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I don't know about you, but my 2023 has not started as I had hoped. I had big plans and was raring to go, but it's been more of a pizzle squip of a start 🫥

In my family we've been taking turns to be ill. If it wasn't me, it was one of my daughters who needed looking after. So family and health has been a priority for me.

When I could see that 2023 was off to a shakey start, I decided to dive back into healing my hidden traumas. Doing 'worky work' is not easy for me when I've not slept brilliantly, but healing traumas is perfect. And, alas for me, much needed!

If you were one of those who took part in my free trauma healings last year, you'll know what I mean.

Also, the more I heal, the stronger my intuition becomes. I just hear it more.

Before, I'd be very good at wading in with my mental self - my ego - and saying things like "well, that's all very well Lex, but you really *should* be cracking on with XYZ, like you said you would". But now, it's more like "Oh? The time's not right for that yet? OK... You want me to do THIS? Right... OK then"

On the outside, this might appear flakey and inconsistent.... and I still beat myself up about this. Obviously more healing yet to do! 😂

But I'm learning more and more to not listen to that part of me. I know that my intuition only has my best interests at heart. For too long, I've been ignoring it or talking over it. Not any more. But, it's a process for me and I'm not quite there 100% yet.

I'm sharing this with you, because I think this is stuff we all wrestle with to some degree. Do you?

One thing that's been coming through really strong for me recently is around how I should focus on HEALING THE MANY.  This has always been a guiding light for me and my work, and is why I create DIY tools and resources.

I want people to feel empowered and able to crack on with healing their head trash. But now I'd like to take this further.

I'd like to find ways that we can heal TOGETHER. To share in those healing experiences. To have the support of one another during our healing journeys.

Healing your emotional self can sometimes feel like a total drag. I get that.

It can also be boring and repetitive. Just like going to the gym can be boring and repetitive. That's why people love exercise classes. So, I've been pondering how I can help to make this easier, and more enjoyable.

A lot of people tell me they "need to get back to it" or they "struggle to stick with their clearances". Even though they know they need to do it, life just gets in the way.

Sound familiar?

So, part of me also wants to help people to STICK to their healing journey. Because it's only when you stick to it that the real changes come about.

And FINALLY (it's in caps because I feel I've devoted way too much time to this! 😂) a way of doing this is emerging. It's not fully emerged because... well, I'm me! And I'm still trying to throttle that part of me that overthinks everything! 😂 (#workinprogress over here!).

What I'd like to create is something along these vibes:

Regular group gatherings
These would be get togethers where you can share what you're wrestling with and get support and direction. There's a lot that people are struggling with right now. Having a safe and supportive space to share and get support can make a real difference to helping you to change how you're feeling for the better.

This also gives me an opportunity to help you address the things that you're facing on a personal level.

Regular live group clearances and healings
This worked really well when I did the group healings last year, but I felt they were just touching the surface. I would like to go deeper with these so that they are more potent and effective.

Explore various aspects of life
I would like to dive into things like relationships (with parents, partners, kids, ourselves), boundaries / self-care, or health habits (eating, drinking, sleep etc) so that progress can be made in these areas in a meaningful way.

Is this something you would be interested in?

Just reply with YES or NO.
Perhaps there is something that you would find useful that I haven't mentioned... let me know.

I would love to hear your thoughts.
thank you!
One of my clients at the moment is a therapist who specialises in treating PTSD.

As part of our work together I could see that she had some unresolved trauma around the theme of control.

This intrigued her because as far as she was concerned, her life was severely lacking in trauma. She just couldn't think of any experiences in her life that were traumatic.

Yes, some aspects of her life had been hard, but traumatic? No.

And given her work she would know, right?

A lot of us are like this. We look to our lives and can't find any obvious signs of trauma. No Big Scary Events, and no major, ongoing painful dramas. And so we don't think we have any unresolved trauma.

But we do! We all do. And we have tons of it!

The problem is that we're looking at trauma wrong. Trauma isn't only Big Scary Events, it's much more than that.

