Clash Royale on PC with Gameloop
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I really like this game. It is fun, challenging and engaging. So why the 3 stars? I am starting to really become frustrated when me level 9 goes against a level 12 and expect to be an even match. Their castle has more hit points and their spells/creatures are at a higher level HP wise. VERY unfair. This needs to be fixed where the numbers even out for a FAIR match. I will still play, but this needs to be addressed. Thanks for a wonderful game... just my 2 cents.
I have been playing the game for over a year now. I just recently became a master. And I really enjoy this game. It's highly addictive. There's a lot of cards to collect and figure out, learn, attack and defense, time and position. Every alexor counts just as much as every second of the battle. Just recently clash Royal has started "pass Royale". It's nice to get the benefits paying 4.99 every month because it's very difficult to earn money in this game. Which intern upgrade your cards.
๐Ÿ˜˜This is a good game, it could be way better if the matches were fair, right now they are based on trophies but they should be based on level. You could be matched against someone 3 or 4 levels higher than you, and there's NO chance you will win, because their cards are obviously more powerful. Besides the fact that their towers are again MORE powerful. If they would change this small issue it would be a 5 star all day long.
I love this game, it super fun and I play it in my free time however sometimes in the middle of matches I get kicked out of the game because my "Connection is lost". I've tried switching to my data and see if it's just my internet and it's not. It's just really inconvenient when you're about to win and suddenly you lose connection, next thing you know the enemy has downed 2 towers. Besides that, I love playing
The game is overall ok. Even as a player who is free to play, I am still am finding this naturally good because you do not need to pay for all the cards. However, Everytime I match up with someone they most likely a level ahead of me making it hard just to land 300 in Xtra damage on their tower which frustrates me. They should have some sort of system where if this happens you do not lose many trophies, and if you win you get more than an average amount of trophies
This is an amazing app. Some people say that it is a pay to win game, but isnt every multiplayer game? I haven't paid a cent and I am in electro valley going strong. Only thing that I might ask is for legendaries to show up every day in the shop and if we could name our decks different things like "Main deck", and "2v2 Deck", and "Practice Deck". Other than that, this is a great game.
Clash Royale is a good game but has numerous flaws. The matchmaking system is terrible. I am level 10 and am put against level 13s. Like, obviously I'm not gonna win against people who's cards are 3 or 4 levels above mine. The new pay-to-win battle pass also makes it way too easy for people with a little extra cash to just have infinte lives in challenges. Overall, the concept of the game is great, but the more in-depth features could definitely use some help.
I love this game, but there are still some major issues. My main issue involves matchmaking. I am in master 3 at the moment, and I only play level 13s with maxed decks. This is incredibly frustrating because i am a level 12 and my deck is split between 4 level 11s and 4 level 12s. Most of my games are super close and I only lose because other people have higher level cards and buildings. I think you should only get matched with people your level to make things more fair.
I used to play this years ago, and it was great. But matchmaking is broken: I have almost no epics, and I'm getting put against level 8s with miner and mirror while I'm at level 6. Pls make matchmaking better, don't base it on trophies but the actual cards. :P I picked up my phone and lost like 20 battles and dropped 250 trophies in half an hour. That's not reasonable.
the game is so fun and there is fairness in the game. the bad thing about is that is needs a lot of wi-fi to work. the chest also take a long time to open. but the game is still really fun and there are hundreds of players to fight against so if you stay up super late you can still play. you don't have to buy anything if you don't want to and there are chest to get by gems but the gems take a very long time to get so use the gems very wisely. the game in general is really fun though and i luv it
This game used to be absolutely amazing, but then they started adding legendaries and more cards. It used to be a lot more simple and fun, now there is way to many things you have to pay for if you want to get better. Unless, you play the game 24/7. Also, a level 8 player, SHOULDN'T be able to battle a level 12 opponent with everything maxed out.๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ค This game hasn't been good since the first 3 months it came out! WOULD NOT RECOMMEND.
