Clash Royale on PC with Gameloop
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Play game Clash Royale on PC with Emulator Gameloop.Mobi free
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Review after 4 years of playing this game. Since then all the things is improved. Loved to play the game. Graphics also awesome. But only one thing I didn't like the offers you give In store which is not value for money at all. So I want to say that plse give some value of money offers in the store
I really like the sense of accomplishment that comes with leveling up and having good battle strategy. Most games over look this but I feel that alot of players like to level things up and actually see a physical change to the object or person they just leveled up and this game does it really well with the village becoming more powerful looking as you go through the multiple levels. I have so far only gotten my town hall to about level 4 but I already feel like I've accomplished so much.
This game is honestly still one of the best strategy games on mobile if not the best. With the recent update where walls, heroes and certain troops' costs are reduced, the game has gotten significantly easier. I have a main account th11 and two mini accounts, a th10 and a th9. Back then it was a real grind even on my th9 but now it's just so much easier. Still pretty challenging to say the least but that's what makes the game fun to play. Definitely worthy of a 5 star rating Since 2 weeks i cannot copy layout links if the game is not already started. And even if its started its not always working. How hard is for you guys to make a simple fix for this bug? It is not the first time its happened to introduce a bug in an update and then to take ages to make a fix. It is also not normal for a company this big to introduce that many bugs with each update. Common, you make bilions, hire some good testers and have a better testing procedure already!
Awesome game, but it'll probably take years to get to the highest level. This is the only game I've ever spent money on and I've spent WAY TOO MUCH on this. Th 9 is probably the best level for fun but even so it's cost me $400 so far. Do yourself a favour and go to G2g and just buy an ID instead of working your way up. Learn the strategies before you go higher, its worth it and way cheaper. Still it's a great game.
The new update's glitching on my phone,is it the norms nowadays?? Another problem is that opponents that are at a higher level than mine,attack me and collect all my trophies(20-34),but the opponents that appear when i want to attack are way higher than my level,the ones that are on the same level as mine,have pratically no trophy to offer(2-11),so its not balanced at all😑😑...u should look into it pls This game is blatantly a cash grab for super cell, after winning two or three games in a row it just gives you ridiculously mismatches, no matter how good u are or powerful your cards are you will get beaten. Once you reach level 11 it will take you years to upgrade (unless of course, you spend dinero). This game is fun, no doubt,. and they should make money out of it,. but the pay to win level is just too much.
I love this game... However, it is a bit of a buy to win game. You CAN spend 0 dollars and take several months to collect all the cards, or you could spend money on chests and get all the cards in the world in one day. It's unfair b/c I don't have all this money coming out of my butt to get these cards like youtubers can. Sorry if this review is too lengthy, but I just wanted to get that out there real quick.
Good game. After 3 years of playing with it I still enjoy it. But over the years the only 1 thing that never changed is that awful network management. Even on wifi or 4g/3g you get from time to time a disconnection on that precise moment.... That was true then, it continues now. Never an improvement on that aspect. That is really annoying but apart from that a fun game
I play this game way too often to not give it 5 stars. Theres few thing that actually make this game annoying and frustrating ... The disconnection matter needs to be addressed and resolved. I've been playing this game for 3/4 years and it's never been this bad. I more or less disconnect from every 3rd match and nothing has been done to resolve this. Also I think Β£5 a month for basically nothing is a waste and for the people that have been here since day 1 should have some sort of loyalty points
This game is great. But I've never seen such unbalanced match making in my life. As soon as I got to lvl 10 I started going up against only max lvl player with max lvl cards, literally i can show my battle log. And it's the same thing every time. I go against a mega knight or sparky, and I've played for over 2 years and spent money on this game, but these people who have played for less than a year some how have them but I dont.
I'm going to be honest... Supercell, this is an AWESOME game. It's soo good especially in arenas. But, I must say in leagues, this game gets worse. You are matched with opponents 2-3 levels higher than u and sometimes even 4 levels higher than u. This is a major problem faced by tons of people. And..The lag issue is also a big problem these days. I really do hope u read this comment and fix the game.
I love this game but the matchmaking sometimes is absolutely horrible! I am level ten and I'm constantly facing level 12s and 13s! This happened when I was level nine too. I thought that the matchmaking was based on card levels, but most of my opponents have level 11, 12, and 13 cards. I have all 8 and 9 level cards! I have tilted about 200 trophies in two days because of this, and the season is almost over. Seth and Drew, please fix the matchmaking! It would make the game better for many people
Its a good game but there is one BIG problem in this game. Its the matching mechanism. For example you're just a newbie and then you when you maych make you will have an unfair match which is the enemy is Much!! Much!! Stronger than you. It doesn't make any sense right??? How can i rank up in this kind of Situation. I am very Dissapointed. I uninstall this game just because of that Sorry.
