቶ ሙክታር አደም ሁሴን ተወክሎ
8. አቶ ተፈራ አንበሳ ኩማ
9. አቶ ከበዳ አሰፋ ስሻህ
10. ጆርጎ ብርብር የገ/ሕ/ሥ/ዩ/በአቶ ገረመው አፈወርቅ በከሬ ተወከሎ
11. ኦሮሚያ ደንና ዱር አንሰሳት ድርጅት / በአቶ ግርማ ደለሳ ዳዲ ተወክሎ
12. ጊቤ ዲዴሳ የገ/ሕ/ሥ/ዩ/ በአቶ ደበሎ ጀቤሳ ቢዱ ተወክሎ
13. አቶ ንጉሴ ለገሰ ፈለቀ
14. አቶ ታደሰ ማናዬ ወንድማገኘሁ
15. አቶ ከበደ ኤጄታ ደበሊ
16. ሊበን የገ/ሕ/ሥ/ዩ/ በአቶ ደሳለኝ አያና ኢረና ተወክሎ
17. ቱምሳ ኢንዶውመንት ለኦሮሚያ ልማት / በአምሳሳደር ሽፈራው ጃርሶ ጠደቻ ተወክሎ
18. ወ/ሮ ሳምራዊት ፈቀደ ዱኪ
19. አብዲ ጉዲና አዳማ የገ/ቁ/ብ/ሕ/ሥ/ዩ በአቶ ወጋየሁ ፅጌ እንዳሸው ተወክሎ
20. ወንጂ ስኳር የገ/ሕ/ሥ/ዩ/ በአቶ ተሾመ አበራ አለሙ ተወክሎ
21. አቶ ተክሌ ታደሰ ገልገሌ
22. የአዳማ ወረዳ ግብርና እና ህ/ሥ/ማ/ ሠራተኞች የገ/ቁ/ብ/ህ/ሥ/ማ በአቶ አብተው ለማ ጂማ ተወክሎ
23. አቶ ተካልኝ መላኩ ገ/መስቀል
24. ወ/ሮ ሌንሳ ሌሊሳ ጫልቺሳ
25. አቶ ፍቃዱ ዴቢሳ ዲማ
26. ወ/ሮ አለሚቱ ፉፋ ጉታ
27. አቶ ዳንኤል ዱፌራ ፈይሳ
28. አቶ ሌቃ ሌጂሳ ወልዴ
ባለአክሲኖች በተጠቋሚዎች ላይ ቅሬታ ካላቹሁ እስከ ጥቅምት 30 ቀን 2014 ዓ.ም ድረስ በሚከተሉት አድራሻዎች ማመልከት የምትችሉ መሆኑን ኮሚቴው ያሳውቃል፡፡
1. በባንኩ ዋና መ/ቤት 5ኛ ፎቅ የዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ ጥቆማና አስመራጭ ኮሚቴ ጽ/ቤት በአካል በመቅረብ መስጠት ወይም
2. በባንኩ የፖ.ሣ.ቁ 16936 ላይ በአደራ ደብደቤ አድራሻውን ለኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ የዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ ጥቆማና አስመራጭ ኮሚቴ በማለት ወይም
3. በባንኩ ኢሜል መላክ ወይም
4. በስልክ ቁጥሮች +251 118549263 / +251 974103886 በመደወል ቅሬታችሁን ማቅረብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን፡፡

1. አስመራጭ ኮሚቴው ከጥቅምት 30 ቀን 2014 ዓ.ም በኃላ የሚቀርቡትን ቅሬታዎች የማይቀበል መሆኑን ከወዲሁ ያሳስባል፡፡

የኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ (አ.ማ)
የዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ ጥቆማና አስመራጭ ኮሚቴ
Vacancy Announcement
1. Graduate Trainee - Supply Chain Management

2. Graduate Trainee (for branches under Adama District)

3. Graduate Trainee (for branches under Asella District)
Find more details👇🏽
Job Title: Graduate Trainee -Supply Chain Management

Requirements to Apply
·BA Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Materials and Supply Management only with Zero year of experience and CGPA of 2.5 and above.
· The applicants must have desirable knowledge, behaviors/right attitudes, and other attributes
· The applicants must have proficiency in Afan Oromo, Amharic, English Languages, and knowledge of other local languages in the respective branch areas are also an added advantage.
· Age of the applicant shall not exceed 27 years (inclusive).
· Only graduate of 2020 and 2021 G.C.

