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Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
80% of UK food banks expect to run out of food in the near future. Let that sink in. We are a hair's breadth away from lots of hungry people -- not just rising food prices.

(Remember last year, US food banks stocking up “pandemic pallets” ? Now we see why.)

For years I have warned this was in their plan, and encouraged growing gardens and raising animals. It is still the time to share those seeds with neighbors. And be ready to defend what you have cultivated.

UK: Food banks warn of smaller parcels due to supply shortages
Declining stocks and expected higher demand for charity could see struggling families given less in their food parcels

Food banks have said they will have to shrink the size of the parcels they give to struggling families owing to declining stock levels caused by the HGV crisis, supply shortages and a collapse in public donations.

A combination of declining food bank stocks and an expected explosion in demand for charity support after universal credit is cut this week has led some to prepare emergency measures to eke out food supplies further, including making parcels smaller and offering less variety.

Several reported they were already spending hundreds of pounds a month to replenish storerooms depleted by a fall-off in deliveries of surplus food from supermarkets and a big decrease in food donations from the public.

A survey of 68 UK food banks carried out by the Independent Food Aid Network (Ifan) in mid-September and seen by the Guardian found two-thirds reporting food shortages and more than 80% anticipating running low on food stocks in the near future.

#uk #FoodPrices #SupplyChain
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
“Propane Market Armageddon”: US propane inventories are at a record low and will be extremely tight as cold weather is ahead.

— This energy crisis will affect everyone, including #FoodPrices, as farmers use propane both to heat barns and other facilities and to dry grains.

Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
Russia considering wheat export quota of 9 million tons

Russia, one of the world’s biggest wheat exporters, has been taking steps to slow sales abroad to curb domestic food inflation. It’s also introduced a floating tax on grain exports, though the measures have had limited effects on total seasonal volumes.

However, the decision will be closely watched in the global wheat market, which is facing increasingly tight supplies after crops around the world were hit by droughts, frost and heavy rain.

Benchmark prices in Chicago reached a nine-year high last month.

Watch #wheat

#FoodPrices #Russia
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
And overnight, food prices are rising up to 50% in Germany. It’s happening fast:

“German retailer Aldi Nord will raise its prices by an average of 20-50% due to an increase in production costs, local media reported on Sunday.
From Monday onwards, meat, sausage products, and butter will be "significantly more expensive," a company spokesman told German press agency DPA, adding that the price hikes in various products were necessary due to the rise in manufacturing costs.

#Germany #FoodPrices
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
Drought in the wheat growing areas of USA has latest USDA Winter Wheat crop condition estimates at worst in 10 years. China also claims their wheat is the worst on record. Ukraine/Russia not exporting.

Hard Red Winter wheat is nearly half of the overall US wheat production.

Multiple breadbasket failure.

#Wheat #FoodShortages #FoodPrices #GrandSolarMinimum
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
“UK Woman stops eating to afford feeding her child” — while these headlines are sad, it seems they are more about tugging on heartstrings to justify the concepts of Nutritional Security, i.e. food as UBI (Universal Basic Income), and push the zeitgeist forward into mindset of food scarcity.

#UK #FoodPrices
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
UN Food Chief Halves Refugee Meal Rations As Global Hunger Crisis Worsens 

Too bad
people can’t simply eat half as much…

“On Monday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), released a statement detailing "the heartbreaking decision to cut food rations for refugees who rely on us for their survival."
"As global hunger soars way beyond the resources available to feed all the families who desperately need WFP's help, we are being forced to make the heartbreaking decision to cut food rations for refugees who rely on us for their survival," Beasley said. 

#FoodPrices #Rationing
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
India's drought conditions bode poorly for #rice prices — and for #FoodPrices in general as supplies run short of other grains.

Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
(see note below:)

German food banks suffer as former donors forced to become recipients

“People who used to be on the other side donating and helping us are now coming and asking for help," says Petra Lehmann, who heads the Heimatstern association. "We have lots of families now where it's impossible from one income to feed the family because it's so expensive."
This is also changing people's behaviors. "We buy more jars of cheap food," says Sertap. "It may be chicken. It could be fish, beans because they are more suitable for us."

Pensioner Katrin Obermeier has started rationing her food: "I'm using foods longer, especially past the expiration date because it is still well preserved."

[IceAgeFarmer note: this is true BUT remember that removal of date markings by end of 2022 was planned in the 2018 EU Farm to Fork agenda!! We are following the globalist food crisis scripts to a T!!]

#eu #Germany #FoodPrices
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
"I'm Shocked": US Crop Tour Reveals Drought-Stricken Cornfields

With Europen crops damaged by summerlong heatwaves and Argentina hit by drought, an underwhelming size of North America's crops could result in shortfalls globally next year.

Corn futures in Chicago rose to a six-week high on Tuesday as crop tours show much of the Western crop belt is plagued with drought conditions, especially in parts of Nebraska and South Dakota where plants aren't producing ears of grain

#us #corn #FoodPrices
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
Mass crop failures expected in England

Half of the potato crop is expected to fai
l as it cannot be irrigated, and even crops that are usually drought-tolerant, such as maize, have been failing.

The group was told “irrigation options are diminishing with reservoirs being emptied fast”, and losses of 10-50% are expected for crops including carrots, onions, sugar beet, apples and hops. Milk production is also down nationally because of a lack of food for cows, and wildfires are putting large areas of farmland at risk.

#uk #FoodPrices
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
The losses are catastrophic in every direction. Italy: extreme drought

Massimo Saronni walks across his rice field, each step a loud crunch. This field should be flooded with water, flourishing with four-foot emerald green blades and golden rice panicles. Instead, the plants have taken on a yellow-brown tinge and the soil has hardened from lack of rain. Small patches of survivors dot the field, but they only reach his ankle.

“These crops are seriously damaged. They haven’t had water, so they’re not going to make it,” says Saronni, who has worked as a rice farmer for over 30 years. He cultivates different rice varieties, including carnaroli, a high-starch rice prized in Italian cuisine for the creamy risotto it makes.

Northern Italy is suffering from spiking temperatures and its worst drought in more than 70 years.

Italy is the biggest producer of rice in the European Union—accounting for over half of its total production—and importers of Italian rice will surely feel the pinch.

#eu #rice #italy #FoodPrices
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
🚨 Canada: wheat stocks down 38% year over year.

#canada #FoodPrices #wheat
Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
U.S. winter wheat farmers plant into dust as Plains drought persists

"It's sort of a grim situation," said Kent Winter, who farms in Andale, Kansas, outside Wichita. He said he normally seeds by mid-October but has yet to plant any.

[ IceAgeFarmer note: I have never before seen #wheat trending on twitter … ]

The 2023 U.S. hard red winter wheat crop is already being hobbled by drought in the heart of the southern Plains, wheat experts said.

Planting plans may be scaled back in the U.S. breadbasket despite historically high prices for this time of year, reflecting rising global demand and thin world wheat supplies projected to end the 2022/23 marketing year at a six-year low. The tight supplies have been exacerbated as the conflict in Ukraine has disrupted grain exports from the Black Sea region.

The drought threatens Kansas, the top winter wheat growing state, and Oklahoma in two ways: discouraging farmers who have not yet planted from trying, while threatening crops already in the ground from developing properly.

#wheat #FoodPrices