😁It's a great game, totally recommend it! I would really like a flying building that floats in the air but just stays there. It probably won't happen. But there is a chance right? I also wish you can add a small splash damage to the P.E.K.K.A. because groups of weak enemies are always going destroy the P.E.K.K.A. Just suggestions, maybe soon features.
This game used to be fun but now there are a couple of issues. 1. How much wifi does 1 game need? I literally have to sit right next to the router in order to play without disruptions! 2. Stop matching me against dirty gemmers! It's literally always against level 13s! Matchmaking is definitely rigged. And there is also the hack where you just swap a few low level cards in your deck to face against low-leveled players. That's so unfair! I faced 13 level 13s in a row! Yes, I know the coincidence.
😍Clash is a very good game, but many, many flaws hold it back. There's the obvious, balance issues of games like these. Battle healer is annoying to deal with, fisherman is broken to bits, mega knight, dominating any game that it's in, and so many more cards that need to be fixed. Next is the matchmaking. Its really annoying to hear people say "matchmaking isn't broken" when you get paired with level 13 players with max cards. All in all, I wish these issues would be addressed and fixed.

😍Really love this game, even tho it pisses me off so much! Everything works well and is enjoyable. Supercell only just introducing a paid 'pass' which is kind of annoying but understandable, and there are always fun new modes to play. But pleeease supercell fix the scaling on my phone. It's a OnePlus 7T and all the maintenance break and other banners at the bottom are always cut off. Thankyou! Otherwise fantastic game, very addictive πŸ‘
Terrible. Every time I try to get to a new rank, I coincidentally play against decks that counter mine 4/5 times. Matchmaking is trash. I'm tired of paying money for it. Not dropping another dime on this rigged game. It is a pay to win, and it's obvious. They make the matchmaking rigged to force you to pay to advance further.
😁It's awesome.... I've played this for quite a while now, I have had on and offs in this game, and now I've reached Challenger 3.... I didn't give it a 5 star rating, though I want to, because their are a lot of mismatches in this game.... I'm lvl 8 now and I would play againt max lvl players with max cards.... This is so annoying and unfair, and worst of all, it's unwinnable.... So please, fix this so that we can played fair matches....

πŸ˜‚The game is fun and there are many ingenious strategies you can use if you know how to play different troops. However later in the game the algorithm typically sets you up for a string of wins (to make your trophy count high) then many losses, and I suspect this is to nudge you towards making microtransactions in the game (typical sunk-cost fallacy).
I changed my ratings from 5 stars to 3 stars, then 2 stars and now gave 1 star. I am playing for almost 3 years but now it shows bad connection sign even when the internet speed is 1mbps. Matchmaking is terrible. You get to play those guys having level 13 cards and king tower even when you are 9 or even 8. I know matchmaking happens on the basis of leagues but you cannot get above level 11 if you are a free player. Pay them and you will be maxed player in a month or two. Look for other games.
❀The gameplay and interface has been good right from the start of the game. With the introduction of new cards, new balance changes whenever necessary and the maintenance breaks, it's obvious that lots of effort have been and is being taken to improvise the game. I'm re-writing this review to share my thought. I didn't know where to submit so I came to play store. By the way, to be clear I'm not here to suggest any troops or pros and cons or nerfs and buffs. Kindly add forward and revind replays
Clash Royale is a great game and it isnt pay to win! Ive played for almost 3 years and I have never spent real money in the game and I have been doing great! Those people that say that they face higher lvl players in the leagues is because they are lower level in the leagues and when you push to the leagues as a lvl 8-10 player, you will constantly face lvl 12 or 13 players. Leveling up cards you like/use may be difficult but you just need to be patient and you will eventually upgrade them.