*Place of Work: Head Office- Supply Chain Management Sub-Process
*Remuneration: As per the Bank’s salary scale and benefit scheme
*Terms of employment: Permanent after probationary period
*Registration Deadline: November 10, 2021
*Registration: Online via

Interested applicants should submit their CVs through link above along with required credentials.
Job Title: Graduate Trainee (for branches under Adama District)

Requirements to Apply
· BA Degree in Cooperatives, Accounting, Agricultural Economics, International Trade and Investment Management, Agri-Business and Value-chain Management, Agro-Business Management, Economics, Management, Business Administration, Business Management, Banking and Finance, Banking and Insurance, Public Administration and Development Management, Accounting and Auditing, Accounting and Finance, or any other related field with CGPA of 2.5 and above.

· The applicants must have desirable knowledge, behaviors/right attitudes, and other attributes
· The applicants must have proficiency in Afan Oromo, Amharic, English Languages, and knowledge of other local languages in the respective branch areas are also an added advantage.
· Age of the applicant shall not exceed 27 years (inclusive).
· Only graduate of 2020 and 2021 G.C.

*Place of Work: Branches under Adama District
*Remuneration: As per per the Bank’s salary scale and benefit scheme
*Terms of employment: Permanent after probationary period
*Registration Deadline: November 10, 2021
*Registration: Online via

Interested applicants should submit their CVs through the link above along with required credentials.
Job Title: Graduate Trainee (for branches under Asella District)

Requirements to Apply
· BA Degree in Cooperatives, Accounting, Agricultural Economics, International Trade and Investment Management, Agri-Business and Value-chain Management, Agro-Business Management, Economics, Management, Business Administration, Business Management, Banking and Finance, Banking and Insurance, Public Administration and Development Management, Accounting and Auditing, Accounting and Finance, or any other related field with CGPA of 2.5 and above.

· The applicants must have desirable knowledge, behaviors/right attitudes, and other attributes
·The applicants must have proficiency in Afan Oromo, Amharic, English Languages, and knowledge of other local languages in the respective branch areas are also an added advantage.
· Age of the applicant shall not exceed 27 years (inclusive).
· Only graduate of 2020 and 2021 G.C.

*Place of Work: Branches under Asella District
*Remuneration: As per the Bank’s salary scale and benefit scheme
*Terms of employment: Permanent after probationary period
*Registration Deadline: November 10, 2021
*Registration: Online via

Interested applicants should submit their CVs through the link above along with required credentials.
Vacancy Announcement
1. Manager, Cooperative and Agricultural Banking Business Development
2. Agile Project Manager
3. Principal /Lead Software Developer
4. UI/UX Engineer
5. Application Developer
6. Mobile Application Developer
7. AI/ML Engineer
8. Principal/ Lead Database Administrator
9. Senior Database Administrator
10. Database Administrator
11. BI Developer
12. Strategy Management Expert
13. Change Management Expert
14. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
15. Strategy Management Officer
16. Change Management Officer
17. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
18. Senior Customer Experience & Compliance Handling Officer ( Re- Advert)
19. Customer Experience & Compliance Handling Officer( Re-Advert)
20. Store Management Officer
Find more details👇🏽
Position 1: Manager, Cooperative and Agricultural Banking Business Development

