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DevOps and other issues by Yurii Rochniak (@grem1in) - SRE @ Preply && Maksym Vlasov (@MaxymVlasov) - Engineer @ Star. Opinions on our own.

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​​​​​​​​​​HUG Kyiv #11: Terraform is comming!

- Nicolai Antiferov will tell about
Non-obvious things with a lock file in Terraform 0.14
- And Anton Babenko with 5+ Ways to Know the Cost of AWS Infrastructure Using Terraform.

Will be 26th Jan, 19:00 (Kyiv TZ) in Zoom and YouTube
Link accessible after registration

​​Some feedback on an upgrade to Terraform 0.14 by Patrick Picard.

Apart from provider configuration, this article focuses on the new sensitive output feature and some possible issues with it.

#terraform #hashicorp
​​I've been looking forward to reading "It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work for a while now. And today it's discounted on Amazon US for only $2.99!

​​Two day ago was HUG Kyiv #11, and here is record and slides (links in description)


Forwarded from AWS Notes
Разбор падения Slack от 4 января:

Весьма полезное чтиво – хронология, детали, выводы. Кроме ставшего классическим /proc/sys/fs/file-max, есть и специфичные амазоновские причины.

Масштабирование AWS Transit GateWay (TGW)

TGW менеджится Амазоном, потому повлиять на него мы не можем. В то время, как часть проблем у Slack возникла из-за того, что резко возросший трафик через их корневой TGW, через который завязаны их окружения, давал ошибки, не успевая масштабироваться, добавляя проблем во время падения Slack. Амазоновцы вручную боролись с этой ситуацией:

However, our TGWs did not scale fast enough. During the incident, AWS engineers were alerted to our packet drops by their own internal monitoring, and increased our TGW capacity manually.

Чтобы такого избежать, нужно "прогревать" TGW, аналогично тому, как такое предусмотрено для ELB:

Shared VPC vs different VPCs

Другой момент – отрицательные стороны от использования отдельных VPC. Если бы у Slack использовалась Shared VPC – и для окружения, и для мониторинга, то трафик бы не упёрся бы в узкое горлышко TGW (его скорости масштабирования), через который и соединяются отдельные VPC.

#TGW #Shared_VPC #design
​​A bit of original content for you today.

I’ve wrote an article about my brief experiments with Crossplane.

This is a toolset, which allows you to manage infrastructure as Kubernetes objects.

I promised to write it up last year, but got a chance to actually publish it just now.

Hope you enjoy the reading!

#kubernetes #iac
HCP Consul, a fully managed service mesh, is now generally available on AWS.

It means that you can create a Consul cluster with HashiCorp Cloud Platform, which will run in your AWS cloud environment.

Prices are currently available for Development clusters and start at $0.027/hour. New users will get a free month offering.

#hashicorp #aws
​​A list of awesome Prometheus alerts, divided by the nature. I.e. there are alerts for data bases, proxies and load balancers, storage, etc.

You can just copy-paste these into your monitoring code. Just keep in mind that the thresholds may be different for your particular case!

#observability #monitoring #prometheus
Forwarded from DevOps Deflope News
Если кто не знал, то завтра стартует конференция Fosdem`21.
Держите ссылку, смотрите расписание
​​iamlive - a tool, which generates a basic IAM policy from AWS client-side monitoring (CSM)

iamlive can generate policies based on aws cli commands that you execute. Also, you can configure it to only append required policies for the failed calls. There is a quick GIF demo in the README

Should be useful for everybody who works with AWS

#aws #iam
And we continue with the tools list.

hcltomd is a tool, which as you may guess, converts Terraform variables from HCL into a Markdown table, which you can put into your documentation or a README file.

It would be useful if you're creating Terraform modules for external customers as well asif the people ouside your team are using your modules.

#terraform #hcl #hashicorp #docs
Kind - or Kubernetes in Docker - is a tool that allows you to easily spin up your local k8s cluster and was originally developed to test Kubernetes itself.

However, you can use it for the local development as well. This article describes some caveats regarding using Kind for such kind of things.

Blog posts about why people chose Nomad over Kubernetes are not that common these days. It makes them even more interesting in my opinion.

Here Karan Sharma describes, how he migrated from Kubernetes to Nomad for his home workloads. He also mentioned that they are planning the same migration at his workplace as well.

I would add just that you have to always strive for a "fit for purpose". And there are definitely a lot of purposes Nomad fits well.

#kubernetes #nomad #hashicorp
Right now HashiCorp is livestreaming their annual HashiTalks Conference

It's gonna be 48 hours of tech talks about HashiCorp projects and it's totally free, no registration is required whatsoever

P.S. It's been almost three years and they still haven't added Kyiv to the HUG map 😡

#hashicorp #event