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Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari bo‘lib o‘tdi

2023-yil 10-11-iyun kunlari chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari yozma qismining birinchi yarmi bo‘lib o‘tdi.

📍 Test sinovlari talabgorlarga qulay bo‘lishi uchun barcha hududlarda, jumladan Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi, viloyatlar va Toshkent shahrida tashkil etildi.

❗️ Ming afsuski, ayrim talabgorlar test sinoviga o‘z bilimiga ishongan holda emas, balki turli qing‘ir yo‘llarni o‘ylagan holda kelmoqdalar.

Jumladan, 10-11-iyun kunlari o‘tkazilgan test sinovlarida 42 nafar talabgor tartib-qoidani buzgani uchun test sinovidan chetlatildi.

Ma’lumot uchun: yozma imtihonning ikkinchi yarmi 17-18-iyun kunlari bo‘lib o‘tadi. Gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihonlari esa bugundan boshlandi va 1-iyulga qadar davom etadi.

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Ассалому алайкум! Сешанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин!

Vocabulary: Travel and holiday 🚄🛳🛫

🌟 Head for
– go in the direction for;
(ga yo'l olmoq)

I am heading for France for my next holidays.
Keyingi ta'tilim uchun Fransiyaga boraman.

🌟 Holiday brochure – a publication with details of holidays;
(ta’til tafsilotlari nashr etilgan broshurka)

Our guide gave us brochure about our holiday.
Yo’lboshchimiz bizga ta'til haqidagi broshurkani taqdim etdi.

🌟 Holiday destination – where you go for a holiday;
(dam olish manzili)

We chose New York as our holiday destination for the next summer.
Keyingi yoz uchun dam olish manzilimiz sifatida Nyu-Yorkni tanladik.

🌟 Holiday of a lifetime – a very special holiday, once in lifetime;
(umr bo’yi bir marta bo’ladigan ta’til)

🌟 Hordes of tourists – crowds of tourists;
(sayyohlar to’dasi)

Hordes of tourist can be seen during summer near the city park.
Yoz oylarida shahar bog’i yonida sayyohlar to’dasini ko’rish mumkin.

🌟 In the middle of nowhere – in a place that is far away from where most people live;
(chekka joy)

My grand-mother lives in the middle of nowhere, but she loves her old house in the village.
Mening buvim chekka joyda yashaydi, ammo u qishloqdagi eski uyini yaxshi ko’radi.

🌟 Local crafts – things made in the region;
(mahalliy hunarmandchilik)

My sister bought some amazing local crafts on her trip to India;
Singlim Hindistonga safari mobaynida bir nechta ajoyib mahalliy hunarmandchilik mahsulotlarini sotib oldi.

🌟 Passport control – a place where you get your passport checked;
(pasportingizni tekshiradigan joy)

I spent a few hours waiting in line on a passport control.
Bir necha soat davomida passport nazoratida navbat kutdim.

🌟 Short break – a little holiday;
(qisqa ta’til)

My father had a short break this year, I hope he will be able to relax some more.
Bu yil otam qisqa muddatli ta’tilda bo'ldi, umid qilamanki, u yana biroz dam oladi.

Quick writing tip ✍️

I've seen a lot of students include fake research in their essays.

I assume some popular online website must have started this because I'd never seen anyone use this approach until I had online students.

It's true that writing is a test of your English, not knowledge; however, it's also clear to me that fake studies are not a good way to maximise your chances of getting a high TA score.

It's ok to include examples or evidence that may not be 100% true, but it should be believable. If you are supporting your arguments with bad evidence, some examiners (perhaps most... it's hard to know unless you meet them all) will lower your score. I know this because I've talked to ex-examiners. Some say they hate this approach, some say it's ok. My advice is to avoid any approach that is 'controversial'. Write things that everybody loves.

If your argument is truly supported by research (you have genuinely heard something about it), just say something like 'research suggests/has suggested' / 'studies have shown'. Don't add specific percentages as this is a sign that your research is fake.

In summary, don't use fake research, especially with specific percentages. If you aren't absolutely sure of your supporting evidence, that's ok - just make sure it's believable. ☝️

IELTS CEFR inshosida SOXTA STATISKALAR ishlatish mumkinmi? 🤔

Afsuski, ko’plab o’quvchilar insholarda o’ylab topilgan, soxta tadqiqodlar va raqamlar ishlatishadi.

Bunday soxta raqamlar balingizni oshirishning yaxshi yo’li emas.

