Amir Tsarfati
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Husband, Father, Messiah Follower, Bestselling Author, Bible Teacher, Conference Speaker, Founder and President of Behold Israel.
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Another huge fire in a chemical plant in the city of Ahvaz, Iran! 180 firefighters took part in the effort to put out the fire. 12 were injured!
Allow me to share something a bit personal: last night a minute before the Middle East Update began I received this news flash about the decision of the UN human rights council to investigate Israel for the Gaza operation. I wanted to scream so loud. My country was attacked by a terror organization with thousands of rockets, my military is the most moral one I have ever seen, yet the bad guys are left alone and the good guys are to be investigated. “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20)
Data that were released today should frighten any American: In the sea of ​​infiltrators every day to the US (6,000 people a day) through the border with Mexico - there are residents from 160 countries, including Yemen, Syria, in fact all Islamic countries. They land in Mexico, then march to the border. In April, 178,622 infiltrators infiltrated the United States, and in March 172,000, all of them entering, and able to work.
Nevada here I come! Details soon!
If you are wondering how come Assad was elected with 95.1% of the votes just know that military personnel were observed voting more than 15 times each. That explains…..
The premiering of “The Dead See” will start in a few minutes! Please watch and share with as many as you can!!!
The Turkish Lira is at all time low. Nearly 8.6 Turkish Liras for 1 USD. The central bank of Turkey raised the interest rate to 19% while its 0 in most of the world including in Israel, and yet the currency devaluation continues. People can’t pay off their loans and so they recicle them in a higher interest rate. Inflation is at 17% as the New Ottoman Empire dreams continue to meet a harsh economic reality . I guess Erdogan has more reasons other than the religious/national ones to go to war soon!
At the end of the recent war Hamas estimated the damage caused is of a little over 300 million dollars. However the more money offered to help the more Hamas is “updating” the damage figures in order to justify the news of all the money (and keep most of it to build new terror infrastructures). So Farag total of 1.4 billion dollars was promised to be given by Egypt, Qatar, US, Belgium, Canada, Japan and the UAE.
Israeli news channels report that an agreement between Yemina (Israel’s right wing party) and the center- left leader Yair Lapid was signed for a new Israeli government formed by right center and left parties to be sworn in within 10 days. According to the agreement, yemina’s leader Naftali Bennet will be prime minister for the first two years and Lapid will be in the latter 2.5 of the 4.5 years term. Bennet having only 6 seats in the parliament promised until the day of elections to his voters that he would never sit with or under Lapid nor will he ask to be prime minister if he gets less than 10 seats. He broke these two promises!
If these reports are accurate, Benjamin Netanyahu‘s term as PM is over.
As I am watching the growing tension in the Middle East and the level of hatred from the Jihadist camp towards the UAE for it’s peace with Israel, my first thriller is truly turning more prophetic than fiction!
Israel’s brand new corvette - “Oz” (“strength”) - left the thyssenkrupp shipyards in Germany and is currently on the way to its new home - Haifa, Israel.
The Egyptian Islamic institution “Al Azhar” issued today a statement claiming that the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the holiest site in the world for Jews, is also an Islamic site. They claim that Jews began to claim ownership only since the Balfour Declaration in 1917. Someone must teach them a history lesson and fast. The amazing thing is that the Islamic authority itself up until the time of the British mandate claimed that the Temple Mount was the site of the Jewish Temple. If you wanna rewrite history you’ll have to start by rewriting your own books!
Big blast was heard north east of Damascus at the weapon storage facilities of the 20th brigade of the Syrian army’s third division. That area is known to be in complete control of Hezbollah!
From what I gather online, the US military is really considering a military action against the Iranian-backed militias in Iraq. It’s now clear to publish that a month and a half ago during the strike on the US base in Erbil’s international airport, a UAV that disappeared from the American radar due to low altitude, hit a warehouse of the CIA. Major damage!
After his request to run for president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dropped two bombs in an interview:

1. He revealed that documents related to the Iranian space program had been stolen (in addition to the nuclear archive that the Mossad had brought to the country), in this context Iran claims that this is the reason why the space program encountered difficulties.

2. The recent explosion in the Natanz uranium enrichment facility caused damage worth billions of dollars.