I get paired with literally people 2 levels higher than me, and I can't progress. They want you to play this game more, and you would likely fail more, making you feel angry or unconfident when you play. It is very unbalanced. They never address ladder, saying that it is based on trophies. But it's not all about trophies. Levels and card levels count as well. The higher level card you have, the better advantage you have over lower level players, which is the situation I am in. Do not recommend.
A really good game! It's fun and enjoyable at most times. The other few times will certainly make you triggered, when you lose a match due to loss of internet connection. Yes other reviewers have other issues, this is the worst. There is quite a lot of skill and strategy for this game, but new players can learn fast. I encourage new players to join a clan, your mates can help you out and are able to give you cards if you request. Anyways, you should download this game on your device. Good luck!
I would say it's a nice game. It's all about strategy, placement of troops and tactics. I enjoy playing this game. The only thing I hate about this game is that it's matchmaking sucks. Why the hell do I get opponents of level 12-13 while I'm in level 10. Fair matchmaking should be there. Another thing I hate is that, this game gets easy for those are willing to pay certain amount of money so that they can have extra perks. This makes ladder matches & challenges easy for them & it seems unfair.
It's fun at start but a money grab. The developers don't even care about the players. They never done anything to make it easier for the free to plays cause they never look at the rating. All they want is the quick buck and that's mostly all you see. Up ahead there are players that spends hundreds of dollars that dominate you. Also times you may fight players tons of levels over you with troops and castle. This is unfair and needs a fix, but I know they won't, because they are a greedy and cheap
Sometimes the gameplay gets messed due to network problems that I only face in this game. The Megaknight is too strong and needs to be weakened. The matchup could be better if both teams or players were of same level. The probability of higher levels winning is too high. The elixir buildup was better before now it sucks can't use anything heavy. The main reason I collected high elixir cards was to use them now it's totally wasted. Overall the game now sucks and I had five starred this game.
A great and fun game. Nicely designed game mechanics and balance isn't bad at all. But, the match making algorithm is the worst I have seen in any online game so far and I play Dota 2. I still don't know why they match you with players rated two levels higher than you who just win because they are two levels higher. It actually punishes players who go up quicker by learning the game. With that said, the friendly battle system is really good. Lag in their servers is also a real issue.
I don't know if you guys see this but the Ram Rider is overpowered. Like seriously. It needs to be nerfed. It's charge is refreshed too soon, the rider can target other troops AND on top of that it slows down the troops it attacks, which take too long to revert back to normal speed. This genuinely needs to be fixed. It's irritating af.
Out right Disrespectful! This has been one of my favorite games for a very long time and for many good reasons, but now you come across the impossible. It is well known that this game is hacked, with players having unlimited elixir and fully ranked and for me that I have played very hard to get where I am and spent some money. To now be bullied by a hacker that have not spent time or money and ruining the game for everyone else. I know the developers know this, So why do you continue allow.
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This game is an amazing "card" game that you have to work to get your army to stronger levels. This is not a pay to win kind of game and I really like the competitive events and leagues. I just wish it had higher player levels and easier to level up, but it still is fun none the less! Additionally, they add new cards frequently so the game never gets boring :)
If you pay to play/win, you'll love it! When matched against opponents that have 800 -1500 more trophies in 2v2 there's a problem. Progress in the game is heavily dependent upon whether you pay to play and limited for those that play for free. What used to be fun has become tedious and frustrating. November 27th, new update, same bullsh*t game with matches favoring pay to win players and bugs! Nice game supercell! Not even worth a 1 star rating. Garbage!
โค Game's at the start, but the further you progress the more pay-to-win the game gets. It takes so long to level up a card, level up, etc. Buying the cards is the easier alternative than waiting hours for a chest to open and it not have the card you need or want to upgrade. Also, don't get me started on the shop, over-priced gems and cards. At this point they're just trying to pull any penny out of you. Wish they added more fun and exciting things for beginners other than the game modes.