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Reading: a different way to practise 📖

Here's an interesting way to use reading tests from the Cambridge IELTS books:

Choose a passage from one of the reading tests.

Get the correct answers from the back of the book.

Now read the first question, underline keywords, and search for the answer in the passage - you already know the correct answer, so your only aim is to find where it is in the passage.

Underline words in the passage that have the same meaning as the keywords in the question.

When you have done this for each question, make a keyword table. 📝

This technique forces you to stop testing yourself. Instead, it makes you focus on finding key vocabulary and understanding the reason for each answer.

You might be surprised at the improvements you make if you regularly practise in this way.

Reading: Test practice qilishning boshqa usuli 📖

Cambridge Test practice kitoblaridan bitta matnni oling.

Kitob oxiridan to’g’ri javoblarni oling.

Endi avval savolni o’qing, key wordsni belgilang, va javobni matndan toping. Siz javobni allaqachon bilasiz, shning uchun uning matnni qayerida joylashganini toping. ☝️

Matn ichida savoldagi key words ni sinonimlarini topib belgilang.

Kalit so’zlarni topgandan so’ng, ularni savol va matndagi sinonimlari bilan, jadval tarzida yozib oling.

Bu yo’l bilan siz matn ichida key words va ularning sinonimlarini topish va aynan nega shu javob to’g’riligini topishga o’rganasiz. Agar doim shunday mashq qilib tursangiz, o’zingizda ijobiy o’zgarishlar sezasiz.

Useful vocabulary for Listening 🎧

Bilamiz, listeningda ko’p hollarda Part 1 da umumiy suhbatlar qo'yib beriladi. Suhbatlarda eng ko'p uchraydigan mavzulardan biri bu kutubxonadagi suhbatlar. 🗂

Keling, shunday so’zlar ro’yxati bilan tanishamiz. Quyidagi so’zlar albatta sizga Listening paytida asqotadi.

Library 📚

1. Shelf - javon

2. Librarian - kutubxonachi

3. The stacks - ustma-ust taxlangan kitoblar uyumi

4. Return - qaytarish

5. Fine - jarima

6. Magazine - jurnal

7. Copier - kopiya mashinasi

8. Overdue - vaqtidan kechikkan

9. Reading room - o’qish xonasi

10. Reference room - umumiy ma’lumot beruvchi kitoblar xonasi

11. Periodical room - doimiy nashr etiladigan jurnal va gazetalar xonasi

12. Study lounge - o’qish zali

13. Catalogue - katalog

14. Index - indeks (maxsus raqam)

15. Keyword - qidirish uchun maxsus kalit so’z

16. Volume - kitob tomi

17. Library card - kutubxona kartochkasi

18. Book reservation - kitobni zaxiraga olib qo’yish

19. Periodical - doimiy nashr etiladigan jurnal yoki gazetalar

20. Quarterly - bir choraklik

21. Back issue - oldingi nashr

22. Current issue - hozirgi nashr

23. Latest number - so’nggi raqam

24. Writing permission - yozish uchun ruxsat

25. Check out - kutubxonadan chiqmoq

26. Put on reserve - zaxiraga olib qo’yish

Bu so’zlar ro’yxati sizga ma’qul bo’ldimi? Unda uni do’stlaringiz bilan ulashing.


📕For Similarities. e.g. She swims like a fish
📕After feel, look, smell, sound, taste, +nouns
e.g. It feels like silk
With nouns, Pronouns, or the -ing form to express similarity or contrast.
e.g. There is no place like home
No One can sing like him


📕To say what sb or sth really is(jobs or roles)
e.g. She works as a tour guide
Harrison Ford was great as Indiana Jones.
📕In certain expressions: as usual, as....as, as much, such as, the same as.
e.g. He started complaining as usual.
📕After accept , be known, class, describe, refer to, regard, use.
e.g. He is known as the father of modern medicine.
📕In clauses of manner to mean "in the way that".
e.g. Do as l tell you

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Ассалому алайкум ва раҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳ!
Reading: keep to a time schedule

A student asked me the following question:

"In the reading test I always spend too much time on the first two sections and never reach passage 3. How can I change this habit?"

