Bhaktiratna Sadhu Maharaja’s Blog
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The daily writings, audios, videos, photos, and realizations of Bhaktiratna Sadhu Maharaja on how to attain Harinam Siddhi by Maha Vaishnava Shiva's and Nitai's mercy.
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v4v4 👆 Tanpura for Recitation Background
v4v4👆Thunder Garjana Meditation
v4v4 👆 The profoundest Flute ever
v4v4 👆 Haaaaa: Shankaram Na Smarami, Shaivi Chinta Vihinam... A pure devotee of Nitai like Shiva can destroy all our offenses more quickly because Nitai has given that power to His pure devotee. My most favorite aparadha-forgiving audio to the Maha Vaishnav Shiva - Shiva Kshamapana Stotram - now tuned to the most revealing quality! This begging-for-forgiveness stotra is the last frontier of all hope against all hope for a wretched offensive soul like me. May I die begging for forgiveness while meditating on this Stotra! That is my only glimmer of hope. Mukunda-Priya name of Shiva is used in the last verse! Lyrics here. Bhole!
v4v4 👆 My most easily-vividly-mental-dhyan-imagery-inducing white noise swadhishthan-chakra-self-identity-activating rain and thunder audio ever, for some to remain in hours and hours of deep and effortless non-mentally-fatiguing divine form, qualities, associates, abodes, and pastimes visualization meditation! Listen at a low colume. Period.
Shiva is most pleased by this one thing, even more than the worship of own His Supreme Lord

ārādhanānāṁ sarveṣāṁ
viṣṇor ārādhanaṁ param
tasmāt parataraṁ devi
tadīyānāṁ samarchanam
CC Madhya 11.31
Laghu Bhagavatamrit 2.4
Originally from Padma Puran

“[Lord Śiva told the goddess Durgā:] ‘My dear Devī, although the Vedas recommend worship (ārādhanānāṁ) of demigods (sarveṣāṁ), the worship (ārādhanaṁ) of Lord Viṣṇu is topmost (param). However, there is one rarest of the rare worship even above (parataraṁ) the worship of the Supreme Peronsality of Godhead Krishna (tasmāt). That is the worship, meditation, and service (samarchanam) of Lord Krishna's topmost pure beloved devotee (tadīyānāṁ)."

The above verse is so important, it is repeated three times in three different scriptures as it is the ultimate secret of all secrets.

Of course, Shiva, being the Maha Vaishnava, is pleased with the worship of His beloved Lord Krishna/Nitai/Gaura. But Shiva is most pleased if we truly please Krishna by following Krishna's most confidential order. And how is Krishna actually pleased? What is this most powerful and confidential order of Krishna? It is the worship of His beloved devotee which Krishna Himself practices in all His incarnations and expressly recommends it to Uddhav and all souls in creation in His confidential Uddhav Gita in sb 11.19.21: mad-bhakta-pūjābhyadhikā!

So saying that Shiva only wants us to worship Krishna and He is fully pleased by that is denying to accept Shiva's above confidential verse and revelation in Cc 2.11.31. The ultimate topmost good fortune can only come by the worship and meditation of the pure devotee as per the words and personal example of Krishna and Shiva Themselves. The above secret revelation by Shiva Himself is being ignored. That is why the scriptures have to be understood in totality and not by selective quoting. If there is something even higher, the highest thing, then it should also be told while explaining the higher thing, then the true essence of knowledge is known.

The day when we start staying, "O Bhakta, Bhakta Bhakta...", just like how Gaura called out, "Gopis, Gopis. Gopis...", instead of "O Bhagawan, Bhagawan, Bhagawan...", which we are not qualified for anyway, the ultimate mercy of both Bhakta and Bhagawan truly starts raining down upon us! 🙏

