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wazup, campers!

noticed our bot's gone MIA? chill, it's just a temp glitch. we're tweaking some tech stuff to make things smoother. he'll be back soon, better than ever. thanks for hanging in there!

and hey, even while the bot's "snoozing", u're still racking up points. how awesome is that?!
ever wondered what those points are for and how you can use 'em? if you're curious, we're ready to spill the beans and reveal the secrets. want to know more? let us know.
let’s talk points.

yesterday, we asked if y'all wanted to know more, but only one person responded. just one. thanks, dude. nice to know someone’s still with us. lol.

so, as per our roadmap, a mini-game is dropping soon. points will be the in-game currency. you can buy and sell cool stuff, kinda like steam. more deets coming later.

thanks for sticking with us. we appreciate every one of you. big hugs.
another week down, time to recap.

first up, the mini-app. it's what everyone's been waiting for, and yeah, we’ve taken our sweet time. it's 80% done. we hope to launch within a week.

second, our bot. it's still chilling. our dev is swamped and can't comment much but says it’ll be fixed soon. so, we wait.

lastly, thanks for your amazing patience. the wait’s been longer than we thought, and we get how dumb it looks. huge thanks for not ditching us ❤️
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hiya! remember Tiny, our little bird buddy with the "bbb" tattoo? well, this morning, things got a little wild around the campfire. Tiny decided to mess with our resident lazy bot, Rusty. you know, the one who just lounges by the fire all day, doing absolutely nothing 🤖

so, Tiny's chirping away, trying to get Rusty to play. but you know Rusty - dude's too lazy to even blink, let alone move. Tiny wasn’t having any of it. he swooped down and started pecking at Rusty’s metal head, trying to wake him up.

Rusty grumbled something about “energy saving mode” and rolled over, trying to ignore Tiny. but Tiny’s got some serious spirit for such a little guy. he started hopping all over Rusty, chirping louder and louder until Rusty finally gave in and sat up.

annoyed, Rusty tried to shoo Tiny away with a half-hearted wave of his metal arm. but Tiny, being the persistent little dude he is, dodged every swipe and even managed to snatch a loose bolt off Rusty’s arm. that got Rusty's attention REEEEAAAAAL QUICK!

now, Rusty’s wide awake, chasing Tiny around the campfire, trying to get his bolt back, while Tiny’s just having the time of his life, dodging and weaving like a pro. the whole camp is cracking up, watching these two go at it.

Rufus thinks Tiny’s just trying to teach Rusty a lesson about being more active, but who knows!? maybe there's something deeper going on. either way, it’s pure comedy gold.

what do you think Tiny’s up to? drop your thoughts in the comments & stay tuned for more updates as we figure out what these two troublemakers are really up to.
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gm, campers!

even though it seems quiet, our team is hustling hard on the mini-game launch. our awesome dev promises it'll be ready soon. let’s all cross our fingers for luck and stay patient!

we hope the mini-game will be live at the start of next week, so you can finally check it out.
great news! our dev, who’s chilling in the mountains on vacay, just hit us up saying he finished the mini-game. he’s got some internet issues up there, but he’s still gonna upload everything to the server. fingers crossed, we’re hoping and waiting!

so, after Tiny and Rusty's little showdown, things took an unexpected turn. as the campfire crew was still cracking up, we got a message from Rufus - he’s been trying to reach our dev, Mat, but the dude’s totally off the grid.

apparently, Mat went on a solo trip to the mountains for some “inspiration” (you know how devs are), but now he’s not answering any calls or texts. last we heard, he was supposed to be mapping out some new features for the game, but now... radio silence…

Rufus is worried, so we’re thinking about putting together a search party. and guess who’s ready to lead the charge? yup, Tiny. our little bird buddy has been all fired up since his tussle with Rusty, and now he’s acting like he’s on some kind of mission 💪

Tiny’s been flapping around, chirping loudly, and even tried to drag Rusty along. poor Rusty’s just trying to chill, but it looks like Tiny's got other plans. we’re starting to think Tiny might have some kind of sixth sense. maybe he knows something we don’t?

so here’s the plan: tomorrow, as soon as the sun’s up, we’re heading out to the mountains to find Mat. Tiny’s gonna take to the skies and scout from above, while Ruf and the rest of us will follow on the ground. with Tiny’s bird’s-eye view, we’re hoping to spot Mat’s trail in no time.

