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How many “former” Presidents travel with such a sprawling entourage?

Special Operations.
#DarktoLight #Trump #MAGA #WWG1WGA

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They are spitting in our faces.
We are Awake.
#DeathPenalty #CrimesAgainstHumanity

“No one playing the game escapes”


Forwarded from THE MAGA MOVEMENT
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Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
#STORM 🇺🇸 The Musical


J'ai été producteur du blockbuster du cinéma suisse "Grounding, les derniers jours de Swissair" et maintenant, eh bien, chers Mesdames et Messieurs, je partage avec vous notre Directors cut de notre Divulgation musicale sur la #STORM qui fait maintenant surface. 😘

Swiss 🇨🇭NAZI Mainstream est en train d'être démonté, nos US MilitaryOps ont déjà un contrôle total sur le Swiss 🇨🇭Territory avec notre légitime guerre de défense mondiale actuelle et en cours Military and Special Operations 50 USC 1550. Le surfacing a commencé, le nettoyage sous EO 13818 bat son plein et non seulement le NAZI Klaus Schwab a été capturé dans sa forteresse WEF au 91 Rue de la Capite à Cologny, Genève (NB : Nous résidions bien avant que ce NAZI ne s'infiltre à Cologny sur la même route mais au numéro 19, Karma).

Si vous attendez toujours que les maisons de médias suisses 🇨🇭NAZI et les journalistes suisses de la Gestapo vous nourrissent à la cuillère avec leurs mensonges, vous pouvez attendre jusqu'à ce que l'enfer gèle parce que nous les démolissons aussi. Pour l'instant, ils sont tous sous notre censure en temps de guerre ou ils craignent que les masses ne les déchirent dans les airs s'ils admettaient ce qui se passe réellement sur le territoire suisse. Quoi qu'il en soit, ils sont dans une situation sans issue et verront bientôt les ténèbres d'une autre dimension, bannie à jamais loin de la terre.

Pendant la guerre actuelle et en cours, nous, la puissance militaire commandante en guerre et Nous Le Peuple vous apportons les divulgations et rappelez-vous, elles sont toutes et seulement référencées par les ressources du gouvernement des États-Unis (.go et .mil) maintenant accessibles. Merci à mon camarade vétéran de l'armée américaine, Derek Johnson. Nous vous encourageons à visiter son site web, gratuitement,


Vous choisissez toujours d'ignorer la législation officielle du gouvernement et les ordres militaires en vigueur, et pas seulement aux États-Unis ?

Repostez et profitez du moment de la vie de notre divine espèce humaine. Nous ne mourrons jamais. Dieu veut que nous profitions de la vie. Restez concentrés et ouverts d'esprit pour l'irruption imparable d'une guerre de défense secrète mondiale menée par les États-Unis depuis des décennies pour libérer tous nos frères de l'espèce humaine divine de l'oppression sioniste NAZI Khazarian (Cabale) qui remonte à des milliers d'années. Nous les avons totalement anéantis et maintenant nous chassons, brûlons et exécutons les derniers NAZI, leurs collaborateurs, tous les francs-maçons et toutes les personnes mauvaises et malades qui ont touché et touchent des enfants. Le Manuel du Droit de la Guerre des USA 2015 (mis à jour en juillet 2023) est en effet en vigueur, également sur le territoire suisse.

"Nous sommes les Gardiens de l'Humanité et notre Lumière Oblitère les ténèbres du mal et de la Trahison, Toujours"

#WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 #JFK et JFKjr et leur famille sont tous bien portants, vivants et en pleine forme. Oui, Q est vivant et c'est la vraie affaire et bien plus encore.

Vous le découvrirez .

#SemperSupra 💫


Vous êtes les bienvenus,

Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
STORM, a Game?


Some stupid and naive Swiss Association Dork who believes that their (ASS)ociation can run Switzerland together with corrupt elements from SVP, FDP, SP and all the other deceivers from the political spectrum (and controlled opposition) financed by some dirty Swiss NAZI Banker Cabalists had the audacity to ask me today if we are doing a PsyOp, playing a Game with STORM.
Now, how stupid can you be to ask such a sordid question?

Let me tell you formally, no we don't, because we are at a real, current and ongoing war.