Chunki, ko’pincha o’quvchilar o’ylab topgan soxta tadqiqodlar haqiqatdan yiroq bo’ladi. To’g’ri, 100% haqiqat bo’lmagan gaplarni yozganingiz uchun jazolanmaysiz. Buning uchun, sizdan bal olib tashlanmaydi.

Ammo, aksariyat hollarda, o’quvchilar o’ylab topgan tadqiqdotlar judayam ishonarsiz bo’lib chiqadi. Natijada, inshoyingizni o’qiyotgan examinerning hafsalasi pir bo’ladi.

Maslahatim, agar siz biror tadqiqod haqida aniq bilsangiz yoki eshitgan bo’lsangiz, 'research suggests/has suggested' / 'studies have shown' deb shu tadqiqod haqida yozing. Ammo, hech qanday aniq raqamlarni aytishingiz shart emas.

Agarda, hayotda shunday tadqiqod bor yoki yo’qligini bilmasangiz, yaxshisi o’ylab topib yozmang. Hech qanday protsentlarni o’zingizdan to’qib yozmang. ☝️

Bunday raqamlar ishlatish o’rniga, barchaga ma’lum va mashhur sabablar bilan fikrlaringizni izohlang.

Vocabulary – Friends 👩‍🦰👱‍♀👱

Enjoy each other’s company
– to like spending time with each other;
(Birga vaqt o'tkazishni yoqtirmoq)

Steve and Noah are always together, they definitely enjoy each others company.
Stiv va Nuh har doim birga. Bir biri vaqt o'tkazishni judayam yoqtirishadi.

Fair - weather friend – someone who is your friend only when you are cheerful and successful;
(omadli va boy bo’lganingizda atrofingizdagi soxta do’stlar)

A lot of John’s friends turned out to be fair-weather friends. They were with him when he was rich and left him when he went bankrupt.
Jonning ko’plab do’stlari soxta bo’lib chiqdi. U boy bo’lganida ular yonida edilar va u bankrot bo’lganida uni tark etishdi.

Near and dear to someone – very important to someone;
(qadrli bo’lgan odam)

Her parents are the only people who are near and dear to her.
Uning ota-onasi unga yaqin va qadrdon bo’lgan yagona odamlardir.

To be well-matched – to be similar to someone in interests;
(bir-biriga mos bo’lmoq)

They are very well-matched.
Ular bir-biriga juda mos kelishgan.

To break up – to end a relationship;
(munosabatlarni tugatish)

It is hard to believe that Jacob and Sarah broke up. They are dating since high school.
Jacob va Saraning ajrashganiga ishonish qiyin, chunki ular o’rta maktabdan beri uchrashib yurishardi.

To drift apart – to become less close to someone.
(ajralib ketish)

As years went by, school friends drifted apart.
Yillar o’tishi bilan maktab do’stlari ajralib ketishdi.

To fall out with – to quarrel, to have a conflict;

He left the party after falling out with his girlfriend.
U sevgilisi bilan janjallashganidan keyin ziyofatni tark etdi.

To strike up a conversation – to start a conversation;
(suhbatni boshlash)

I feel awkward when I start strike up a conversation with unknown people.
Notanish odamlar bilan suhbat qurishni boshlaganimda o’zimni noqulay sezaman.

Useful vocabulary for Listening 🎧

Bilamiz, listeningda ko’p hollarda Part 1 da umumiy suhbatlar qo'yib beriladi. Suhbatlarda eng ko'p uchraydigan mavzulardan biri bu uydan tashqarida ovqatlanishdir.

Keling, shunday so’zlar ro’yxati bilan tanishamiz. Quyidagi so’zlar albatta sizga Listening paytida asqotadi.

Eating Out 🍔🍟🥤

1. Waiter/waitress - ofitsiant/ofitsiantka

2. Lamb - qo'y go'shti

3. Beef steak - mol go’shtidan steyk

4. Menu - menyu

5. Raw - pishmagan

6. Medium - o’rtacha pishirilgan

7. Done - tayyor

8. Dessert - shirinlik

9. Snack - tamaddi

10. Join sb. for dinner - kim bilandir birga kechki ovqatni yeyish

11. Appetizer - ishtaha ochuvchi

12. Make a reservation - joy band qilmoq

13. Cutlery - pichoq va vilkalar

14. Loaf - buxanka non

15. Buffet - bufet, shvedskiy stol

16. Staple - stepler

17. Go dutch - hamma o’zi uchun to’lamoq

18. Regular dinner - doimiy kechki ovqat

19. Mutton - yumshoq qo’y go’shti

20. Change - qaytim

Bu so’zlar ro’yxati sizga ma’qul bo’ldimi? Unda uni do’stlaringiz bilan ulashing.

