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Before 5 AM
Success Starts Before 5am!
🎯Mission to impact Billion souls.
📑Blueprint for Success.
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Let’s get down to business, first thing this morning!

Let’s talk about your biggest goal. What is it?

Give me the specifics, show me you understand the goal you are trying to achieve in the comments.

It’s your goal!
It’s your purpose, it’s your mission. It’s also your responsibility above all else to know everything there is about your biggest goal.

Now, let’s talk about how exactly you are going to achieve your goal.

What are the steps?

What’s involved?

What moves to do you need to make today or this week to start moving towards your target?

Talk me through the process and be specific and certain. Save the uncertainty for your friends, work colleagues and family.

When you talk to me, I want you to be certain. Strong and sure of exactly what you are trying to accomplish and how you are going to make it happen.

What you just read, is exactly how I create absolute certainty in the lives of my coaching clients.

So, here’s the deal...

Whoever talks me through their goal and process in the comments section with great detail wins a one on one session with me at the start of next month!

We’ll go top to to bottom on your biggest goal and I’ll help you get your plan and the steps right!

Let’s get to work!
Show me what you got and show me what you’re working on!

Wake Up!

It's time to get excited about the day ahead and feel good about yourself and the life you are creating!

When you feel good everything else around you starts to fall into place and you start to feel more confident and certain about the future!

So how do you start feeling good about yourself and your life?

By taking Action!

By making your own health and wellbeing your highest priority and taking great care of the body you have been blessed to live in!

By making consistently good choices with your diet, eating lean, eating clean and eating for energy!

By getting consistent rest every night and waking up and investing the first 90 minutes of the day on your personal development, growth and the things that make you happy!

By being a positive person who makes others smile and laugh and contributes every day to making the world a better place!

By having a plan for your life and goals that inspire you and motivate you to do your best and be your best every single day!

By exercising your will power and being disciplined and conscious of your choices and decisions throughout the you know that you are in control of your life!

By believing that life is beautiful and that there is always something amazing and wonderful around the corner!

When you feel good within yourself and yourself you will start to feel good about your life and the world around you!

Make it a Beautiful Day!

When you don't know what to do or when you are feeling lost and unsure hit the gym, go for a walk, ride your bike, go for a run or swim...Get out and Get moving!

Motion creates emotion and as I always say it's easier to move your body than it is to move your mind into a positive state or a more constructive or creative place!

Working out and exercising is the easiest way to re-connect with yourself and feel inspired and motivated again!

Start your day with a workout or at least 30 minutes of exercise and find time after work to fit in a quick workout or walk to re-focus your mind and energize yourself for the evening ahead!

Get Active!

You’ve got to be committed. No matter what you’re doing in life and what you’re aiming for you have to be able to bring high levels of certainty to the party.
The best way to bring certainty to the party is to be all in and committed to your vision. Having a sense of purpose, being focused and being willing to do whatever it takes are all outcomes of being committed.
You have to be willing to work! Nothing happens in this realm without you first putting in the work and finding a way to create and produce something of value.
One of the biggest reasons why you won’t see your dreams unfold is because you simply haven’t produced enough work. Production is the one thing that allows you to learn, improve and adapt quickly.
The more your create and the more you produce the greater the chances are of you being able to breakthrough and be seen as the market leader and the GO TO guy or girl.
Finally, without patience you won’t see any dream unfold.

I know how easy it is to think that you have other responsibilities and priorities in your life, but the truth is your only real responsibility in this life is to fulfil your life purpose and create the most beautiful and meaningful life you possibly can and you can only do that by being true to yourself.

Don't let another day pass you by without doing something that will move you a little closer to what it is you truly want and truly believe in.

The best advice I can give any of you is:

Just start, if you haven't ever started before or simply don't know how to go about pursuing your dreams, grab a pen and a fresh sheet of paper and just get what's in your head & heart down on paper.

Once you start getting into the habit of expressing yourself and getting your ideas down on paper, you can start to tweak and develop your own thoughts and start creating your dreams in this reality.

If you have started before and are having doubts or other things have just kind of come up over time then it's time to re-focus and see what you can do today to get back in the game and move towards your true destiny.

It is your duty to chase your dreams and go after what you really want....because ultimately that's what you were born to do and that's what's going to give you the deepest sense of fulfilment.

You're not letting anyone down except yourself if you don't follow your heart and find your purpose.

Be true to yourself and the I promise you that everything else will start to fall into place once you start pursuing your gifts, talents, dreams and life purpose.

You can't be disciplined and consistent if you aren't focused on a specific outcome or vision for yourself and your life!

Your focus dictates how disciplined you are in your life and the reason why most people struggle to be consistent and disciplined is because they lose their focus and when you lose your focus you lose your drive.

It is quite common for people to get into shape and lose a few pounds 3 months out from a wedding or some event where they need to look and feel their best but for the rest of the year or even years they don't maintain that intensity and work ethic and that simply comes down to focus!