The fact that this Global Defence War is (still but soon no more) commanded in covert mode does not mean that it is less deadly than the bombs of all the previous illegal wars that you witnessed on the Fascist Corrupt Swiss TV, Swiss Radio and Cabalist Bilderberg linked Corrupt Zionist Jewish and Israel linked Swiss Media houses like Ringier, NZZ, Tamedia et al.

Enjoy the Musicals and special sights and repost them, not for us, we do not need any likes, it is Non Negotiable but you should inform all true friends and enemies alike, they will appreciate it most.

In fact this is perhaps the deadliest current and still covertly ongoing wartime of all wars, 50 USC 1550 that is. Just to be be clear and to avoid any ambiguity.

We control and command the Swiss Military and Security on the entire Swiss enemy Territory. (50 USC 1550, 47 USC 606, EO 13818, 50 USC 3059 and other active current and ongoing United States 🇺🇸legislation and Presidential War Powers.

But I also wish to say loud and clear, this war is not against the people, but are now going to delete, remove, catch and execute all rogue Swiss NAZI Politicians, Parliamentarians, Israel linked lobbyists, Zionist Jews, Secret Societies, Satanic Freemasons of all walks of life, Pedo Criminals, Bankers, lawyers, Judges, Swiss Pharma, Covid BioWeapon Injection Doctors and Nurses, the list is long and detailed.

All those mentioned here will try to escape but they can't, we track them in real time, all their comms and more. They soon wish they never were born and then, failing that, they will start to try praying to God. But he is busy taking care of the billons of betrayed, murdered and abused souls, countless children on our divine earth and he will have no time for them. They will end up in a place so horrifying that makes Hell look like the Ritz, Paris.

We flew into the runway of hell, Runway 10 at the Guantanamo Naval Base on a Military flight, rare footage that is. We took off again with full throttles but they, the bad and sick people who harmed our divine Humanity and countless Children will never see the light of day again. They will be literally splattered onto a wall behind them or hang on a rope until dead. Then we burn them at ultra high temperature.

Last but not least we use quantum mechanics to ban them out of our divine dimensions and Godly timeline and their souls will be tortured in all eternity in a dimension that never allows escape for them ever. Locked, period.

No, this is not a Game, but ugly and deadly warfare in sub terrain, on terrain, at sea and in the air and space. In short, this is Dead Serious and you are witnessing very soon the surfacing of the US led Global Defence War #STORM that will end all wars worldwide.

We are at wartime, current and ongoing, make no mistake.

Enjoy the showtime. Truly a multiple beyond biblical, our Retribution that is literally unstoppable.


Very soon, get prepared.

Yes, we caught them all, sans exceptions. No love lost.

"We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil and treason, Always."

- Pascal Najadi 2024

#WWG1WGA 🤝🇺🇸JFK🇺🇸🎁


Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
Media is too big
⚡️#STORM 🇺🇸Building⚡️


We are sayling into the #STORM, April 30th 2024.



You’re welcome,
Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)


This definition is used to represent the domino effect because one event can lead to a series of other events, just as how knocking over the first domino can lead to all of the other dominoes falling.

Greetings from Executive Order 13818 during current and ongoing global Defence Wartime 50 USC 1550 and Treason against the United States 🇺🇸 during wartime 18 USC 2381.

Sergio is now in deep shit and he can’t swim, no love lost⚡️

#WWG1WGA - JFK ‘Q’ 🇺🇸

#SemperSupra 💫

You’re welcome,
Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (Pascal Najadi🇺🇸DISCLOSURE 🤝🇺🇸)
⚡️ART DEALERS 13818⚡️


You might ask yourself why a stupid Art work like this one here, Onement VI is a painting which sold for a price of $43.84 million? WTF, right?

