Bilal A Kareem بلال عبد الكريم
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Bilal is free.

بلال حر و لله الحمد

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13th of August, this was the last time Bilal Abdul Kareem had contact with the outside world. Very shortly after the time displayed he was arrested by HTS security forces in the middle of a buzzing town, since then he has not been heard from by any member of the public, his whereabouts remain unestablished & his fate unknown.

Were it not for the mere coincidence that his step son witnessed the violent arrest of him & his driver & recognised that those who took him were from HTS, it would not be known who his captors were. This is the position that several other HTS detainees have found themselves in, in the past, the present & perhaps the future, if change is not worked towards.

Almost a month of detention, there is no official statement regarding his arrest, no contact with family, no information regarding his health or living conditions.

Bilal is a journalist with perhaps many prepared to be a voice for him, however those without a voice need to be spoken for & a just system must be implemented.
Ahmed Rahal, a Media activist and Journalist in Northern Syria: "More than 3 weeks have passed since the arrest of the American Journalist, Bilal Abdul Kareem, by HTS security forces and his fate is still unknown ...

How long will Bilal stay in prison, especially given the severity of the high temperatures??!!!

There is no power for us except through You, O Lord."
Bilal A Kareem بلال عبد الكريم
#Idlib Ahmed Rahal, a Media activist and Journalist in Northern Syria: "More than 3 weeks have passed since the arrest of the American Journalist, Bilal Abdul Kareem, by HTS security forces and his fate is still unknown ... How long will Bilal stay in prison…
It is noteworthy that Ahmed Rahal was himself arrested and held by HTS security forces for several weeks on the basis of conducting an interview that displeased them.

During his imprisionment, Bilal Abdul Kareem brought to light Ahmed's case and highlighted what he believed was mistreatment by the security forces whom arrested Ahmed from his home in a violent manner in the presence of his pregnant wife who was not given the oppurtunity to cover herself.

Regarding the case of Ahmed Rahal and all of those arrested in opposition held areas, Bilal has always advocated for following to be guaranteed:

- No Humiliation.
- No Indefinite Detention.
- No Torture.

#FreeBilal #FreeTox #PrisonersRightsIdlib

Bilal, prisoners and the war in Syria:

In his work advocating for the rights of prisoners, Bilal has never opposed the arrest of people who commit crimes that have been proven with evidence. It is understood that crimes such as theft, rape, kidnapping, violence, killing and much more take place on a regular basis.Those who commit such crimes must be held accountable and kept away from the public as a punishment and as a way to ensure the safety of the population.

However, especially most recently, disappearences and unexplained arrests are taking place on a very regular basis. Furthermore, there have been innumerable reports recently and over the years of violence and humiliation within prisons in opposition held areas and other parts of the country outside of regime control.

Bilal's aim has always been to ensure that a just and transparent system is put in place where people are treated in such a way whereby their basic human rights are respected and observed, with each individual being granted due process.

Disappearances, unexplained arrests, indefinite sentences, torture, zero contact with the outside world, lack of safety, lack of healthcare, hunger and much more should not be part of any human experience any where in Syria or outside. Not only do such practices breach human rights, they also go against any islamic teaching. Islam is a religion where the rights of all prisoners are maintained and every human being in captivity is treated in a decent manner.

For decades Syria witnessed the worst forms of torture and treatment of prisoners under the rule of Bashar and his father Hafiz. For this reason the Syrian people decided to revolt and bring about change. Consequently, millions of people have suffered severe repercussions in their quest for basic human rights and in their plight to have the tyranical Assad regime replaced.

Hence, any new party, group of people or movement on the ground must replace the practices of the regime with practices that provide people with security and safety. This means that the breaches to human rights witnessed in Syria must not be over looked by neither people on the ground nor external parties, lest the sacrifices to change the violent doctrines of the regime go to waste.

All over the country, whether in areas held by the opposition, areas held by Turkish backed groups, areas held by the SDF, areas held by the regime; basic human rights are severely lacking in prisons, detention centres and camps. Something must be done to change this state of affairs and change cannot take place if people like Bilal are not given the chance to work hard and advocate for a just future.

Basic human rights must be maintained and Islamic teachings with regards to the treatment of prisoners must be observed in order to ensure that prisoners do not suffer the following:
- Humiliation
- Indefinite detention
- Torture

#FreeBilal #FreeTox
Battle News Network: "25 days have passed since HTS arrested journalist Bilal Abdul Karim"

Charges against him, his fate, whereabouts and condition remain unknown. Similar to the case of countless others.