In my view, most of our unresolved trauma comes from micro-traumas. These moments in time, that on their own, don't seem that significant. But the accumulation of them over time, has created a deep emotional wound.

The first time you had one of these experiences, you might have come up with a belief to make sense of it. And you acquired a few fears to help you to guard yourself against a similar thing happening again.

But it did happen again.
And again. And again.

So your beliefs and fears were reinforced. Fast forward through your life, and now you have a deep emotional wound that's showing up today in the form of tell-tale signs of unresolved trauma.

If we're to cast our eye over a list of some of the signs of unresolved trauma, we're all going to be able to relate to a few. But we dismiss it as a culprit because we don't think we have trauma. And so we carry on living our lives with our light being dimmed.

This is because you have micro-traumas. Hidden wounds that are causing mayhem under the surface.

This was what was happening for my client. So I suggested we work on healing this in her.

She was amazed at what came up for her.

She didn't really expect much (because she didn't think she had trauma!) and yet she got a ton of insights and loads of memories surfaced.

She remembered all the times she resisted letting other people be in control and how this was a huge pattern for her all through school and now as an adult.
She also realised that this was because the didn't trust anyone. At all.
This was a big realisation for her and she's still processing it.

I checked, and yes she has trust traumas. Another surprise for her as she can't think of anything traumatic to do with that theme in her life. So that's our next focus and I can't wait to see what comes up for her when we do that one.

This trauma healing process I've developed continues to amaze me. Its super power is healing your hidden wounds, the ones you don't even know you have.

And when it's combined with a goal-focused approach (what is getting in the way of you being/having/doing something?), it can help you to make incredible leaps.

If you've been trying unsuccessfully to heal aspects of yourself, or achieve something epic in your life... I'm pretty sure it's down to your hidden wounds.

Perhaps now is the time to heal them.

If you want to heal your hidden wounds that are getting in the way of your life or business, PM me HIDDEN.

And if you'd like to train in this process, I'll be opening training very soon, PM me TRAINING to find out more.
Back to work for me this week after the kids holidays. It's been a great week. I've had my planning meeting with my new team members and it's been so exciting.

I've got lots of things planned which I'll be sharing with you soon. A huge focus for me is creating ways to make the self-healing journey less lonely, and dare I say it, more fun! We all have 💩 we need to heal, and sometimes it sucks.

But if we can support each other through it, then it can suck less. And, for extra points, we feel loads better because we've healed our shit! 💪🙌🥳

Taking my healing seriously has been a total game-changer for me. Yes, I feel loads better, but as well as that, I've been able to create the life I've always wanted. And much sooner than I would have imagined.

This is something that's available to all of us. And it's what I'd love to help you with. You up for that?

Let me know what big (or little) life change you'd like to experience.

Let me know in the comments x
One of the things I obsess over is figuring out how to make it as EASY as possible for people to self-heal.

One thing I hear a lot from people who are committed to their healing journey, is that they don't know what to do next. They're stuck.

So I've been giving a lot of thought lately to healing road maps.

These are like healing checklists that you can work through, knowing that once you get to the end, you'll feel MUCH better.

And, anyway who doesn't love a good check list?!

Healing isn't always easy... in fact it can suck big time. The emotional toil can feel too much sometimes. Add to that the 'not knowing what to do next' and it can stop you in your tracks.

So having baby steps you can tick off one-by-one is going to be a real help.

And that's what I'm working on.

It's so exciting!!

When it comes to emotional wellbeing and mental health, it's about being consistent. Even if it just means taking baby steps. Eventually you look back and realise how far you've come.

Yip yip for baby-steps!
Last year I ran a series of Live Group Trauma Healings. This was a new thing for me so I wasn't sure how it would go down. It quickly became obvious that these live healings were potent AF.

As a result of these group healings, a lot of people came to me for private sessions - such was their impact.

These private client sessions ended up being even more potent. The change that my clients went through as a result of our work together was mind-blowing - to both of us!

Since then, I've been trying to figure out how I can recreate the one-to-one experience (or something as close to that) for people who want to self-heal. This is The Thing I want to help people with after all.