I think the student already knew what my answer would be:

"You need to be more disciplined and force yourself to keep to a time schedule in the test."


- Spend 20 minutes on each passage.

- Miss any questions that seem too difficult.

- Move on if a question is taking you too long.

- Get to the end of the test, and return to the questions you missed.

IReading: Vaqtni doim belgilab boring.

O’quvchilar reading haqida ko’p nolib qolishadi:

“Bir soatda zo’rg’a 2 ta passage qilyapman. Uchinchisiga yetib kela olmayapman.”

Mening javobim: “O’zingizga nisbatan qattiqqo’l bo’ling. Doimo testni budilnik bilan ishlang.”☝️

Eslab qoling:

Doim bitta matnga 20 daqiqa sarflang. Budilnikni yoningizga qo’ying.

Qiynalgan savollarizni tashlab keting.

Ko’p vaqt olayotgan savollarni tashlab keting.

Testni oxirida vaqt qolganda, tashlab ketgan savollaringizga qayting.

Vocabulary for Topic: Health & Fitness ⛹‍♀

Sedentary - sitting a lot or inactive;
(ko’p o’tirish yoki harakatsiz bo’lish)

My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too sedentary.
Shifokorim sport bilan shug'ullanishni boshlashim kerakligini aytadi, chunki turmush tarzim juda harakatsiz.

Psychological – mental;

He claims that the constant aircraft noise has a bad psychological effect on the residents.
Uning ta'kidlashicha, samolyotning doimiy shovqini aholiga yomon ruhiy ta'sir ko'rsatadi.

Beneficial - helpful or positive;
A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health.
Shahar chetida bo'lish uning sog'lig'i uchun foydali.

Detrimental - harmful or negative;

Their decision could be detrimental to the future of the company.
Bu qaror kompaniya kelajagi uchun zararli bo’lishi mumkin.

Eradicate - get rid of or eliminate or wipe out;
(yo’q qilish)

The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption.
Hukumat korrupsiyani yo'q qilish uchun qo'lidan kelgan barcha ishni qilayotganini da'vo qilmoqda

Well-being - health and happiness;

People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.
Yoga bilan shug'ullanadigan odamlar farovonlik tuyg'usini kuchaytiradi.

Severity - how serious something is;

I don't think you quite understand the severity of our financial problems.
Menimcha, siz bizning moliyaviy muammolarimizning og'irligini yaxshi tushunmaysiz.

Preventive – deterrent;

In the past ten years, preventive measures have radically reduced levels of tooth decay in children.
So'nggi o'n yil ichida profilaktika choralari bolalarda tishlarning parchalanish darajasini tubdan pasaytirdi.

Additives - chemicals added to food;
(ovqatga qo’shiladigan kimyoviy moddalar)

This margarine is full of additives - just look at the label!
Ushbu margarin qo'shimcha kimyoviy moddalarga to'la - yorliqqa qarang!

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Инсонлар инсонларга нафақат муваффақиятга, балки муваффақиятсизликка дуч келганларида ҳам, улар билан фахрланишларини айтиши керак...
Айнан ўша пайтда бу сўзлар, улар учун энг кераги бўлади!

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Ҳар бир тонг — янгиликларни кўриш, ўрганиш имконияти, ғаpойиб саргузаштнинг бошланиши ва давом этишидир. Ҳар бир янги кунни машаққатларга қарамай унутилмас лаҳзаларга бой қилиш ўз қўлимизда...

Тақдир бизни ўзимиз ўйлаб тополмайдиган сўқмоқлар орқали, албатта чўққига етаклайди. Тонгингиз хайрли бўлсин азизлар. Ассалому алайкум!

Useful vocabulary for Listening 🎧

Bilamiz, listeningda ko’p hollarda Part 1 da umumiy suhbatlar qo'yib beriladi. Suhbatlarda eng ko'p uchraydigan mavzulardan biri bu ish topishdir.

Keling, shunday so’zlar ro’yxati bilan tanishamiz. Quyidagi so’zlar albatta sizga Listening paytida asqotadi.