If you want to be disciplined in any area of your life maintain your focus year round and stay focused on the outcome you want both in the short term and long term....losing your focus will also lead you to losing your consistency and momentum.

Ultimately you want to run fantastic habits and patterns year round that move you forward regardless of your focus and how you feel, but those peak performance habits and patterns take more than 90 days of focus and dedication...They take years!

But that doesn't mean you can't start now to be more focused on your goals and vision for yourself and your life and it simply starts with you writing down your goals every morning and every night and putting that Vision of yourself and who you want to be at the front of your mind every single day!

You guys have heard me say it before, but sometimes the most productive thing you can do, is to do nothing.
You've got to give your mind a chance to rest and relax. Most of you are over thinking and over working your mind and that leads to burn out, a lack of performance and in some cases depression and illness.
Now, I know you've got a hectic schedule and you've got to manage your career, business, family, social life and finances along with everything else.
I also know, you're hustling and grinding to make your dreams come true and you are pushing yourself every day to perform at your highest level.
But, I'm asking you to give yourself, especially your mind a chance to switch off from time to time and allow yourself to just be and allow things to just be... for a moment, not forever.
One of the great keys to peak performance that I teach many of my coaching clients is to give yourself 1 - 2 hours a day at the very least to disconnect.
Take up a new hobby, go for a walk in nature, meditate and enjoy just pottering around your back yard. You've got to give your mind time to relax, so you can be more focused and perform at a higher level when you actually need to.
The other great tip I recommend, is to work in small blocks of time. You won't be very productive after 2 or 3 hours of intense focus and work. So you have to make it part of your lifestyle and schedule to give yourself a break.
If you really want to take things to the next level and be more focused and achieve more, then you have to learn the art of resting your mind and allowing yourself to just be.
If you make it part of your lifestyle to unwind, then you will find you won't burn out or need long holidays or need to run away from your life.
Resting your mind, is as important as resting your body after a big work out.
So give your mind a chance to rest, that may mean you have to hide your phone from yourself and stop checking your emails and message and go sit on the beach for a while and just watch the waves roll in.
One of the reasons I can work every day and rarely need holidays is because, I make sure I look after myself throughout the day and allow myself time to just be.

No matter what you might be going through or how you are feeling about about a certain situation in your life make sure you open your eyes and look for the lesson or opportunity that's right in front of you.

Sometimes things simply don't go our way or work out, that's just life... But there is always something we need to learn from every situation and it's important to ask yourself what you needed to learn or how you could grow from every experience so you don't keep repeating the same mistake over and over again.

Sometimes in our darkest moments or the moments when we feel helpless there is an opportunity for us to change, grow and move in a new more exciting direction and even though it might not feel like it at the time those moments of pain can lead you to something truly amazing and beautiful.

I can assure you I haven't always got it right and things don't always work out for me and sometimes life just disappoints you but one thing I have had to learn is to look for the lesson I need to learn or the pattern I need to break or the opportunity that is opening up for me.

It's hard to shift your focus when you are frustrated, angry or disappointed but if you can just raise your head and shift your focus even for a moment you might just see that very thing that your heart and soul has been searching for.

Life presents us with challenges and hurdles so that we learn and grow and can move towards our highest calling and greatest potential, don't get mad or upset just be calm and see what you can do with the cards you've been dealt.

If you've been feeling a bit lazy lately and haven't really wanted to get up and do the things you know you should do, here are a few tips that might help you to get motivated and feel energized again.
1. Workout! Whenever you feel lazy or feel your energy levels dropping get your body moving! Motion creates emotion and you want to be proactive and beat laziness before it gets hold of you and throws you on the couch and holds you hostage makes you eat that bag of corn chips. So get moving, put your running shoes on and walk or hit the gym or do some star jumps!
2. I always find whenever I get lazy it's time to put on some tunes that get me pumped up and just start writing. Get into the habit of writing when you start feeling lazy, get your goals down, get your ideas down, watch a video and just take mindless notes. Writing is a great way to release stress and focus your mind on something bigger and more exciting and usually that snaps me out of being lazy in 20 minutes or so!
3. Go out and do something! It's so easy to be lazy at home, as you know! So go outside and see something, walk somewhere, meet a friend for a coffee or go to your favourite stores and just get inspired and focus your mind on what's possible. Put yourself in an environment that inspires you and limits your opportunities to feel lazy & uninspired.
4. One of the best things you can do when you are feeling lazy is to just clean up and tidy up around you. Nothing changes your state like a fresh and clean environment and nothing makes your subconscious brain come alive more than seeing a before and after snap shot of something you've personally just done!
5. This is one of my favourite things to do when I really get stuck and that's to go out and volunteer and help someone out. Shifting your focus onto someone else's challenges and being able to help someone always snaps you out of your funk!
6. Finally, grab your note pad and pen and hop online and start planning your next adventure or big purchase. You always have to have something to look forward to in life and that's an easy way to start feeling excited & motivated to get up off your butt!
That's it! Go get back in the game!
