Celeste K. Godwin
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Our body has its own natural intelligence that reacts in different ways to our experiences. We may not be aware of many things our bodies sense or feel throughout our lives, so this reading is here to help the voiceless aspects of your physical body have a voice. I am not a medical doctor so this is not about medical advice. I have studied and I have diplomas in natural detoxification, natural juicing and nutrition & self-care advice.

Our physical body is there for us in all our experience, it is our only means to access experiences of all kind. We may only think of our body when we eat, sleep or drink, but it is there for all things.

Our body is there for our relationships, it takes part in our contemplations and meditations, it is a part of our dreams and fantasies, it is a witness of our difficulties and lowest moments. Our body is existence, it is there for us at all times and it brings safety and substance.

We feel at home when we are truly connected with our soul. Experiencing soul connection cannot be described just in a few words but when we do that we feel close to who we are and we are courageous enough to see the truth about ourselves.

This reading gives an idea about what we might do to get closer to our soul experience and it also shows us the first step to take.

I'm starting to really enjoy these readings and I hope you are too. I have always been fascinated with the future and what it holds and I am starting to feel more at ease about looking into it. The fear of the future or what lies beyond is one I am daily engaging with through my readings, exercises and contemplations. It challenges me to let go of fears that are associated with and dare to look further and beyond my current limits.

As September comes we tend to become more active and also more engaged with self-growth. The hot air of the summer is starting to fade and our thoughts become easier to grasp. The hot air is usually affecting our deep thought and changes our focus to physical work and fast social engagement. As we transition into the new energy we start to calm down our bodies and feel more satisfied.

Often we may think that change is against us, that it wants to tear us apart or tear us down, but usually this type of perspective keeps us stuck.

Just like cold water does not want to hurt us, change does not have that purpose.

Realize the difference between True Love & Romantic Obsession as it is something that many people have trouble understanding. Sitting in Romantic Obsession can cause such a great suffering that freedom becomes painful. Let's start to dive into this sensible subject with grace.

This is a mixed reading with 2 sections. First section contains general guidance for all groups and brings clarity on the subject. The second section is a pick-a-card style reading to bring more info into certain aspects of the main subject.

Subscriptions have arrived 🥳

Now you can get access to monthly guidance, essential assistance and subscription assistance & support.

The Monthly Guidance has an amazing support system, consisting in a journey Workbook and 22 Audio Guidance recordings.

Explore these new products right here. All questions welcomed.

Are you Trick or Treating ? This is an ancient tradition helping people settle their minds for the winter and prepare for the difficulties of the cold weather. People were making their offerings to the spirits of the dead, the disturbing spirits and animals, so they would have a peaceful winter. Their fears were appeased and their deities helped protect them through the difficult times.

Another aspect is the calming of the children so they would not be mischievous during the winters and they understand that this time is for being quiet, peaceful and cautious. The children got an entire ritual for them to pass from a very active life to a passive rest and contemplation type of experience.

This is the first video in a series that will present the basic Safety Measures to take when watching or using Pick-A-Card/Collective or General/Group Readings. Through this series I will be helping you better understand the function of General readings and how they can help or hinder, in the hope of supporting you develop your discernment.

Safety is not suppose to restrain or suffocate, but be a grounding position from which we can grow in a harmonious way. By presenting these safety measures my intention is not to restrict but to help provide that much needed secure cushion and create a sacred growth space in which to properly develop.

This is the first safety measure to take when watching or using Pick-A-Card/Collective or General/Group Readings. Through this series I will be helping you better understand the function of General readings and how they can help or hinder, in the hope of supporting you develop your discernment.

This measure is called: It's nothing personal, remember it is a general message.

Through the whole recording I am helping you deeply understand this idea, with the support of the dual identity perspective. At the end you will find a practical exercise to help you easily implement this safety measure.

Measure No2 -» Let go of making the messages fit your expectations - Let the Message Live.

Through the whole recording I am helping you deeply understand how our perception of the message may change due to subconscious programming influences. This safety measures helps you develop appropriate perception when using collective readings. The ideas can be very well used for other types of general information.

Measure No:3 -» Let go of taking general readings so seriously - Cultivate Healthy Detachment.

This is the measure of creating appropriate position. We establish an appropriate position when we are at the necessary distance from a subject, so that we have clarity over it.

Through the whole recording I am helping you deeply understand to modify your position, your current point of awareness, in order to create proper distance. By doing this we gain a sense of inner peace and we release the pressure for the information to deliver specific things for us.

Safety Measure No 4 - Become aware of your hidden desires and Avoid chasing your shadows.

This is the measure of creating appropriate curiosity. A state of appropriate curiosity is developed when we are open to change and new ideas about a subject, and we don't become rigid and stuck in shadow patterns.

Through the whole recording, I am helping you deeply understand the process of shadow chasing and discover your primal desire. Primal desires are those that secretly guide your actions and influence your choices.


Soon the English site will join the Romanian one, thus creating a single focus and a single flow of information.

This change will take a few weeks, during which the site and newsletter may function more strangely or have errors.

After this change, there will be only one site, celestekgodwin.com, which will have two initial languages: English and Romanian. There will be only one login, regardless of language, and only one newsletter in the language of your choice.

I estimate that it may take a whole month to translate what is already on the English site into Romanian, so thank you in advance for your patience and support.

For those of you who want to make an order, I invite you to write to me directly by email, until this is resolved.

The YouTube channel will experience posting delays throughout this period.

Implementation starts 6 March.

Hugs to you and see you on the other side of the union 💖
Safety Measure No 5 : Release Addiction & Obsession

From the first measure to the fifth, we have gotten through a journey of inner exploration and shadow work. This series gradually creates a momentum for inner transformation, helping you become more aware about your inner workings and dynamics.

Addiction and obsession may come in many forms and expressions. It does not matter your level of knowledge about it, you may still fall into it as it is so deliciously tempting. If you feel ashamed please know that you are just human and you are bravely experiencing depths of the subconscious that are very hard to live in.