Answer: Art dealing in the the entire excessive billions of dollar pseudo art market is one gigantic money laundering enterprise and the dirty money comes from corruption, tax evasion etc it’s called ´layering’ in our law enforcement code book. This dirty art market money is also linked to child trafficking. The entire Art dealing market now needs to get arrested under 13818 and we are doing this precisely now, we are in the now.⚡️

This is good for real true artists who are mostly poor but True because they create beautiful art that is a wonder to the beholder of the eye. ❤️

« The life of the artist is, in relation to his work, stern and lonely. He has labored hard, often amid deprivation, to perfect his skill. He has turned aside from quick success in order to strip his vision of everything secondary or cheapening. His working life is marked by intense application and intense discipline »

JFK 💫<3

#WWG1WGA - JFK💫🇺🇸🎁



You’re welcome,
Forwarded from President John F. Kennedy 🇺🇸 (#WWG1WGA - JFK 🇺🇸 🤝🇺🇸)
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[1/2] Delta Force Arrests Klaus Schwab

A Delta Force strike team arrested 86-year-old World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab Friday following a deadly firefight that started at the fortified gate at his 7,770-square-foot, six-acre compound in Switzerland and ended in his bed-chamber, where the death-bringing geezer lay in bed hooked up to a self-dispensing Adrenochrome infusion machine, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The overdue arrest came after White Hats formally labeled Schwab an international war criminal based on undisclosed evidence showing that he helped orchestrate the Covid plandemic and the Great Reset—the dismantlement of capitalism, the dissolution of private property rights, and the enslavement or eradication of all resistance, globally.

According to our source, White Hats also had a grudge against Schwab. After the WEF spent 32 hours discussing Disease X—a deadly, emerging, manufactured contagion for which COVID-19 was a practice run—at January’s “rebuilding trust” (the irony) conference in Davos, White Hats obtained credible intelligence suggesting that a shipment of a Disease X “component” would arrive at the Port of San Francisco, aboard an Iberian-flagged freighter, on February 6. When the vessel arrived, White Hats were waiting. They raided the ship and found in the hold coolers of a glassy, viscous liquid stored in beakers and flasks. Suspended in the liquid were shimmering silver flecks no larger than a piece of dandruff. The ship’s crew claimed ignorance, saying they were merely transporting “engine lubricant,” per the ship’s manifest. A White Hat Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) team seized the shipment, rushing it to Fort Leonard Wood for chemical analysis. The liquid turned out to be soapy water, and the flecks were micro-fine cosmetic glitter used by women to accentuate their eyes. One cooler held a typewritten note: “Fooled you.”

The duping, our source admitted, enraged General Smith, for it consumed time and resources, but was only a tertiary reason for pursuing “one of the most prolific criminals in human history.”

“On April 5 the general and his allies at Army Special Operations Command planned Schwab’s capture. Intelligence, and we hoped it was more solid than the boat intel, said Schwab was pretty much bedridden but protected by a massive security force. There was no sneaking in—the general had blueprints to his home-fortress—and a gunfight seemed certain, and reaching Schwab before his people hustled him into his panic room,” our source said.

He wouldn’t say how or when Delta arrived in Switzerland or whether Swiss authorities participated in the operation, as fusillades of gunfire would certainly alert local authorities and, perhaps, the federal police.

“We knew it would be a run-and-gun op. And the decision was to do it this weekend,” he said. “I’m not going to bullet point our tech, but we can, from a distance, temporarily disable pretty much any alarm system on the planet, and his was no exception.”

The operation commenced in the predawn hours, the window of circadian low, defined as the hours of 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., when physiological sleepiness is greatest and performance capabilities—such as reacting to an armed incursion–are lowest. Delta hoped to find some guards asleep or drowsily unvigilant.

Delta snipers with suppressor-equipped rifles shot three gate and five perimeter guards in the head. Eight shots, eight confirmed kills. Meanwhile, more Delta scaled the stone wall surrounding Schwab’s fortress and engaged a gaggle of armed goons, killing seven and grievously wounding five more. One Delta was shot in the arm and leg but kept fighting. Another got zipped by a ribbon of submachine gun fire and died. 🍿🐸🇺🇸 SHARE!



#SemperSupra 💫


John & John F. Kennedy ‘Q’
United States Republic
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Forwarded from Truth About Q



Forwarded from WWG1WGA JFK 🤝 USSF 🇺🇸
United States of America
Official list of emergency relief by country scale ( GCR Currency)
Phase 1 of the GCR currency globalization plan.
Implementation in countries. Share it everywhere people need to know!

#WWG1WGA 💫 #SemperSupra 💫


John F. Kennedy JFK ‘Q’
United States Republic