Yes, I love working privately with my clients. But not everyone can afford it. And that shouldn't mean that people should miss out on healing their shit. If you're hungry to heal, I want to make things easy for you.

So this has inspired me to create some DIY Wound Healing Activation packs.

I revisited all the live trauma healings I did, and came up with a way to replicate the ME part of my private client sessions. I also identified all the themes that are connected to that wound based on what I've observed in my client sessions.

Emotional wounds tend to be connected to other things, and these things can keep them locked in. So working on one thing in isolation gets limited results. It's like getting rid of one knot in your hair (if you have longish hair obvs!). Your hair is only going to look brushed if you get rid of ALL the knots! Same with wounds. Working on one in isolation is a bit silly.. you need to keep going.

Once you work on the connected things too, the wound collapses much more quickly and you start to notice real shifts. And if you move onto another wound, and then another... then you're in the realm of magical transformation.

These DIY Wound Healing packs are brilliant. Especially, if you're the kind of person who's hungry for healing, like me! Then you'll have everything you need to tackle all your core emotional wounds.

And for those who are members of the Clearance Club (my healing membership) this is all being added inside for them too. Lucky Loos that they are!

Wins for the self-healers!

Comment with your fave emoji below if you want a link.
Whenever you’re getting super stressed by stuff - and by that I mean other people winding you up, or situations that stress you out - then this is the ONE question you need to ask yourself.

What is it ABOUT this situation or behaviour that is annoying/triggering me?

The answer to this question is what you need to heal… or clear using Head Trash Clearance.

If you do this EVERY time some ONE or some THING annoys you, before you know it, your life is much calmer and easy. This is because you’re not getting stressed as much.

Try it!
I writing my next book!

This book will be about tokophobia, the extreme fear of pregnancy and birth.

I used to suffer from this but I didn't know. Tokophobia affects around 15% of women and yet no-one's heard of it.

I've done a lot to change this over the years with my podcast (now at nearly 2m downloads), but more needs to be done.

A book will help with this and may well cement me as the "world re-known tokophobia expert" that people call me.

It was my need to be free of it in time for the arrival of my baby that led me to develop a way of healing it. Apparently it couldn't be done, but I missed that memo and healed it in my 2nd trimester.

I now work with women from all over the world to help them be free of it too. It seems nothing else works as I'm usually their last resort as they've tried everything else. Most of my clients end up healing it in a month.

Since developing my fear-clearance method I've supported thousands of women in reducing their anxiety and fears around pregnancy and birth.

Babies have been born that would never have been even a twinkle, it's an honour to do this work.

Picking up the baton and continuing this important work feels like a calling again. With everything going on, the levels of fear around pregnancy and birth are escalating in ways I could never have imagined when I parked this work just over 3 years ago.

I will shortly be opening up training for Birth Professionals so that there can be more of us who can support women with this.

If you're a birth professional and would like to train, do let me know and you know birth professionals, please share this important message with them.

If you know someone who would like to contribute their tokophobia story, I've created a google form https://forms.gle/RDMLGzy5ahBaNBW4A

Every month I hold a support call for members of my self-healing membership, The Clearance Club, to get support and guidance on their self-healing journey.

These group calls are for you to so that you can access support or guidance on any aspect of your healing or head trash clearance journey.

These calls are ideal for things like

I'm feeling XXXX - What can I do to help me feel better / change how I'm feeling?
I want to do clearances around YXZ theme but I'm not sure which ones I should do
XYZ happened doing a clearance and I don't know what that means
. I think I'm doing the clearances wrong... am I?
. XYZ has just happened to me and I need to share/get it off my chest
. I'm struggling with XYZ - how can I get past this?
. My partner keeps doing XYZ and it's really affecting me - what can I do about it?
I've noticed a real shift after doing XYZ and I wanted to share because I feel great!

This month's call is happening tomorrow Thursday at 2pm UK time (6am PST, 9am EST, 11pm Sydney) and it's on Zoom.

There's still time to join the The Clearance Club, if you feel you need some extra healing support right now.