#FreeBilal #FreeTox
Forwarded from OGN

Statement from the wife of Bilal Abdul Kareem on the 26th day of his arrest, 08/09/20:

"Allah SWT said: {And your Lord is the Forgiving, full of mercy. If He were to impose blame upon them for what they earned, He would have hastened for them the punishment.} (Kahf:58)

The 26th day has ended, and we do not have any news about our detainees Bilal Abdul Kareem and Tauqir Sharif.

Although we have been liberated from Assad, no one can approach prisons from and no one can know about the detainee that they care about. We cannot find out where they are and how their situation is. This is sad. I did not leave my home in Aleppo except for the sake of life with dignity and freedom, but where is this dignity? Where is freedom?

I cannot get information about my husband who was arbitrarily arrested and physically assaulted and insulted alongside his driver.

We don't know where he is.

Where are the prisoner's rights? A visit, a call?"

Today is the 28th day since Bilal's arrest. 10/09/2020

Today it is Bilal and Tox and many others.

Yesterday it was countless others.

Tomorrow it could be anyone.

And this is the sad situation in Idlib. It is not only real criminals that are incarcerated. But innocent people, with no evidence against them, with mere false accusations against them are suffering and disappearing at the hands of those whom people trusted would be just.

This is the situation in Idlib and many other parts of the country. Imprisonment with no trial, no charges, no evidence, false accusations, torture, humiliation and no access to basic human rights.

This must change and any sincere person with correct Islamic values upon the creed of the Prophet PBUH should be a part of this change.

The prison system must ensure:
- No false accusations
- No indefinite detention
- No humiliation
- No torture

30 days on = Silence.
30 days on = No evidence of any crimes. No evidence of Misconduct and absolutley No evidence of anything Islamically wrong.

His only 'crime' was speaking out about a prison system he so desperately wanted to help change. His plight has always been to strive for a system where no one is wronged and the rules put forth by Allah and His messenger are used in the treatment of prisoners and detainees.

His main goal for the prison systems:
- No false accusations
- No indefinite detention
- No humiliation
- No torture

Civilians of Idlib are calling for the immediate release of the unjustly held:
- Abu Yahya Jazairi
- Abu Omar Minhaj
- Bilal Abdul Kareem
- Abu Hussam (Tauqir Sharif)

None of whom are in a known location, none of whom have had any form of contact with the outside world.

Their health condition, mental state, living conditions, fate, charges are all unknown.

We must demand for the following for all prisoners:
- No False Accusations
- No indefinite detention
- No Torture
- No Humiliation

Since the 13th of August 2020, the public, the family and the friends of Bilal have had no news of the American journalist.

Like many others; his location, situation, living conditions, health condition, mental state, charges, fate all remain unknown.

His 'crime' was speaking out against a system that he did not agree with. A system that does not treat prisoners in a way that is pleasing to Allah and his Prophet. And a system that strips many innocent people of their basic human rights.

The changes he so tirelessly tried to call for include:

- No False Accusations
- No Indefinite Detention
- No Torture
- No Humiliation


A photo has been released of the man who was killed by HTS security forces in Jisr al-Shughour on the night of the 24th of September, his name has not been revealed. However the name of a second foreign Turkish man has been revealed, a man known as 'Tareq Turki' was also killed by HTS security forces on the same night. Several others were raided and arrested. The charges and accusations against them are unknown. HTS is continuing to imprision both foreign and Syrian men on an almost daily basis. The locations, charges and fate of all remain unknown.

انتشرت صورة للرجل الذي قتلته قوات الأمن التابعة لهيئة تحرير الشام في جسر الشغور ليل 24 أيلول / سبتمبر الماضي ، دون الكشف عن اسمه. لكن تم الكشف عن اسم رجل تركي أجنبي ثان يُدعى "طارق تركي" قُتل على يد قوات أمن هيئة تحرير الشام في الليلة نفسها. تم مداهمة العديد من الأشخاص الآخرين واعتقالهم. التهم ضدهم غير معروفة. تواصل هيئة تحرير الشام اعتقال الرجال الأجانب والسوريين بشكل شبه يومي. ولا تزال مواقعهم و الاتهامات ضدهم ومصيرهم مجهول.

➡️ @BilalAKareem
More than two months on: nothing.

Journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem remains in HTS custody and everything surrounding him and his case is unknown.

How long will this go on for?

Forwarded from أبو يحيى الشامي
⭕️ بلال عبد الكريم. الولايات المتحدة تحاول قتله، وهيئة تحرير الشام تسجنه.. لا محاكمة عادلة، لا سبب قانوني، فقط إسكات قسري.

اقرأ المقابلة التي أجرتها الصحفية (يفون ريدلي) مع بلال في محبسه هاتفياً لمدة 20 دقيقة.