Looking for a job 💼

1. Job hunting - ish izlash

2. Inexperienced - tajribasiz

3. Opportunity - imkoniyat

4. Want ads - bo’sh ish o’rni reklamasi

5. Unemployment - ishsizlik

6. Position - lavozim

7. Wage - maosh

8. Opening/vacancy - bo’sh ish o’rni

9. Full-time job - bir stavkali ish

10. Part-time job - yarim stavkali ish

11. Inquiry - ma’lumot so’rash

12. Do odd jobs - tozalash yoki ta’mirlash kabi kichik ishlarni bajarish

13. Consult - maslahat olish

14. Resume - o’zingiz haqingizda ma’lumotnoma

15. Application letter - ariza

16. Fire - ishdan bo’shatmoq

17. Hire - ishga yollamoq

18. Recruit - ish uchun odam topmoq

19. Interview - intervyu

20. Job-hopping - ishini tez-tez o’zgartirish

21. Interviewee - intervyu topshirayotgan odam

22. Take over - katta kompaniya kichikroq kompaniyani o’ziga qo’shib olishi

23. Interviewer - intervyu oluvchi

24. Appointment - uchrashuv

25. Impression - taasurot

26. Confident - o’ziga ishongan

27. Turn down - rad etmoq

28. Have no match for… - mos kelmaslik

Bu so’zlar ro’yxati sizga ma’qul bo’ldimi? Unda uni do’stlaringiz bilan ulashing.

Vocabulary for Topic: SPACE 🚀🚀🚀

- crash into / strike;

The two vans collided at the crossroads.
Ikki furgon chorrahada to’qnashib ketdi.

Universal - worldwide / existing everywhere;
(butun dunyo bo’ylab)

Love and relationships will always be a topic of universal interest.
Sevgi va munosabatlar har doim barcha uchun qiziqish mavzusi bo'lib qoladi.

Misuse - bad usage of something;
(biror narsadan notog’ri foydalanish)

She was accused of misusing company funds.
U kompaniya mablag’larini suiste’mol qilishda ayblangan.

Boost - added power / increase;
(qo’shimcha quvvat)

I tried to boost his ego (= make him feel more confident) by praising his cooking.
Men (= o'zini yanada ishonchli his qilishi uchun) uning oshpazligini maqtash orqali uning o'ziga ishonchini oshirmoqchi bo'ldim.

Hollow - empty inside;
(ichi bo’sh)

Hollow tubes are used because they are lighter.
Bo’sh naychalar yengilroq bo’lgani uchun ishlatiladi.

Prolonged - length / over a long time;

They prolonged their visit by a few days.
Ular tashriflarini bir necha kunga uzaytirdilar.

Rotation - spinning / turning;

The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year.
Yer o’z o’q atrofini uch yuzi oltmish olti kunda aylanib chiqadi.

Fragile - easily broken / delicate;

Be careful with that vase - it's very fragile.
Ushbu vaza bilan ehtihot bo’l - u juda nozik.

Vertical - pointing going up;
(Tik ko'tarilgan)

She looked over the cliff and found she was standing at the edge of a vertical drop.
U jarlik ustidan qaradi va tik ko’tarilgan cho’qqi ustida turganini ko’rdi.

Transmit - send out (a signal);

The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.
Axborot elektron shaklda markaziy kompyuterga uzatiladi.

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Мўмин киши бомдод намозини ўқиб, фарзни адо қиларкан, қалби ёришиб тонг оттиради. Илм ва амалга илдам ҳаракат қилади, Аллоҳнинг ҳимоясида бўлади.

Аллоҳим! Рамазонда қалбларимизга ором, дардларимизга шифо, ишларимизга енгиллик ва амалларимизга қабулият ато айла!

Ассалому алайкум, кунингиз ҳушмазмун бўлсин азизлар!

Vocabulary for the Topic: SPACE 🚀🚀🚀

- crash into / strike;

The two vans collided at the crossroads.
Ikki furgon chorrahada to’qnashib ketdi.

Universal - worldwide / existing everywhere;
(butun dunyo bo’ylab)

Love and relationships will always be a topic of universal interest.
Sevgi va munosabatlar har doim barcha uchun qiziqish mavzusi bo'lib qoladi.