😘Great game. It's very fun to play but there are problems. One of them is unfair matchmaking. Sometimes I get opponents 3-4 level higher than me. Another problem is the server connection. Even though I have smooth internet connection, it always shows connection problem. And with the same connection I can play pung in 100 ping. Plz fix that. I played it 3 years ago and the only reason I quit because of connection problem and I think same thing is going to happen now 🀬🀬
If you don't choose to max out one or two decks only, you will have underleveled cards when compared to your opponents. Everything about the game is great, but the fact that for this long the devs have failed to successfully address the problem of you facing against an overleveled player is ridiculous. As a player with level 10cards I have to constantly face against people with maxed out cards. Why can the devs not just make people with a certain level face other people with the exact card level
❀Very dishonest game that will make you play against opponents that are 1, 2 or even sometimes 3 levels above you to make you lose. I used to love this game because it was skill based. You also play about people who paid the season pass. As a result even if they have the same tower level. There cards are much more stronger, which is really a huge advantage. There is a rule in videogames. A player should never be punished for something he himself can not changRight now, I'm really dissappointed.
😘Matchmaking is so unfair and manipulating. Obviously, system for matchmaking is based upon your cards selection. The system always look for an oponent which has at least the same cards with yours, sometimes unfair because your opponent has LEGENDARY CARDS! Basically it is a strategic game, but also a game of luck, in terms of matchmaking.
😊Good concept, bad execution. The skill level is all over the place and the game is mostly pay to win. There is an extreme unbalanced with certain decks and cards that will leave most players at a disadvantage. The amount of times the other opponent has had cards that are impossible to counter is endless. Please fix the game or people will start leaving. If you reading Super Cell, the improvements in a game is better than the money. The better the game, the better the success.
Don't install this game, unless you want to pay to win. This greedy company seems to need your money BIG TIME!! Plus you will constantly compete against much better, and higher level opponents than yourself, and you'll have many battle losses too. Battle Matchmaking system is very poor as well. I'm quitting this frustrating game because of this. Supercell have only themselves to blame if people quit because of this!!
πŸ‘The game is very enjoyable for about the first 10 arenas. Then it turns into a pay-to-win. If you're any good at the game, you should be able to move up arenas very quickly. But now I'm in Challenger 3 at level 9, and every single person I face is 2 or 3 levels higher than me, making it near impossible to win. You're ability to win is based 50% on skill, and 50% on buying in game items with real money.
Matchmaking is terrible. Once you finally stay getting somewhere they place you against way better competition so you lose a ton of trophies. Level ten should not be playing level thirteen with all Maxed cards!! It wouldn't be that hard to make match making better but they refuse to make the game better. I'm level ten and if I play 20 games and only see level 10 or lower once you're doing something wrong clash Royale.
People cry about how unfair the matchmaking is but thats not the problem. There is a point where all you can do is wait to level up. My problem is how long it takes to level up. Yea sure once you get there it will be cool but i shouldnt have to play for 3 years to get max level. What am i supposed to be on top of it everyday of my life. Why cant you guys for once not think completely about money. Sure you guys have tons of fans why should you care. But this could be mobile game of the century FU
❀I enjoyed playing this game every day for a very long time but once I got close to challenger it was like they put me up against people that were way ahead of me and that is what has pushed me away from that game a lot more than I used to be. but other than that the game has some great graphics and it is a fun game to play when your bored or on a road trip. If your looking for a game that you can just get on and play for a while and keep grinding than I would recomend this game for you.

πŸ˜‚A lot more worse then cofc, I have to admit there was a time when I preferred this over clash of clans, but I don't see why. I don't actually know what it is, maybe the battle system, collectibles or just because I don't have as much freedom. The only thing that stops this from being 2 stars is because it's in the class franchise.

πŸ˜‚I've played this game since it came out. Very addicting and enjoyable at times. Great variety in play styles and cards to get different outcomes. My problem is just how broken this game is. Tornado, rocket, and lightning should not be in the game. Those cards are the reason I'm only giving 3 stars. It gives unskilled, unoriginal people the chance to win by using cheap strategies and stuff they see on YouTube, vs people who actually make their own decks and rely on actual strategy. Just so lame
Fix your game. I wouldn't recommend it at all the matchmaking is terrible. In the higher arenas your either placed with level 12s or 13s while being level 10. I still have level 9 cards and they put me against level 11. In challenges you are against level 13s every time so you have no chance. The game is unbalanced unlike how it once was
😘I really like this game very much. But the match making of this game is terrible so 4 stars. I'm level 11 and get matched with lvl 13 player 2 out of 5 times that's annoying.and supercell doesn't do well in taking care of trophy droppers. If this problem is solved then I will give five stars. Except that the concept of the game, game play, control, graphics are mind blowing. They take good care of the game with frequent updates and balance changes. Good job guys 🀩