Duty Station: Head Office

Core Competency
• Maintains a commitment to honesty; models social, ethical, and organizational values; firmly adheres to codes of conduct and ethical principles;
• The ability to discover the needs of internal and external customers and strive to deliver services and products to meet these needs in a professional and courteous manner. This includes the willingness to give priority to customer needs and deliver high quality services within the available resources.
• Works effectively with and supports colleagues, fostering a positive and collaborative environment. It is about understanding the need to work together to create an environment of co-operation, trust, and mutual responsibility.
• Actively pursues technical and personal self-development on an ongoing basis; Takes advantage of learning opportunities and ongoing development (e.g., courses, observation of others, assignments, etc.)
• Giving high concern for optimal operations, making effective decisions (business) with a less possible cost, or efficiently
• Able to value communities' values, norms and beliefs and act to discharge responsibilities to obey and serve the community in which the bank operates to earn public credibility.

Functional Competency
• Knowledge of the overall strategic directions of the bank;
• Ability to develop and maintain good working relationships with internal and external partners working around cooperative and agricultural sector transformation;
• Basic knowledge of banking operations
• Proven knowledge of agriculture and cooperatives sector
• Knowledge of laws and regulations relevant to the agricultural and cooperative sectors
• Knowledge of the nature of agricultural production (seasonality, business type, durability, maturity, productivity, etc.)
• Ability to understand and being committed to societal culture and norms
• Understanding of agri-business value chain
• Knowledge of scanning business environment (micro and macro),
• Knowledge of project management
• Knowledge of business plan preparation
• Knowledge of research methodologies
• Research report writing skills
• Communication skills (written, verbal, and presentation skills)
• Analytical skills
• Product design skill
• Understanding of the cooperatives societies’ and farmers business need
• Ability to undertake research projects, to draw policy implications and propose options
• Understanding of banking industry and global perspectives
• Ability to negotiate, influence, and persuade people

Leadership Competency
• Understanding the Banking Business: Applying knowledge of business and the marketplace to advance the bank’s goals.
• Making Complex Decisions: Making good and timely decisions that keep the bank moving forward;
• Taking Initiatives: Taking on new opportunities and tough challenges with a sense of urgency, high energy, and enthusiasm;
• Managing Execution: Providing direction, delegating, and removing obstacles to get work done;
• Focusing on Performance: Consistently achieving results, even under tough and ensuring accountability
• Influencing People: Creating a climate where people are motivated to do their best to help the bank to achieve its objectives;
• Building Collaborative Relationships: Building strong-identity teams that apply their diverse skills and perspectives to achieve common goals; and Handling conflict situations effectively, with a minimum of noise when created
• Being Flexible and adaptable: Operating effectively, even when things are not certain, or the way forward is not clear.
• Being open: Demonstrate self-awareness and work on self-development
• Being Authentic: Having courage and instilling trust in to others
• Optimizing divers talent: Able to attract top talent and develop talent, manage difference and building effective team
• Creating the new and different: Have strategic and innovative mind set
• Minimum of seven years for BA or five years for MA
• Prior experience in the area of business development, project management, research or on another similar areas is required

MA or BA degree in Agronomy, Agricultural Engineering, Cooperatives, Agricultural Economics, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Agri-Business Management, Seed Science and Technology, Food Science, Apiculture, Economics, Project Management, Developmental Studies and other related fields