Join the Clearance Club here
👉. https://clearyourheadtrash.com/club/
DIY Emotional Wound Healing Activations

Last year I ran a series of Live Group Trauma Healings. This was a new thing for me so I wasn't sure how it would go down. It quickly became obvious that these wound healings were potent AF.

As a result, a lot of people came to me for private sessions - such was their impact.

These private client sessions ended up being even more potent. The change that my clients went through as a result of our work together was mind-blowing - to both of us!

Since then, I've been trying to figure out how I can recreate the one-to-one experience (or something as close to that) for people who want to self-heal.

This is The Thing I want to help people with after all.
Yes, I love working privately with my clients. But not everyone can afford it. And that shouldn't mean that people should miss out on healing their shit. If you're hungry to heal, I want to make things easy for you.

So it was this that's inspired my DIY Wound Healing Activation packs.

I revisited all the live trauma healings I did, and came up with a way to replicate the ME part of my private client sessions. I also identified all the themes that are connected to that wound based on what I've observed in my client sessions.

Emotional wounds tend to be connected to other things, and these things can keep them locked in. So working on one thing in isolation gets limited results. It's like getting rid of one knot in your hair (if you have longish hair obvs!). Your hair is only going to look brushed if you get rid of ALL the knots!

Once you work on the connected things too, the wound collapses much more quickly and you start to notice real shifts. And if you move onto another wound, and then another... then you're in the realm of magical transformation.
And I've done it! 🙌

You can now choose from a big collection of DIY Wound Healing packs. This means that if you're hungry for healing, like me, then you have everything you need to tackle all of your core emotional wounds.

Wins for the self-healers! 💪

Just head over to the shop on the Clear Your Head Trash site and you're good to go!
Why are people so obsessed with understanding their wounds and emotional pain before letting them go?

This is entirely unnecessary and is getting in the way of any healing (and feeling better).

When you're throwing out an old armchair, are these some of the questions you ask yourself before getting rid of the chair?

- Why was it made?
- Where was it made?
- Who made it?
- Who designed it?
- Where did they get their inspiration from?
- Why does it have 2 back panels?
- Where did that stain come from?
- What fabric has been used?
- What's it stuffed with?
- Where was the stuffing made?
- And the wheels... who made those?

NO! You just get rid of it!

You don't dilly dally trying better understanding the chair.

At most, you might want to know whether it's a family heir loom and if it might have value, or if it's worth refurbishing. And that's where it ends.

Stop doing this with your emotional wounds.

Healing doesn't require you to understand. It's a clear-out job, not a doctorate in psychology.

But this is what a lot of people are spending their time doing. And, it's why, years later, they're still in therapy.

It's just now they know ALL THE THINGS about their chair.

But if they want to get rid of it, they still have to clear it out.

Knowing that it was covered in a fabric from Vietnam hasn't actually helped them do that. It's just delayed the clearing out part.

Why not skip to that bit and save yourself a ton of time/effort/money and feel amazing sooner?
Today I received an email from someone who was so inspired by one of my Head Trash blog posts that she decided to order a bracelet that spelled out its core message.

She ordered it from the Little Words Project (a Taylor Swift friendship bracelet) but they rejected her request because "Little Words Project was founded to inspire self-love and kindness, and your selected words do not support that mission."

The word?


She told me... "So I sent the Little Words Project the Unfuckable definition - inspiring words - from the Head Trash website. The words that have always inspired me."

But they insisted that she cancel her order.

I am absolutely thrilled to share some incredible news with you all! 🤩

Guess what???

I have won an AWARD the “Best Pregnancy & Birth Fear Support Services 2023 - UK” in the LUX Parent & Baby Awards. 💃

It’s for my innovative and creative approach to healing tokophobia and severe anxiety.

If you’ve been following my work, you’ll know that my approach is NOT like therapy, or indeed like anything else out there.

This recognition is awesome, and I couldn’t have done it without the trust of those who have chosen to work with me and use my methods. We’ve all been part of this incredible journey.

So, if that’s you - THANK YOU 🙏

The nomination for this award totally came out the blue! So the fact that it’s not a pay to play award (as I know so many awards are) makes this feel pretty special.