Reading: the real secret to improving 🤫

The real secret to improving your reading is not a special trick, method or exam technique. It's simpler than that.

If you want to improve your reading, you need to read more.

Read things that truly fascinate you. Read about your hobbies, people you admire, gossip, or whatever you would choose to read for fun in your own language. 📖

Do some reading that isn't a form of study. It doesn't matter if you don't understand every word; just expose your brain to lots of interesting English, and you'll learn without even realising!

Of course, you should keep doing your IELTS reading practice too, and there are reading techniques that can help you. Just add some 'fun' reading to your schedule and see what happens.

I Reading: Balni oshirishning haqiqiy siri 🤫

Reading balni oshirishni haqiqiy siri yashirin texnika yoki usul emas. Bu anchagina osonroq narsadir.

Reading qobiliyatingiz oshishini istasangiz, ko’proq o’qing! 📖

Sizga yoqadigan narsalar haqida o’qing. Hobbilaringiz, siz havas qiladigan odamlar, g’iybatmi, farqi yo’q. O’z ona tilingizda nimani o’qish yoqsa, shuni ingliz tilida o’qing. Dars sifatida emas, shunchaki rohatlanish uchun o’qing.

So’zlarni tushunmasangiz ham mayli, miyangizni ingliz tilidagi matnlarni o’qish bilan band qiling. Shunda, o’zingiz sezmagan holda, reading qobiliyatingiz oshadi. ☝️

Ha, albatta, reading matnlarini ham o’qish kerak, uning texnikalari ham kerak. Ammo, kun tartibingizga shunchaki rohatlanish uchun reading qilish vazifasini qo’shing va natijalardan o’zingiz ham hayratlanib qolasiz.

Vocabulary: Environment 🌎🌍🌏

Air quality
– the cleanliness of the air we breathe;
(havoning tozaligi)

Due to the opening of new factory nearby, the air quality here went down.
Yaqinda yangi zavod ochilishi munosabati bilan bu yerda havo sifati pasayib ketadi.

Endangered species – a category of animals or plants that might become extinct.
(yo’q bo’lib ketishi mumkin bo’lgan hayvonlar yoki o’simliklarning toifasi)

White rhinos are endangered spices. There are only 5 white rhinos left in the world.
Oq karkidonlar – yo’qolib ketish xavfi ostida bo’lgan jonizotlardir. Dunyoda atigi besh dona oq karkidon qolgan.

Environmentally friendly – products that do not harm the environment;
(atrof-muhitga zarar yetkazmaydigan mahsulotlar)

I try to use only environmentally friendly goods in order to preserve the nature.
Tabiatni asrash uchun faqat ekologik toza mahsulotlardan foydalanishga harakat qilaman

Fossil fuels – energy resources like gas and oil;
(gaz va neft kabi energiya manbalari)

Gas is the one of the most well-known fossil fuels.
Gaz eng taniqli qazilma yoqilg’ilaridan biridir.

Global warming – an increase in temperature all our the world, as a result of greenhouse effect.
(global isish)

Global warming is a very serious problem that our society is dealing with.
Bizning jamiyatimiz duch kelayotgan eng jiddiy muammo bu global isishdir.

Poacher – one who kills or takes wild animals illegally.
(brakoner/hayvonlarni noqonuniy ovlash)

Poaching is considered a violation of hunting rules and impedes wildlife conservation.
Brakonerlik ov qilish qoidalarini buzish deb hisoblanadi va yovvoyi tabiatni muhafaza qilishga xalaqit beradi.

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Айтишларича саломлашишнинг етмишта савоби бор экан. Шундан олтмиш тўққизтаси салом берганники, биттаси эса алик олганникидир...

Шундай экан, Ассаламу Алайкум ва Раҳматуллоҳи ва Барокатуҳ!

Бошлаган янги кунингиз хайрли бўлсин!

Listening: are you doing these things? 🎧

Are you doing the following things in order to prepare and practise for the listening test?

working through as many of the tests in the official books as possible

doing the listening test samples on the official website here

analysing any mistakes that you make when doing the above tests

listening to difficult parts of each test several times, until you hear and understand all of the correct answers

checking the written transcripts (at the back of the books) carefully for any questions that you found difficult

noting new words and any spellings that you got wrong

listening to as much English as possible to improve your ear (not just tests, but news reports, documentaries, talks, presentations, interviews, films, TV programmes etc. that you find on the Internet)

If you're doing all of these things, keep going! You might not notice it, but your listening will be improving gradually.