Main Role and Responsibility
• Developing linkage strategy with cooperative and agricultural banking customer segments
• Work closely with stakeholders with alike mission of transforming the agricultural and cooperatives sector in order to help the cooperative and agricultural banking customer resource mobilization effort.
• Advises/consults cooperative and agricultural banking customer (federations, unions, primary cooperatives, model farmers and other small holder framers) about the banking solutions provided by the bank
• Understand the need of the cooperative and agricultural banking customers at all level and design the appropriate values for them.
• Provide regular value-added engagement with clients and other stakeholders via periodic business visit, meetings, consistent communication, and seminars
• Understand cooperative and agricultural banking business models and integrate the bank’s products and services with the business model.
• Study trends and analyze competition of the market and prepare feasible new lines of business for the bank’s cooperative and agricultural banking sub-segment.
• Provide input and participate in the development and implementation of Cooperative and Agricultural Banking process strategies, policies, and procedures to achieve Coopbank’s strategic objectives.
• Participate in continuously reviewing the Process’s business and operating models to ensure efficiency; reduce wastage of resources and drive productivity by improving systems and work processes.
• Identifying cooperatives of different types and levels and propose and administer different intervention so as to create model cooperatives to encourage cooperative sector business development and enhance cooperatives business operations through the bank.
• Conduct assessment to identify gaps in cooperative and agricultural banking operation areas that can be addressed through different business development interventions.
• Developing concept notes and business proposals to create a strategic partnership with development partners such as NGO’s, cooperative promotion offices and agriculture offices working at federal and regional level;
• Developing Cooperative and Agriculture tailored new products and services;
• Engaging in promoting and advocating the role of cooperatives, model cooperatives in improving the livelihood of the communities at the grassroots level to the general public;
• Preparing the policy papers, and participating on various policy and research engagements in areas of cooperatives and rural development.
• Prepare tailored business plan that can be used for cooperatives and agricultural banking customers
• Work with other stake holders to create business linkage among cooperatives and market linkage for farmers.
Position 2: Agile Project Manager

Duty Station: Head Office

Required Qualifications
• BSc Degree in Information Technologies, Computer Science or related fields;
• 3 years of IT project management;
• 2 years of experience managing Software Development projects;
• Professional certificates in Project Management especially Agile Project Management (is an added advantage);
• Proficient with Project Management tools;
• Effective written and oral communication skills;
• Attentiveness to detail with excellent organizational and time management skills;

Main Role and Responsibility
• Understanding of Agile principles and how to apply them in any industry especially the financial sector;
• Able to adopting agile results-based controls to close projects more effectively;
• Adequate skill on lean/agile work management techniques proven to deliver faster;
• Innovation and leadership approach with skills to unlock team’s potential and problem solving skills;
• know the project management processes, roles, mechanics, and philosophies behind Scrum, to managing work at the team level;
• Able to apply Scrum for Agile Project Management;
• Able to sprint Planning for Faster Agile Team Delivery;
• Able to apply Agile Leadership Principles and Practices;
• Able to apply Agile Process, Project, and Program Controls;
Position 3: Principal /Lead Software Developer

Duty Station: Head Office

Core Competency
• Aptitude for learning new technologies;
• Systems thinking - Thinking in systems – weighing the design of the whole product against individual experiences;
• Extensive experience in software development, scripting, and project management;
• Knowledge of selected programming languages (e.g. Python, C++) and the Java/J2EE platform;
• In-depth knowledge of relational databases (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g. MongoDB);
• Familiarity with various operating systems (Linux, Mac OS, Windows);
• Analytical mind with problem-solving aptitude;
• Experience in scripting, project management, software development, preferably as a Senior Software Engineer;
• Expert-level knowledge of Java/J2EE platform as well as selected programming languages like Python and C++;
• Strong understanding of Java, Spring, and Hibernate;
• Experience with CI/CD and Agile;
• Experience with Elastic Search;
• Experience or academic training on ML or AI is a plus;
• Experience in performance engineering, with insights into collecting, tracing, measuring, analyzing, tuning, and/or modeling;
• Experience in using automated testing frameworks and system monitoring tools like New Relic;
• Experience working with and designing RESTful APIs (AJAX, JSON);

Education and Experience
BSc/BA or postgraduate degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science or other related degrees plus 5 years and more experience and be proficient in any modern language (or be able to quickly jump into anything new);