sh*t happened.
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so, here’s the update we promised on our search for Mat, our dev.

we set out at dawn, with Tiny scouting from above, and Rufus leading the ground team. we covered a lot of ground, scouring the mountains, calling out for Mat, but… no luc 🥺

Tiny flew high and wide, scanning every inch of the terrain, but there was no sign of Mat. the whole crew is feeling pretty down - Mat’s disappearance hit us hard. we’re all hoping he somehow finds his way back to camp soon.

but that's not all... as if things couldn’t get any crazier, we realized that our designer is now missing too. he was with us when we started the search, but somewhere along the way, he vanished without a trace. it’s like the mountains are playing tricks on us, taking away our key players one by one.

we know you were all hyped for the release of our mini-game, but with Mat gone, we’re facing some unexpected delays. we’re really sorry about this - believe us, we’re just as disappointed as you are. but don’t worry, fam, we’re not giving up. we’ll figure something out and get back on track. promise 🙏

for now, we’re keeping our fingers crossed that both Mat and our designer will return safely. in the meantime, we’ll be working around the clock to come up with a plan to keep things moving forward. thanks for sticking with us through this wild ride. we’ll keep you posted on any updates.
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yo, we got some dope news. our dev finally popped up. turns out, he dipped out for some solo time on a mountain retreat. we’re all hyped he’s back in the mix. first question we hit him with- did you bring your laptop, bro? Mat said yep, he’s still grinding on the project. sounds good, but real talk, we’d feel better if he was chilling here at camp with us.

any ideas on how to drag him back? 🤨
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wazup? how’s the vibe? just a quick reminder about that big-time event — the conference going down in Istanbul. Ton foundation and Ton studio reps will be in the building. any of y’all planning to roll through?
gm fam, we gotta keep it real with y'all. our dev has ghosted us - like, straight-up disappeared. no cap. we haven’t heard from him in over a month, and the bot’s been down just as long. dude promised to fix it but went mia instead. we’re at a crossroads here: should we keep waiting or start hunting for a new dev?

we’re REALLY SORRY for the mess, fam. we’re just as lost as you are with this whole situation. what would you do?
whats poppin’, campers? so, our dev hit us up yesterday and dropped some news. turns out he’s been dealin’ with some personal drama that’s been messin’ with his grind, so he’s decided to bounce. that means we’re officially on the hunt for a new full stack wizard (or maybe two: one for the back, one for the front).

fingers crossed, we’ll get this show back on the road by week’s end. stay locked in 🤜
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gm! hope y’all are chillin’. crazy stuff - gas fees on ethereum just dipped below 1 gwei. mind blown, right? looks like everyone’s on vacay... except us. we’re still hustling, hunting down that new dev.

so, if you know anyone who’s got the skills, hit us up ples.
hey hey heeeey! while our product dev's on pause, we’ve been thinking 'bout the current market vibes. ton's got a ton of projects dropping, each one bringing something cool to the table. but let's be real, you can’t track it all - ain’t nobody a robot, right? so, trust your gut and use that street smarts. go with what feels right and then dig deeper to see if it’s got real potential.

we’re hoping we still hit home with y’all, and your faith in us is still strong despite the bumps. if we’re still vibin', hit us up. we really need your support right now, fam 😞
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gm. some of our team members are taking a break this weekend and stepping away from crypto until mnday. gotta recharge those «mental batteries».

do any of you do the same? or are you grinding nonstop with no days off?
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gm fam! the arrest of Telegram’s founder hit us all like a ton of bricks. who would've thought, in today's world, they could just snatch up an innocent dude at the airport and threaten him with 20 years behind bars - just 'cause he won’t hand over people’s private data? this kinda stuff really pulls the curtain back on how things are run out here. but we’ve got hope that with web 3.0, we can at least start flipping the script on this madness…
sup, campsters. gotta admit, we’re feeling a bit embarrassed over here - we still haven’t launched the bot. 😅 finding the right dev to nail this has been one tough quest. some candidates just aren’t up to snuff, and others, well, we just can't trust 'em.

so, we gotta apologize again, guys. looks like it’s gonna take a bit more time to sort this out. we can’t just hand over our project to anyone sketchy. hope you understand where we’re coming from.

big hugs to all of you. and hey, the whole team wishes you an awesome weekend!
yo, fam! even though the market vibes are kinda rough right now, we’re still holding it down! the dev situation? still working on it - nothing new to report just yet.

but hey, what’s good with you?