Amir Tsarfati
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Husband, Father, Messiah Follower, Bestselling Author, Bible Teacher, Conference Speaker, Founder and President of Behold Israel.
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The powerful blasts heard in central Israel are the result of Syrian anti aircraft missiles that crossed Israel and landed at sea in response to the Israeli air strike!
The attack tonight in Syria

According to the official Syrian news agency at 01:26, Israel attacked targets in the Damascus area. The attack was carried out, according to the Syrians and also according to Lebanese sources from the Lebanese airspace southeast of Beirut.
According to the official Syrian report, only property damage was caused.

Sources affiliated with the Syrian opposition report that the main target attacked, with at least three missiles, is the Center for Scientific Research in Jamraya near Damascus.
The last time the center was attacked in Jamraya was in April 2018 when the US-led coalition armies carried out the attack (as part of an attack in which more than 100 cruise missiles were fired) in response to the chemical massacre carried out by Assad supporters of the Syrian opposition.
This attack was preceded by at least 4 Israeli attacks (according to foreign publications) by the same center that deals with the development of various weapons, including, according to various sources, precision missiles.

Syrian opposition sources claim that a Shiite militia base was also attacked last night in the area of ​​the village of Darij, also in the Damascus area.

These sources added that yesterday a large amount of Syrian anti-aircraft missiles were fired following the attack.

According to reports in Israel, parts of one of the Syrian missiles landed in the Tel Aviv area.
The Iranian opposition publishes what the regime is trying to hide: the dimensions of the corona disaster: over 40 million Iranians contracted the virus and over 400,000 of them died from it.
The IDF responded tonight to the firing of the Syrian surface-to-air missile that entered Israel:

This Syrian missile followed the Israeli air strike, which hit a number of important Iranian targets at Damascus International Airport (including a warehouse with strategic weapons).
Following the Syrian rocket, the IDF again attacked this time an SA-5 missile battery to convey a message to the Syrians. The battery was significantly damaged.
Former chief of staff of Iran's Armed Forces Hassan Firouzabadi has died of coronavirus. Would note reports of Firouzabadi having health issues for years--prior to the pandemic. He was very close to Khamenei.
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Damascus last night, a mega party is going on while in the background the Syrian air defense systems are at work! Welcome to the surreal Middle East!
India has signed a contract with the Israeli company Elbit for the supply of 100 skystriker-type UAVs, New Delhi reports.

The acquisition and supply, which will be completed in up to 12 months, is intended to increase India's operational capabilities vis-à-vis China and Pakistan.

The skystriker recently served the Azerbaijani army in his fight against the Armenians and had much success on the battlefield.
The Russian military in an official statement: Syria destroy 21 of 24 missiles fired by Israel last night from Lebanese airspace.
“My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment”. (James 3:1)
The Taliban released a statement that it had captured the last province in Afghanistan, Panjshir! However, Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the Northern Alliance Resistance tweeted that it’s fake news!
When there is so much incompetence within your own government and authorities, blaming Israel will always work…

The official newspaper of the Algerian army claims: Israel and Morocco ignited fires inside Algeria during the visit of Foreign Minister Yair Lapid. The official newspaper goes on to claim that the planning was from the outside but assistants from the inside carried out the fires.
China is a "main partner" of the Taliban in the international community, Taliban spokesman Zabihula Mujahid declared. He claimed that Beijing was "ready to invest and rebuild" Afghanistan, and expressed hope that China would be a gateway into international markets.

Mujahid said the Chinese would revive copper mining and production in Afghanistan, and expressed admiration for the Chinese "Belt and Road" project, under which China provides significant loans to other countries in order to invest in their infrastructure.

You see my friends? Russia and America invested billions in trying to control Afghanistan from within and in America’s case even democratize the country, where China is taking over quietly from a distance without a single soldier deployed there. They will simply query the precious metals and give the Taliban its cut. In return they will protect the Taliban in international bodies such as the security council of the UN where China is a permanent member and has the power to veto any decision!
17 dead, 41 injured in citywide open-air firing by Taliban militants in Kabul after unconfirmed reports emerged yesterday that the Taliban took over the last province of Afghanistan - Panjshir.
Huge war spoils captured by Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Taliban) during ongoing offensive operations in Panjshir:
Heavy artillery, automated missiles rocket etc