Main Role and Responsibility
• Be responsible for defining, developing, and evolving software in a fast-paced and agile development environment using the latest software development technologies and infrastructure;
• Translate requirements/vision into a prioritized list of user stories and deliver to required timelines and quality standards;
• Apply principles of SDLC and methodologies like Lean/Agile/XP, CI, Software and Product Security, Scalability, Documentation Practices, refactoring and Testing Techniques;
• Design and develop high-quality software services that meet standards and deliver desired functionality using the technology selected for the project;
• Participate in, contribute to and continuously improve Agile software development processes;
• Inspect, test, and fix code from junior-level engineers along with mentor entry-level engineers;
• Able Strive for quality of performance, usability, reliability, maintainability, and extensibility;
• Developing and maintaining realistic benchmark applications that emulate our customers' environments;
• Strategize with product managers and other team members about the direction of the product;
• Provide technical leadership to an agile team of 3-6 and able to lead a team of software engineers and software developers;
Position 4: UI/UX Engineer

Duty Station: Head Office

• BSc/BA or postgraduate degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science or other related degrees plus A minimum of Two years of demonstrated experience in creating and implementing UI/UX design for digital products or services;
• A solid grasp of user-centered design (UCD), planning and conducting user research, user testing, A/B testing, rapid prototyping, heuristic analysis, usability and accessibility concerns;
• A portfolio of professional UI/UX design work for both web and mobile platforms;
• Experience in using UX design best practices to design solutions, and a deep understanding of mobile-first and responsive design;
• Understanding of interaction design principles;
• Up-to-date knowledge of design software like Adobe Creative Suite (specifically Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop);
• Experience with coding and ability to troubleshoot using HTML, CSS, and comparable languages;
• Expertise in standard UX software such as Sketch, OmniGraffle, Axure, InVision, UXPin, Balsamiq, Framer, and the like;
• Experience creating storyboards and site mapping;
• Continued education and research into UI trends and current design strategy and technology;
• Basic HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript skills are a plus;
• Excellent communication skills and can clearly articulate your ideas, designs, and suggestions;

Main Role and Responsibility
• Gathering and evaluating user requirements, in collaboration with product managers and engineers and create user-centered designs;
• Translating requirements into style guides, design systems, design patterns, and attractive user interfaces;
• Designing UI elements such as input controls, navigational components, and informational components;
• Developing and conceptualizing a comprehensive UI/UX design strategy for the brand;
• Work on cross-platform applications to develop user experiences covering mobile phones, tablets, and computers;
• Producing high-quality UX design solutions through wireframes, visual and graphic designs, flow diagrams, storyboards, site maps, and prototypes;
• Providing advice and guidance on the implementation of UX research methodologies and testing activities in order to analyze and predict user behavior;
• Create user stories, personas, and storyboards
• Illustrating design ideas using storyboards, process flows, and sitemaps;
• Designing graphic user interface elements, like menus, tabs, and widgets;
• Designing UI elements and tools such as navigation menus, search boxes, tabs, and widgets for our digital assets;
• Build page navigation buttons and search fields;
• Prepare and present rough drafts to internal teams and key stakeholders;
• Identify and troubleshoot UX problems (e.g. responsiveness);
• Adhere to style standards on fonts, colors and images, typography, and graphic design;
• Ensure design standards, guidelines, and best practices are adhered to;
• Testing UI elements such as CTAs, banners, page layouts, page designs, page flows, and target links for landing pages;
Position 5: Application Developer

Duty Station: Head Office

• BSc/BA or postgraduate degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science or other related degrees with a minimum of one years of work experience developing and implementing software applications;
• Must be a full-stack developer and understand concepts of software engineering;
• Experience with Agile and Scrum development methodologies;
• Experience working on a variety of software development projects;
• Experience developing secure software systems based upon industry specifications;
• The desire to work in a fast-paced environment;
• Ability to develop unit testing of code components or complete applications;
• Familiarity with Agile development methodologies
• Experience with software design and development in a test-driven environment;
• Knowledge of coding languages (e.g. C++, Java, JavaScript) and frameworks/systems (e.g. Angular JS, Git)
• Experience with databases and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks (e.g. Hibernate)
• Ability to learn new languages and technologies quickly and work independently or as part of a team;

