Caroline Beazley
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I AM a Visionary Mentor inspiring Heart-Led Life Design for the Healers, Parents and Path Finders who are called to shape OUR NEW EARTH.
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I AM a LIGHT Bearer and a Voice of TRUTH sharing HEART WISDOM that inspires LOVING CHANGE.
I AM a Visionary Mentor inspiring Heart-Led Life Design for the Healers, Parents and Path Finders who are called to shape OUR NEW EARTH.
In harmonious co-operation with LIFE we will consciously create NEXT GENERATION SYSTEMS in Health and Education that empower equality, respect diversity and self determination and enable Love, Truth, Freedom, Integrity, Creativity and Joy to expand in our world.
I look forward to connecting with you all to have REAL Heart to Hearts about how we can stand more authentically in our Light to be of Greater Service in the world.
My latest Mentoring Testimonial:
"I met Caroline and her husband over 20 years ago in waananga under the supervision and teaching of Tohunga Hohepa Delamere. Caroline's knowledge and understanding of spiritual well being is one of the factors that drew me to seek Professional Supervision with her. Spiritual wellbeing is paramount in my line of work and in my life. As a qualified counsellor, and with her work ethic and professionalism she had the ability to make me feel at ease and comfortable enough to have open conversations, which I will never otherwise do. I felt safe, always respected, and I felt like I was really being listened to, and I trust her. This is a very rare quality to find, and I believe everyone should have this quality of service in their lives. I have first-hand witnessed on many occasions over the years, Caroline and her husband Audie, imparting with their knowledge, using their hands on, and hands off healing, using different healing modalities, without judgement or discrimination, showing unconditional care to all. From the deepest part of me, I thank you." Connie Dou Nopera, Rongoā Māori Practitioner
I AM the COSMIC Purification and Protection of Our New Earth in transition...
Look what hooked itself around the TV antenna on the roof of our house in these last windy days! Winds of change for sure as we birth our new Rainbow Nation!🤩
Old Souls In a New Time
Here is my latest BLOG for Hot off the press!
Old Souls In a New Time
Those of us who are old souls weave between worlds old and new, mythic and tangibly real.
The very Earth speaks deeply to us and the Nature Beings and Elementals are our trusted companions and messengers of truth. Our Visions come in the silent spaces ‘between’.
At times we carry the weariness of the battles of centuries as we witness in the present moments, old dramas and spiritual conflicts between light and dark, ego and heart being played out on the world stage. At more subtle levels, this is true also in our personal lives; yet our heart’s yearning drives us onward to seek out the future we know we are destined to bring forth.
It is a lonely journey in moments of crisis when you wish to turn to someone older and wiser for solace and yet LIFE does speak to you in MIRACLE WAYS if you ask for that wisdom and guidance to reveal your way forward. Every so often you get to meet another like yourself - what sweet joy when you recognise your ‘kin’ in those moments… another “old one” as I call them.
Late in 2009 one such moment led me to a book that sent me on a profound adventure to the ancient places of this land with many magical encounters along the way. Those stories are for another time but today I wish to share that I have just rediscovered that author, to support me to make sense of my current challenges. His name is Barry Brailsford. As I looked him up again after all these years, I was delighted to find he has since published his autobiography. As it happens, “Beyond the Boundaries of Time” came out just before the World Pandemic, which of itself is profoundly relevant.
And so today as I open his book the very first sentence speaks to me:
“Truth often walks the margins, challenges the centre, the known and accepted and is free to explore distant horizons.”
Bless you Barry! I am so grateful life brought you into my orbit, then and now.
And to all the Seekers of Truth reading this, as we all find ourselves yet again forging a path for FREEDOM, May YOU TOO be comforted by these words and KNOW that even in those darkest moments, the LIGHT will Always Prevail.
With Love
A journal entry of mine from March 2014....
What a sunset! 🤩
Forwarded from Caroline Beazley
Here are a few beauties I captured on a visit to the botanical gardens last week. 🤩
A Sunday afternoon creatively spent! 🥰💝🌸
Here is a reading that resonates with my inner feeling that SHARED Leadership and Collaboration is the way forward for Our New Earth. It also aligns with my approach of EMPOWERING YOUR SELF as the only true expert on matters relevant to your own Life… Enjoy! 💕

VOICE of the I AM

Now the Blessed Saint Germain gave you, in those early Dictations in the "I AM" Discourses, a Statement which very few understand. He made mention that some had Treasures of Light stored up; some had stored up Treasures of energy; some had stored up Treasures of gold and jewels; some had stored up Treasures of Power, and now that was going to come forth to release and bless you all. One person may have the capacity to render tremendous service in one channel; someone else in another channel; someone may have the Power to design and render that service; someone else the Power to heal; someone else the physical energy to supply your daily needs; someone else the Power of Music­; someone else the Treasure-house of so-called wealth; someone else the Treasure-house of Light. All of these, My dear ones, are contained within the Action of the Sacred Fire.

From Our Octave what do you suppose happens? We are building a Divine Pattern of that which is to be the Permanent Condition of the Golden Age. Therefore, We need every one--We need each one's Life Stream's Constructive Accumulation to build that which protects the whole Nation and becomes the pattern upon which the future activities of the Nation are modelled.

So do not always expect everybody else to do just what you do. You are going to have to be very generous, very forgiving and very kind, because one of you can do one thing, someone else can do another thing. Someone else can do something else, but because the other person does not do what you do, please do not have the slightest feeling of criticism, condemnation or blame; because if you do, you will shut the door to These Treasures which are so near into your outer use.

If a person is able to do one thing or several things well, then that one should be very grateful, but not look down on someone else who cannot quite do the same thing. People are not too generous in these activities when it comes to working together from a co-operative standpoint, so that which We wish to accomplish, is brought about in the most Perfect Way, and is held in the Greatest Protection; because precious ones, do you know what has happened thru the centuries?

Each Life Stream depending on Its own Divine Pattern has drawn forth from within the Higher Mental Body thru outer use in many embodiments, various Qualities. These Qualities are now in their accumulated momentum, expressing thru you all as what you might term your talents; or the things you have done in this Life time which you have done well, and perhaps what you have done the most. Well, those are the Powers which of your own Free Will you chose to draw forth from within the Flame of your Life Stream. Others chose to draw forth some other Powers, and they have the capacity to do other things.

Well, do you know what the Masters' Work is? We have to take you all in order to get all the Qualities and build that which affects your Nation. We have to have every one of you and every one of your Qualities, and each one is just as important as someone else. Everyone has a certain thing which he or she can do that no one else in the Universe can do, but just you; because you were the one which drew those Qualities from within your Life Stream. Nobody else can draw those forth for you, and you only gather a momentum of any particular Quality by use. That is how you gain power. Energy becomes power thru use, so if you do not draw forth these talents, and if you do not use them in the outer to build a momentum of power, well then to just sit back and wish for a thing, will never bring it to you.