🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
IG: @BritonsHK
TG Channel: @BritonsHK

🌐BHK 英戰線 公海

被封鎖,有其他建議可以聯絡 @windanz
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Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
1- when the #ccp #surveillance is carried out overseas and then the draconian #nationalsecuritylaw is used to threaten people … should the #unitedkingdom @ukgovofficial do something?
2- You are probably safe as long as you are overseas, but please think carefully before you wanna go back to #HK.
#fuckccp #boycottchina #china #hongkong
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Landmark #nationalsecuritylaw trials have started in #HongKong. #CCP using #HK’s corrupted judicial system to impose its twisted narrative on HK history. People’s wish for self determination is to be criminalised as “sedition”. Courts = puppets, it’s not just 47 on trial, but everyone in Hong Kong who ever supported the fight for freedom. #China #beijing
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#CCP’s idea of “peace” = surrender of the bullied and submitting to the tyrant.
#HongKongers stand with Ukraine. 🇺🇦
#China #Belarus #Ukraine #Russia
// 辛偉誠表示中國是「界定時代的挑戰」,將影響未來國際秩序、安全和價值觀,英國一方面會繼續跟北京在氣候變化等議題上合作,但會跟其他國家聯手,阻止中國共產黨脅迫或製造附庸國的企圖,並保護英國的民主和經濟。


《評估》亦三度提及香港,第一次是在總覽部分指出英國向烏克蘭、香港及阿富汗人士提供合法移居途徑,收容持有BN(O)身份的香港人;第二次是在「英國對華政策」部分,表示英國截至去年12月批出153,708份BN(O)簽證,形容這是英國與「那些選擇跟英國保持連繫的香港人」的歷史承擔;第三次同在「英國對華政策」部分,批評中國在西藏、新疆和香港都無視普世人權和國際承諾。 //

【英國更新戰略文件三提香港 辛偉誠:中國基本價值觀有別英國 澳洲1.9萬億聯同英美造核潛艇】


#英國 #辛偉誠 #天下圍中 #潛艇 #BNO #IntegratedReview #AUKUS #Submarine #China

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10.1賀國㷫 大遊行
沒有最㷫 只有更㷫!



1.10.2023 (Sunday 星期日)
14:00 - 16:00

Stating Point 遊行起點:
Hurst Street, Chinese Quarter, Birmingham, B5 4BN

End Point & Assembly Point 遊行終點及集會地點:
High Street, Birmingham City Centre, B4 7SL (Opposite Primark)


合力籌辦 Jointly Organised by:
- Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會
- Birmingham Hongkongers
- 丘文俊(前香港區議會議員)
Man Chun YAU (Former Hong Kong District Councillor )
- 許銳宇 Yui Yu HUI (UK Policy Research 英國政研會)

#遊行 #集會 #英國港僑協會 #丘文俊 #許銳宇 #英國政研會 #香港 #香港人加油 #光復香港 #時代革命 #願榮光歸香港 #黑警 #101槍殺人#爆雷 #支爆 #習種 #中國 #共產黨
#Assembly #March #hongkongersinbritain #BirminghamHongKongers #UKPolicyResearch #Flightforfreedom #StandwithHongKong #HongKongers #HongKong #democracy #XiJinping #CCP #tyranny #China #collapse #ChineseNationalDay
Forwarded from The Hong Kong Scots
敝組織所提交普遍定期審議報告 於 #聯合國人權委員會#中國 的 持份者摘要中提及。 其中包括對 #國安法 案件的不公正審訊及對 #異見人士 迫害等相關建議。

由於普遍定期審議針對的是整個中國,因此分配給 #香港 的時間不會那麼多。 很高興它仍然是其中的一部分,並很高興與公民社會同儕一齊努力。


Our submission to the
UN 🇺🇳
#UPR on #China has been mentioned in the Summary of stakeholders’ submissions. These include recommendations related to unfair trials of #NationalSecurityLaw cases and the persecution of dissidents.

Since the UPR is on China as a whole, time allocated to #HongKong won’t be that much. Glad that there‘s still a part of it and to work on it with civil society fellows.

Read it at: https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/upr/cn-index
Forwarded from Hong Kong Democracy Movement (HKDM2)
Latest report by the Committee to Protect Journalists reveals that 320 journalists worldwide are currently imprisoned, with China topping the list at 44 journalists in detention. The report also highlights the situation in Hong Kong, where the cases of detained journalists continue to face significant delays in processing. The prolonged detention of media mogul Jimmy Lai under the national security law is a stark example. Press freedom remains under threat. #PressFreedom #JournalistsBehindBars #HongKong #China #JimmyLai