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#CTXC breakout coming
#CTXC USDT update 0.1256 %12 Profit so far
Binance Signals TURKEY🎖🚀
#VÄ°DT (BÄ°NANCE) BUY AROUND 140-156 SEL-172-199-220-266-300- moon #VIDT touches trend support as it moves through the accumulation zone several times we have made high profits from this support 20% 40% 80% 118% progressive Having Goals can be taken gradually
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if #BTC closes above 63900-65000 #İDEX 0.52 0.57 #idex btc 90-10 #bome 11 14 #bome 0.0083 0.088 #audio btc 270-306 #audio usdt 0.170 0.1990 #Vidt btc 52-58 #vidt usdt 0.33 0.38 #ogn btc 210-240 #ogn usdt 0.1400 0.1600 Wait #mdt 0.06200 0.06300 #perp wait 0.0990…
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#BTC 64569 TOuched ALTS wait for dip buy turned into a blood market While this downward wave continues, there are a few coins that come to support. It wait for dip buy #ENJ btc 230-260 Now 280 #ENJ usdt 0.1600-1790 #MTL btc 1290-1430 #MTL usdt 0.820 0.950…
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#PERP 0.686 Gördü şuanda %16 yaptı #Enj 0.1450 den demiştim%30 sanki piyasa kibirdayacak gibi. #ENJ #ARPA #RİF diğer coinlerimiz yakında sağlam patlamalarımız olabilir,👀gözlerim piyasada radar açık.