Main Role and Responsibility
• Producing clean, efficient code based on specifications;
• Testing and deploying programs and systems;
• Fixing and improving existing software;
• Directing system testing and validation procedures;
• Troubleshooting, debugging, maintaining, and improving existing software;
• Developing technical documentation to guide future software development projects;
• Create technical documentation for reference and reporting;
• Working with customers or departments on technical issues including software system design and maintenance;
• Preparing reports on programming project specifications, activities, or status;
• Collaborating with management, departments, and customers to identify end-user requirements and specifications;
• Compiling and assessing user feedback to improve software performance;
• maintain systems by monitoring and correcting software defects;
• Work closely with other staff, such as project managers, UX designers, other developers, systems analysts, and sales and marketing professionals;
• continually update technical knowledge and skills by attending in-house and external courses, reading manuals, and accessing new applications;
• Develop intuitive software that meets and exceeds the needs of the Bank;
• Professionally maintain all software and create updates regularly to address customer and company concerns;
• Ability to use more than one development language;
Position 6: Mobile Application Developer

Duty Station: Head Office

• BSc/BA or postgraduate degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science or other related degrees with a minimum of One years of proven work experience as a Mobile developer;
• Demonstrable portfolio of released applications on the App Store or the Android market;
• In-depth knowledge of at least one programming language like Swift and Java;
• Experience with third-party libraries and APIs;
• Familiarity with OOP design principles;
• Extensive knowledge about mobile app development. This includes the whole process, from the first line of code to publishing in the store(s);
• Experience with profiling and debugging mobile applications;
• Strong knowledge of architectural patterns: MVP, MVC, MVVM, and Clean Architecture and the ability to choose the best solution for the app;
• Familiarity with Git;
• Understanding mobile app design guidelines on each platform and being aware of their differences;
• Competence in the three known operating systems: Android, iOS, and Windows will be an added advantage;

Main Role and Responsibility
• Produce fully functional mobile applications writing clean, readable, testable, and sustainable code;
• Contribute to designing, testing, debugging, releasing, documenting, monitoring, and application support;
• Contributing to the development of project schedules and workflows;
• Recommending changes and enhancements to mobile applications;
• Liaise with the Product development team to plan new features;
• Ensure new and legacy applications meet quality standards;
• Research and suggest new mobile products, applications, and protocols;
• Remain up to date with the terminology, concepts, and best practices for coding mobile apps;
• Cooperating with back-end developers, designers, and the rest of the team to deliver well-architected and high-quality solutions;
• Always keep up-to-date with concepts, terminologies, and global best practices for the coding of different mobile applications;
• Documenting project plan and technical specifications;
• Comprehend customer needs and its translation to an application framework;
• Ensure continuous evaluation, discovery, implementation, and the maintenance of new technologies so as to maximize the efficiency of development;
• Conduct training and share expertise with other mobile app developers within the Bank;
Position 7: AI/ML Engineer

Duty Station: Head Office

• BSc/BA or postgraduate degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science, Maths/Statistics or other related degrees with a minimum of One years of proven work experience;
• Math and Statistics skills (linear algebra, calculus, Bayesian statistics, mean, median, variance, etc.);
• Programming experience in Python, R, Java, C++, etc.
• Knowledge of Big Data frameworks like Hadoop, Spark, Pig, Hive, Flume, etc.
• Experience in working with ML frameworks, libraries, and packages;
• Experience of working in Machine Leaning Jobs before is an added advantage;
• Understand data structures, data modeling, and software architecture;
• Experience in visualizing and manipulating big datasets;
• Working knowledge of a non-structured database such as MongoDB, Hadoop, and Spectral;

