Bilal A Kareem بلال عبد الكريم
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Bilal is free.

بلال حر و لله الحمد

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Civilians of Idlib are calling for the immediate release of the unjustly held:
- Abu Yahya Jazairi
- Abu Omar Minhaj
- Bilal Abdul Kareem
- Abu Hussam (Tauqir Sharif)

None of whom are in a known location, none of whom have had any form of contact with the outside world.

Their health condition, mental state, living conditions, fate, charges are all unknown.

We must demand for the following for all prisoners:
- No False Accusations
- No indefinite detention
- No Torture
- No Humiliation

- No False Accusations
- No Indefinite Detention
- No Humiliation
- No Torture

Recently Tox was given the unfortunate news that his mother has been diagnosed with cancer. He wrote a letter to his mother when he was released from his initial unjust arrest. Now he has been arrested again, with no news of his well-being, his mother is worried sick. Her health is not in the best of conditions and she is yearning to hear her son's voice and recieve confirmation that he is ok. It has been over 40 days since Tox was taken, with no phone calls or visits.

Tox has been away from his mother for 7 years. For 7 years they have not seen eachother, however his mother was at ease knowing he is serving the most needy. Now we are unaware of his welfare and whereabouts and with the knowledge that he was initially tortured, we are appealing to HTS to have Mercy on a mother and allow Tox to be released and allow him to speak to his mother.

We ask you all to keep Tox's mother in your duaas. May Allah hasten the release of Tox and others alike.

#FreeTox #FreeBilal

➡️ @BilalAKareem

It has been 40 days since the arrest of Bilal Abdul Kareem by HTS. The following is a statement from his wife

⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Bilal A Kareem بلال عبد الكريم
#FreeBilal #FreeTox #PrisonersRightsIdlib #SayNoToTorture It has been 40 days since the arrest of Bilal Abdul Kareem by HTS. The following is a statement from his wife ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
"No matter what we do, whether its sitting in the house, taking a walk through the breeze, or trying to forget about things by admiring the sun set, all I can think about is how the days come and go, and there is no sign of Bilal ... It has been 40 days since Bilal was arrested!

We have not found out anything about him since then. No phone call, no visit, we are not even told what condition he is in, whether he is at least well under these circumstances! Even the smallest hope is taken away from us, that not even brothers and his friends are told about his case! It is kept secret! Hasbun Allah wa nimal wakil!

We, his family, are getting more and more worried every day since we know that they have tortured in the very near past, even though we know how mentally and physically strong Bilal is!

Allah says:
وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ
Fear Allah, surely Allah is aware of all your actions. Quran 59:18

We as a family miss him, his laughter, his humor, his advice and support... we need it all back! The ummah needs him back.. his perspective on the things and events that are currently happening are all needed! Everyone trusts and misses him and prays for him.

We as a family are very overwhelmed with all the good we have seen, how supportive the ummah stands behind him, and how much people are making dua for him and us, may Allah give everyone the best in Dunya wa'l Akhira Amiinn"

- The wife of Bilal Abdul Kareem


➡️ @BilalAKareem
Since the 13th of August 2020, the public, the family and the friends of Bilal have had no news of the American journalist.

Like many others; his location, situation, living conditions, health condition, mental state, charges, fate all remain unknown.

His 'crime' was speaking out against a system that he did not agree with. A system that does not treat prisoners in a way that is pleasing to Allah and his Prophet. And a system that strips many innocent people of their basic human rights.

The changes he so tirelessly tried to call for include:

- No False Accusations
- No Indefinite Detention
- No Torture
- No Humiliation



"رأيت بلال في رؤيا، أرجو من الله أن معناها فرج من الله تعالى وعودته كما كان وأحسن، أو هي خير لدنياه وآخرته.

اللهم فرج عن الصحفي بلال عبد الكريم ورده لأهله ولثورتنا بأحسن حال، واكتب أجره وارفع منزلته."

#الحرية_لبلال #الحرية_لأبو_حسام

"I saw Bilal in a dream, I hope from Allah that its meaning is relief sent to him from Allah Almighty and his return as he was and better. Or that what he is going through is better for his worldly life and the hereafter.

Oh Allah, release the journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem and return him to his family in the best condition, and reward him and raise his status."

#FreeBilal #FreeTox

➡️ @bilalakareem
Bilal A Kareem بلال عبد الكريم
من @ayshami: #المهاجر #بلال_عبدالكريم يا طالبَ الحقِّ لا تيأسْ وكنْ رجلاً صُلبَ العزيمةِ واسلُكْ أشرفَ الجُدَدِ وابصُقْ دماءَكَ في وجهِ الغَشومِ وقلْ لا يؤلمُ الجرحُ، قهري ينتهي بيدي غدرُ العدوِّ يزيدُ القلبَ تبصِرَةَ وفوقَ ذلك غدرُ الأهلِ والسَّندِ حَذارِ،…
Translation of a poem from @ayshami to Bilal Abdul Kareem:

Oh seeker of truth, do not despair, and be a man

Solidify your determination and walk through the most honorable roads

Spit your blood on the face of the fools and say:
The wound does not hurt, I end my difficulties with my hands.

The betrayal of the enemy increases the heart's insight,
So does the betrayal of family and (those who are supposed to be of) support

Beware, I advise you not to be deceived by those who have been deceived by disappearing prestige, power and comfort

We will break the chains that the tyrants come with

We will blow up the prison and the prison guards with rebellion

And the truthful one will remain waiting for the dawn of truth

No night is permanent, no matter how long it is.

#FreeBilal #FreeTox

➡️ @BilalAKareem