Sometimes I feel that even those who don't know about Bhagawan and just worship the Bhakta as their all in all and are the devotees of the Bhakta are more fortunate than the direct devotees of Bhagawan who may be in more knowledge, as they are unknowingly following Bhagawan's most important and confidential order and the Bhakta will always truly transfer their worship to Bhagawan even if they don't give it for Bhagawan, than those who are so proud of their direct approach and worship of Bhagawan that they ignore the most important order of Bhagawan to surrender one-pointedly to His Bhakta and meditate on and worship His Bhakta with ananyabhav, which is where all the real and instant mercy of both Bhakta and Bhagawan truly lies.
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The day when we start staying, "O Bhakta, Bhakta Bhakta...", just like how Gaura called out, "Gopis, Gopis. Gopis...", instead of "O Bhagawan, Bhagawan, Bhagawan...", which we are not qualified for anyway, the ultimate mercy of both Bhakta and Bhagawan truly starts raining down upon us!
Sometimes I feel that even those who don't know about Bhagawan and just worship the Bhakta as their all in all and are the devotees of the Bhakta are more fortunate than the direct devotees of Bhagawan who may be in more knowledge, as they are unknowingly following Bhagawan's most important and confidential order and the Bhakta will always truly transfer their worship to Bhagawan even if they don't give it for Bhagawan, than those who are so proud of their direct approach and worship of Bhagawan that they ignore the most important order of Bhagawan to surrender one-pointedly to His Bhakta and meditate on and worship His Bhakta with ananyabhav, which is where all the real and instant mercy of both Bhakta and Bhagawan truly lies.
Bhaktiratna Sadhu Maharaja’s Blog pinned «Shiva is most pleased by this one thing, even more than the worship of own His Supreme Lord ārādhanānāṁ sarveṣāṁ viṣṇor ārādhanaṁ param tasmāt parataraṁ devi tadīyānāṁ samarchanam CC Madhya 11.31 Laghu Bhagavatamrit 2.4 Originally from Padma Puran “[Lord…»
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v4v4 👆 Who will save us if the Lord is upset due to our offenses?
Bhaktiratna Sadhu Maharaja’s Blog
Japa, Shravan, Kirtan, Pathan, etc. rises inside the Sushumna and thus gives longer-lasting ruchi and purification if accompanied by the Sama Nadi Mudra, which opens up the Sushumna by balancing the Ida and Pingala!
Forwarded from Deepak Makwana
The mudra u taught is helping me a lot, activating shuskmana is very useful in dhyan
Forwarded from Raya Ramanand Nitai Dhyayak Das Channel (Raya Ramanand Das)
This mudra opened up sushmna naadi after almost 18 minutes, I felt dazzlingly cooling sensation in middle of Meru danda, and chanting is so spontaneous... so spontaneous, it occured for 5 minutes then again came to previous state but yes it's working after so many things... trying it again hope it keeps me in this state constantly
Forwarded from Raya Ramanand Nitai Dhyayak Das Channel (Raya Ramanand Das)
*गुरु कृपा*

गुरु कृपा चार प्रकार से होती है -
१. स्मरण से
२. दृष्टि से
३. शब्द से
४. स्पर्श से

*१* जैसे कछुवी रेत के भीतर अंडा देती है पर स्वयं पानी के भीतर रहती हुई उस अंडे को याद करती रहती है तो उसके स्मरण से अंडा पक जाता है। ऐसे ही गुरु की याद करने मात्र से शिष्य को ज्ञान हो जाता है। यह है *स्मरण कृपा*

*२* दूसरा जैसे मछली जल में अपने अंडे को थोड़ी थोड़ी देर में देखती रहती है तो देखने मात्र से अंडा पक जाता है। ऐसे ही गुरु की कृपा दृष्टि से शिष्य को ज्ञान हो जाता है। यह *दृष्टि कृपा* है।

*३* तीसरा जैसे कुररी  पृथ्वी पर अंडा देती है और आकाश में शब्द करती हुई घूमती है तो उसके शब्द से अंडा पक जाता है। ऐसे ही गुरु अपने शब्दों से शिष्य को ज्ञान करा देता है। यह *शब्द कृपा* है ।

*४* चौथा जैसे मयूरी अपने अंडे पर बैठी रहती है तो उसके स्पर्श से अंडा पक जाता है । ऐसे ही गुरु के हाथ के स्पर्श से शिष्य को ज्ञान हो जाता है । यह *स्पर्श कृपा* है।