Main Role and Responsibility
• Builds ML/AI models using common methods within R and Python;
• Research and implement appropriate ML algorithms and tools
• To develop ML/AI apps according to customer/client requirements;
• To extend and enrich existing ML frameworks and libraries;
• To train and re-train ML systems and models as and when necessary;
• Using AI best practices in regards to applications in speech recognition, data processing, data mining, and robotic control;
• Analyzing and associating AI principles into reasoning and uncertainty in any perspective environment;
• Applying AI and machine learning techniques for image analysis and reconstruction;
• Implementing AI and machine learning solutions to solve a variety of complex problems or scenarios;
• Creating solutions that combine artificial intelligence best practices with machine learning principles;
• Evaluating and improving the performance of applications in AI/ML domains;
• Writes reusable code libraries for use by other machine learning engineers;
• Writes software code to enable and automate ML/AI model training and deployment;
• Investigates and adapts new software platforms for ML/AI and data engineering;
• Select appropriate datasets and data representation methods;
• Run ML/AI tests and experiments;
• Perform statistical analysis and fine-tuning using test results;
• Train and retrain systems when necessary;
• Understanding business objectives and developing/enhancing models that help to achieve them, along with metrics to track their progress;
• To design and develop AI/ML systems and schemes;
• Enriching existing AI/ML frameworks and libraries;
• Verifying data quality, and/or ensuring it via data cleaning;
• Supervising the data acquisition process if more data is needed;
• Finding available datasets from available sources that could be used for training;
• Defining validation strategies;
• Defining the preprocessing or feature engineering to be done on a given dataset;
• Analyzing the errors of the model and designing strategies to overcome them;
• Deploying models to production;
Position 8: Principal/ Lead Database Administrator

Duty Station: Head Office

• BSc/BA or postgraduate degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science or other related degrees with a minimum of Four years of proven work experience as a Database Administrator managing mainly Oracle database;
• Working knowledge of UNIX, Linux and/or AIX Operating Systems;
• A commitment to continuing professional development (CPD);
• Working experience with RMAN, Oracle Grid, Oracle RAC, Oracle Performance and Tuning and Data Guard;
• Working experience with SQL and PL/SQL;
• Ability to understand and administer other major database such as MySQL, DB2, MS SQL Server;
• Working knowledge of a non-structured database such as MongoDB, Hadoop, and Spectral;

Main Role and Responsibility
• Establish the needs of users and monitor user access, privileges and security;
• Ensure that storage and archiving procedures are functioning correctly;
• Maintain data standards, including adherence to the Data Protection Act;
• Write database documentation, including data standards, procedures and definitions for the data dictionary (metadata);
• Build database systems of high availability and quality depending on each end user’s specialized role;
• Perform tests and evaluations regularly to ensure data security, privacy and integrity;
• Monitor database performance, implement changes and apply new patches and versions when required
• Software installation and Maintenance;
• Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading;
• Build, monitor and continuously develop a high performance database infrastructure;
• Implement industry-wide best practices and daily health checks within host server and database environments;
• Manage development, test and production environments; perform administrative functions; maintain documentation;
• Design, create and maintain database structures; review application design and SQL code;
• Design, test and implement backup/recovery strategies and contingency plans;
• Monitor analyze and report on availability, performance and resource consumption;
• Plan, test and implement software upgrades; monitor alerts; administer licenses; interface with vendors;
• Monitor daily operations; log issues and ensure resolution;
Position 9: Senior Database Administrator

Duty Station: Head Office

• BSc/BA or postgraduate degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science or other related degrees with Two years of proven work experience as a Database Administrator managing mainly Oracle database;
• Working knowledge of UNIX, Linux and/or AIX Operating Systems;
• A commitment to continuing professional development (CPD);
• Working experience with RMAN, Oracle Grid, Oracle RAC, Oracle Performance and Tuning and Data Guard;
• Working experience with SQL and PL/SQL;
• Ability to understand and administer other major database such as MySQL, DB2, MS SQL Server;