Misuse - bad usage of something;
(biror narsadan notog’ri foydalanish)

She was accused of misusing company funds.
U kompaniya mablag’larini suiste’mol qilishda ayblangan.

Boost - added power / increase;
(qo’shimcha quvvat)

I tried to boost his ego (= make him feel more confident) by praising his cooking.
Men (= o'zini yanada ishonchli his qilishi uchun) uning oshpazligini maqtash orqali uning o'ziga ishonchini oshirmoqchi bo'ldim.

Hollow - empty inside;
(ichi bo’sh)

Hollow tubes are used because they are lighter.
Bo’sh naychalar yengilroq bo’lgani uchun ishlatiladi.

Prolonged - length / over a long time;

They prolonged their visit by a few days.
Ular tashriflarini bir necha kunga uzaytirdilar.

Rotation - spinning / turning;

The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year.
Yer o’z o’q atrofini uch yuzi oltmish olti kunda aylanib chiqadi.

Fragile - easily broken / delicate;

Be careful with that vase - it's very fragile.
Ushbu vaza bilan ehtihot bo’l - u juda nozik.

Vertical - pointing going up;
(Tik ko'tarilgan)

She looked over the cliff and found she was standing at the edge of a vertical drop.
U jarlik ustidan qaradi va tik ko’tarilgan cho’qqi ustida turganini ko’rdi.

Transmit - send out (a signal);

The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.
Axborot elektron shaklda markaziy kompyuterga uzatiladi.

Reading: read phrase by phrase 📖

People who read too quickly in the test often miss the answers. If you go too fast, you won't really understand what you're reading, and you'll start to panic when you don't find what you're looking for.

On the other hand, some people read too slowly; they read each word as if it were a separate item on the page. These people tend not to finish the test.

Instead of skimming too quickly or reading each word slowly, I recommend that you read phrase by phrase. For example, read the first sentence of this lesson as three phrases:

People who read too quickly ..... in the test ..... often miss the answers.

Try to get into the habit of reading phrase by phrase. You should find that you can go at a reasonable speed and that you'll understand (almost) everything.

Reading: so’zlar emas, birikmalar bilan o’qing! 📖

Matnni juda tez o’qiydigan odamlar ko’pincha to’g’ri javoblarni o’tkazib yuborishadi. Chunki tez o’qiganingiz sababli, matn nima haqida ekanligini tushunmay qolasiz va javoblarni topa olmayotganingizdan vahimaga tushib qolasiz.

Aksincha, ba’zi odamlar juda sekin o’qishadi. Matndagi har bitta so’zni o’qib tushunishga harakat qilishadi, va buning oqibatida testni hech ham o’z vaqtida tugata olishmaydi.

Juda tez yoki so’zma-so’z sekin o’qish o’rniga men sizga matnni birikmalar tarzida o’qishni maslahat beraman. Misol uchun:

People who read too quickly ..... in the test ..... often miss the answers.

Mana shunday birikmalar tarzida o’qisangiz, o’zingizga qulay tezlikda matn anchagina yaxshi tushuna boshlaysiz.

Chet tili imtihonining yozma qismi yakunlandi

📆 2023-yil 10-11-iyun kunlari chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari yozma qismining birinchi yarmi bo‘lib o‘tgan edi.

Imtihonlar 17-18-iyun kunlari davom ettirilib, test sinovlarining yozma (tinglab tushunish, o‘qish, yozma ish) qismi yakunlandi.

📍 Test sinovlari talabgorlarga qulay bo‘lishi uchun barcha hududlarda, jumladan Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi, viloyatlar va Toshkent shahrida tashkil etildi.

Test sinovining yozma qismida jami 135 nafar talabgor tartib-qoidani buzgani uchun test sinovidan chetlatildi (10-11-iyun — 42 nafar, 17-18-iyun — 93 nafar).

▶️ Gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihonlari 12-iyun kuni boshlangan bo‘lib, 1-iyulga qadar davom etadi.

Izoh: Test sinovi natijalari Vazirlar Mahkamasining qaroriga muvofiq imtihonlar yakunlangandan so‘ng bir haftada (8-iyul kuni) e’lon qilinadi.

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