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DevOps and other issues by Yurii Rochniak (@grem1in) - SRE @ Preply && Maksym Vlasov (@MaxymVlasov) - Engineer @ Star. Opinions on our own.

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An article that could be a tweet (xeet?) but with more context.

tl;dr: avoid Helm hooks when possible.

I totally agree with the statement, yet an example in this article is rather weak. Anyways, if you need to have some imperative actions for your app, it’s always better to use higher level abstractions like ordering on the CD tool level or even an operator.

Having an init container that has access to the API is rather a security concern than a workaround.

Here's a neat article with some good practices regarding security when configuraing an EKS cluster.

If you work with AWS and Kubernetes a lot, it won't give you any dramatic insights, but you could still use it as a checklist / cheat sheet when configuring a cluster, since it's easy to forget something when there are many moving parts.

#aws #kubernetes
This article with a clickbait title got my attention recently. It was even translated in Ukrainian by one of the largest Ukrainian developers-oriented media.

The most interesting part of this article, in my opinion, isn’t its premise and even not the points that the author is making (some of those points are 5 years late, TBH). The thing that caught my attention was what the author chooses to compare Kubernetes to. And those are managed platforms like Heroku, etc.

This is interesting for a couple of reasons: first of all it seems like other orchestration solutions are out of the table already. Second, it reaffirms the statement of Viktor Farcic (you can find those in the Den Vasyliev’s blog). Basically, the idea is that in the future Kubernetes will “disappear”. Not in the sense that it will fade away, but in the same way hypervisors have “disappeared”. The majority of us use them today, but we rarely think about what virtualization powers our cloud instances, etc. In the same way at some point there will an extendable API that allows one to run workloads and whatever cluster technology is underneath would be a concern of a cloud provider.

Aqua Security warn people about the danger of the supply chain attacks using Kubernetes Secrets.

We all know this story: base64 is not an encryption, Kubernetes Secrets may have a ton of sensitive information, etc. The article just provides some data from Aqua’s recent research.

However! There’s another viewpoint on Kubernetes Secrets - Plain Kubernetes Secrets are fine. This is the thing I wanted to share with you today.

The main gist of this article is that you cannot really tell if something is secure or not without a threat modeling. Also, that the auto-unsealing feature in Vault kinda negates some if its security features.

Apparently, there’s a discussion about this article in a form or a podcast but I haven’t checked it out yet.

Also, if you need some guides for threat modeling, OWASP website is a good place to start.

So, do your due diligence, do threat modeling, and have a nice day!

#security #kubernetes
An interesting read by Monzo about how they implemented Kubernetes Network Policies for 1.5k microservices.

There are some questionable parts in there, in my opinion. For example, why building your own tool to "guess" where an app connects to if you could use a network monitoring tool. However, those are not directly related to the main topic.

An interesting part is how folks in Monzo "reverted" the idea behind Network Policies using templating. So, instead of a target services allowing internal connections, a caller can specify the groups of services it wants to connect to.

Although, I think it partially negates the idea of Network Policies, I can completely understand, why Monzo did that from the UX perspective.

Also, here's a Reddit discussion on the topic. I love the top comment there:

 How would you even know that another team plans to connect your apps?
- By communicating...

#kubernetes #networking
If you are running dynamic environments in Kubernetes or any other ephemeral workloads, you need a way to clean up things once these environments are no longer needed or once your tests are done.

k8s-cleaner may help with it. It's a controller that deletes Kubernetes resources, including custom resources, on a schedule. It supports dry run and some options for customizations.

Do you run databases in Kubernetes?

Even if you don't, I bet you may run database migrations there. How do you do that?

This article on "The New Stack" makes a case for GitOps approach to the database migrations in Kubernetes.

*tl;dr*: It's Atlas Operator, there's no alternative.

#kubernetes #databases
I’m a CLI guy. For me it was always easier to use good old commands like find and cd to navigate around. At some point I even memorized the flags of tar.

Thus, it is still much easier to me to use plain kubectl with a couple of plugins to navigate the clusters.

However, I know that many folks prefer graphical interfaces or at least some TUI. Also, I remember that a lot of folks were pissed when Lens split into a community and a paid versions.

So, today I want to share a new native Kubernetes desktop client - Seabird.

I haven’t tried it for the reasons I mentioned above, but you may enjoy it.

Did you know that Isovalent (a company behind Cilium) has some amazing labs that can teach you about using Cilium, Hubble, and Tetragon.

The labs have multiple tracks, such as: platform, network, security, etc.

These labs also cover topics like the new GatewayAPI. Doing some of these labs tight now at #cfgmgmtcamp24 and love them so far!

#kubernetes #networking #cilium #ebpf