Main Role and Responsibility
• Establish the needs of users and monitor user access, privileges and security;
• Ensure that storage and archiving procedures are functioning correctly;
• Maintain data standards, including adherence to the Data Protection Act;
• Write database documentation, including data standards, procedures and definitions for the data dictionary (metadata);
• Build database systems of high availability and quality depending on each end user’s specialized role;
• Perform tests and evaluations regularly to ensure data security, privacy and integrity;
• Monitor database performance, implement changes and apply new patches and versions when required
• Software installation and Maintenance;
• Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading;
• Build, monitor and continuously develop a high performance database infrastructure;
• Implement industry-wide best practices and daily health checks within host server and database environments;
• Manage development, test and production environments; perform administrative functions; maintain documentation;
• Design, create and maintain database structures; review application design and SQL code;
• Design, test and implement backup/recovery strategies and contingency plans;
• Monitor analyze and report on availability, performance and resource consumption;
• Plan, test and implement software upgrades; monitor alerts; administer licenses; interface with vendors;
• Monitor daily operations; log issues and ensure resolution;
Position 10: Database Administrator

Duty Station: Head Office

• BSc/BA or postgraduate degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science or other related degrees with a minimum of one years of proven work experience as a Database Administrator managing mainly Oracle database;
• Working knowledge of UNIX, Linux and/or AIX Operating Systems;
• A commitment to continuing professional development (CPD);
• Working experience with RMAN, Oracle Grid, Oracle RAC, Oracle Performance and Tuning and Data Guard;
• Working experience with SQL and PL/SQL;
• Ability to understand and administer other major database such as MySQL, DB2, MS SQL Server;

Main Role and Responsibility
• Establish the needs of users and monitor user access, privileges and security;
• Ensure that storage and archiving procedures are functioning correctly;
• Maintain data standards, including adherence to the Data Protection Act;
• Write database documentation, including data standards, procedures and definitions for the data dictionary (metadata);
• Build database systems of high availability and quality depending on each end user’s specialized role;
• Perform tests and evaluations regularly to ensure data security, privacy and integrity;
• Monitor database performance, implement changes and apply new patches and versions when required
• Software installation and Maintenance;
• Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading;
• Build, monitor and continuously develop a high performance database infrastructure;
• Implement industry-wide best practices and daily health checks within host server and database environments;
• Manage development, test and production environments; perform administrative functions; maintain documentation;
• Design, create and maintain database structures; review application design and SQL code;
• Design, test and implement backup/recovery strategies and contingency plans;
• Monitor analyze and report on availability, performance and resource consumption;
• Plan, test and implement software upgrades; monitor alerts; administer licenses; interface with vendors;
• Monitor daily operations; log issues and ensure resolution;
Position 11: BI Developer

Duty Station: Head Office

• BSc/BA or postgraduate degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science or other related degrees with a minimum of Two years of proven work experience as a BI Developer;
• In-depth understanding of database management systems, online analytical processing (OLAP) and ETL (Extract, transform, load) framework;
• Familiarity with BI technologies (e.g. Microsoft Power BI, Oracle BI);
• Knowledge of SQL queries, PL/SQL (trigger, procedure, function, packages);

Main Role and Responsibility
• Designing, developing and maintaining business intelligence solutions;
• Crafting and executing queries upon request for data;
• Presenting information through reports and visualization;
• Translate business needs to technical specifications;
• Design, build and deploy BI solutions (e.g. reporting tools)
• Maintain and support data analytics platforms;
• Create tools to store data (e.g. OLAP cubes);
• Conduct unit testing and troubleshooting;
• Evaluate and improve existing BI systems;
• Collaborate with teams to integrate systems;
• Develop and execute database queries and conduct analyses;
• Create visualizations and reports for requested projects;
• Develop and update technical documentation;