And, because it’s not just about me — it’s about all the peeps that I’ve had the privilege of working with... those who have bravely taken steps toward healing and letting go of their shit.

It’s about every single person who has given Head Trash Clearance a go and found a new path to self-healing. :rainbow::sparkles:

But it’s also deeply personal.

My journey started with my own battle against tokophobia and anxiety during pregnancy, and it was my need to heal in time to welcome my baby that led me to create this innovative approach to healing.

This award is a reminder of the power of personal transformation and the incredible things that can happen when we walk towards our fears and eyeball them.

Thank you for your support and trust in the work I do.

I’m excited about what the future holds, and I can’t wait to continue this journey with all of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of this community.

Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s keep spreading love and healing together!

Big smiles and high fives!
How do you know if your inner work, has worked?

I've found a new metric that can give us that answer 🙌

One of the ways that I've been taught as part of the various therapeutic trainings I've attended is something called the SUD (the subject's unit of distress). How bad does this thing feel for you out of 10? The idea being that when you're working to address this thing that's bad for you, you probably start the intervention process giving it a rating of around the 8-10 level.

Then you check in with yourself at the end of the intervention and see what your number is. The hope is that it's gone down.

Another way you can tell if the inner work you're doing is working, is to check in with yourself;
👉 How are you feeling?
👉 Are you sleeping better?
👉 Do you have more energy?
👉 Are you feeling less stressed?
👉 Does your life feel like it's improved?

And this is a useful barometer for sure. But it's very subjective and not massively reliable.
👉 You might be wrestling with a super-stressful work situation that's clouding your judgement.
👉 You could be hormonal.
👉 You might be feeling great off the back of a new exercise habit.
👉 You might think that you feel different, but your partner doesn't think you've changed. Or vice versa! They tell you that you've changed and it catches you by surprise.

How can we cut through all that to get a clear understanding as to whether you really have changed?

What's your baseline?

I'm interested in changes in things like this...
what's your typical emotional state?
what's your perspective on the world? has it changed?
how are you solving life's challenges, and has this changed?
what's your typical life experience, and has this changed?
are you still feeling stuck or can you see a way out?

Can this be measured?

And - here's the important bit - can we do it in a way that is NOT subjective?

And, could we do it in a way that other people can also check for? Where they too will get the same results that you do?

Does this exist?

I think so.

When I discovered this I decided to start testing with it to see what I could learn and how it could be used. And it's been fascinating.

I now use this to track and measure all my clients.
My clients use it too to check in with themselves. I regularly get messages telling me what their latest reading is. And I can verify it at my end.

If you want to find out more about this, then this is what I dive into in this week's podcast > https://clearyourheadtrash.com/podcast/how-to-measure-the-progress-of-inner-work/
14-day HEALING EXPERIENCE - You're invited!

This is group healing experience, where you can access potent and life-changing healing in safe group environment.

Give yourself the ultimate gift this festive season - self-care that really makes a difference!

It starts DECEMBER 7th and runs for 14 days.

This is what's incuded;

3 x Group Calls (90 mins each) 
These calls are an opportunity for you to share how your clearances are going and to get feedback as to whether they are fully cleared, and if not, what you need to do to clear them. You will also receive guidance on what themes or clearances you need to focus on.

3 x Wound Healing Activations [worth £75]  
The themes will be based on the needs of the group at the time and will be recorded with the group in mind. Once the Wound Healing Activation is recorded, it will be shared in the Facebook group.

Access to the Clearance Club [worth £22]
The Clearance Club is my self-healing membership that contains a vault of Head Trash Clearance Mantras for lots of themes so that you can address the various aspects of your fears and anxiety. If there are any mantras that you need and that you can't find, then these will be provided for you. 

Private Facebook Group 
Use this group to ask questions and receive guidance in between the monthly calls. Also use the group to support each other. 

Full price is £99, but it's HALF PRICE until Friday night!

Join the experience here 👉
Media is too big
Here’s what we’ll be doing during my 14 day Healing Experience that starts next week