Listening: Quyidagi muhim vazifalarni bajaryapsizmi? 🎧

Rasmiy kitoblarida iloji boricha ko’proq listening testlarini tinglab, analiz qilish;

rasmiy saytda berilgan namuna testlarni bajarish;

Testda biror xato qilsangiz, barchasini sinchiklab analiz qilish;

Testning eng qiyin qismlarini toki to’g’ri javobni tushunmaguncha qayta-qayta tinglash;

Qiynalgan savollaringiz javoblarini kitob oxirida berilgan audioscripts, ya’ni audioning matn shakli orqali tekshirib ko’rish;

Yangi so’zlar yoki imloviy xatolarni yozib qo’yish;

Qulog’ingizni ingliz tiliga o’rgatish uchun iloji boricha IELTS va CEFR dan tashqari ko’proq narsalarni tinglash; (masalan: yangiliklar, hujjatli filmlar, suhbatlar, taqdimotlar, intervyu, film yoki TV dasturlari, yoki siz Internetda topgan istalgan audio materiallar)

Agar shularni bajarayotgan bo’lsangiz, to’xtatmang. Sekin-sekinlik bilan siz o’zingiz sezmagan holda, listening qobiliyatingiz oshadi.

Siz ro’yxatdan qaysilarini bajaryapsizu, qaysilarni bajarmayapsiz? Izohlarda yozing.👇

Vocabulary: Education 👩‍🎓📚🧑‍🎓

– studies human culture, such as literature, languages, philosophy and history;
(gumanitar fanlar)

Ann excels in humanities. She is adapted at arts and languages.
Anna gumanitar fanlarni yaxshi biladi. U san’at va tillarga moslashgan.

Sciences – studies about the world, such as physics, biology, chemistry, and maths.
(ilmiy fanlar)

Mark doesn’t like scientific subjects, he’s just too lazy to learn formulas.
Mark ilmiy fanlarni yoqtirmaydi, u formulalarni yodlashga juda erinchoq.

Bookworm – a term to describe someone who really likes to read and spends a lot of time on it;
(kitob o’qishni juda ham yaxshi ko’ruvchi odam)

I am a real bookworm. I won’t stop until book is read.
Kitob tugamaguncha o’qishdan to’xtamayman. Men haqiqiy kitobxonman.

Distance learning (e-learning) – education that takes place remotely, usually via the Internet.
(masofaviy ta’lim)

Distance learning is more flexible than traditional education, because students don't have to attend classes and can schedule their timetables as they want.

Masofaviy ta'lim an'anaviy ta'limdan ko'ra qulayroq, chunki talabalar darsga kelishi shart emas va o'z kun tartiblarini o'zlari belgilaydilar.

Eager beaver – an enthusiastic and hard-working people;
(g’ayratli va mehnatsevar odamlar)

My friend is an eager beaver. He studies everything with pleasure and gets great marks.
Do’stim g’ayratli inson u hamma narsani zavq bilan o’rganadi va yaxshi baholar oladi.

Face-to-face classes – a traditional way of studying – in a classroom with teacher;
(sinfda o’qituvchi bilan o’qitish usuli)

When I was a kid, face-to-face classes had no alternatives, but nowadays a myriad of education establishments offer online courses and individual tution.

Mening bolaligimda an’anaviy darslarga muqobil variant yo’q edi, ammo bugungi kunda ko’plab ta’lim muassasalarida onlayn kurslar va individual mashg’ulotlar mavjud.

Hit the books - begin studying hard;
(qattiq o’qishni boshlash)

I am on my third year in the university, it is time to finally hit the books.
Men universitetda uchinchi kursda o’qiyman, nihoyat qattiq o'qish vaqti keldi.

Mature student – someone who’s older than others.
(boshqalardan kattaroq talaba)

Nowadays it’s not uncommon to face a mature student in the class.
Hozirgi kunda sinfda yoshi katta o’quvchilarga duch kelish odatiy hol.

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Соғ-саломатликда отган тонгингиз хайрли ва баракали куннинг бошланиши бўлсин! Доимо севинч ва бахтларга тўлиб яшангки хаётингиз ва яхши амалларингиз шу гулларданда гўзал бўлсин... Ассалому алайкум!