🎬 《聽君貴語》T0041: 【Listen to the hero】T0041: As long as the United States learns the story of when, before and now the birth of our New Federa...
来自: #HimalayaNews
来自: #HimalayaNews
📡 HimalayaNews
【Listen to the hero】T0041:
As long as the United States learns the story of when, before and now the birth of our New Federal State of China’s map, the Americans will know who the infiltrators of the United States are.
【Listen to the hero】T0041:
As long as the United States learns the story of when, before and now the birth of our New Federal State of China’s map, the Americans will know who the infiltrators of the United States are.
时事经纬(2025年2月12日) 特朗普总统表示就职后已与习近平通话,并说两人有良好的个人关系;万斯副总统出席巴黎人工智能峰会,称过多监管将使人工智能技术窒息;法新社:“人偏肺病毒”虚假信息蔓延, 引发不必要的恐慌;美国加征钢铝关税引发全球震荡:美中贸易战升温,中国反制恐有限。
来自: #美国之音
标签: #时事经纬
来自: #美国之音
标签: #时事经纬
时事经纬(2025年2月12日) 特朗普总统表示就职后已与习近平通话,并说两人有良好的个人关系;万斯副总统出席巴黎人工智能峰会,称过多监管将使人工智能技术窒息;法新社:“人偏肺病毒”虚假信息蔓延, 引发不必要的恐慌;美国加征钢铝关税引发全球震荡:美中贸易战升温,中国反制恐有限。
• 一波关于名为“人偏肺病毒”(Human metapneumovirus, HMPV)的流感类病毒的虚假信息正在亚洲广泛传播。 多伦多都市大学社交媒体实验室联合主任菲利普·迈(Philip Mai)对法新社表示,这些帖子的作者是在“试图恐吓大众”。 • 中共党刊《求是》最近刊登一篇习近平的署名文章,题为《注重家庭,注重家教,注重家风》。文章内容出自习近平多年前的讲话,强调“家庭教育与爱党、爱国相结合”,如今时隔八年再现,引发外界广泛解读。有分析认为,这可能与前中共高官薄熙来之子薄瓜瓜最近在海外发表的一…
True North – China-linked foreign interference campaign targeted Chrystia Freeland
来自: 中国数字时代
标签: #▲媒体报道
来自: 中国数字时代
标签: #▲媒体报道
China-linked foreign interference campaign targeted Chrystia Freeland
A government watchdog tasked with shielding Canadian elections against foreign interference has issued an alert alleging that the People’s Republic of China has launched a virtual campaign against Chrystia Freeland’s bid to become the new Liberal party leader.