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🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟

suffering 痛苦; 受苦
think twice before doing anything 三思而行
regin 统治
govern 统治
doomed 注定
tragic 悲剧地
mythical 神话的
mysterious 神秘的
flattered 觉得非常荣幸
empathise with 同理
bouts 几回
interact 互动
initiate 发起
in return 作为报答
in high spirits 兴高采烈
laud 称赞

#part 2

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🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟
insist =resolution 坚毅
tackle 解决
a pay rise 起薪
doomed 注定
government 政府
department 部门
stubborn 固执
cunning 狡猾
slippery 狡猾
swamp 沼泽
fresh water 淡水
protect 保护
faculty 学系,科系
prospect 前途


#part 3

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🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟
“Better to be poor and healthy rather than rich and sick”最好是贫穷和健康,而不是富有和生病。
turned a new leaf 重新开始
intriguing 有趣的
interesting 有趣的
uncover 揭穿
wealth 财富
run-of-the-mill 非选拔的
enduring 持久的
capitalism 资本主义
financial world 金融世界
hisability 能力
dealings 交易
debts 负债
untold 未透露的
decided 清楚的
decide 决定

#part 4

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🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟

lodged a report 报案
secondary jungle 中等森林
struggled to sit up 挣扎坐起来
a shaft of light 一束光
occupants 居住者
intruder 入侵者
one a business trip 商务旅行
cold,damp cement floor 冷
Blacked out 晕倒
wriggled free 挣脱
to exert to the utaost 尽全力
I Strained my ears 仔细聆听

#part 4

souce our group:
🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟
at somebody feet 奉献或崇拜的地位
fall on one's feet 安然脱险
have both one's feet on the ground 对生活有一种明智和实际的态度
have cold feet 害怕,畏缩
have itchy feet 脚发痒,强烈渴望离开一个地方和旅行
put one's feet up 休息
have the world at one's feet 要做到非常成功,并受到许多人的钦佩
have feet of clay 一个受人尊敬的人的根本缺陷或弱点。

#part 5

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🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟
1. Be of = have 有
2. Perhaps = Maybe 也许
3. Composed = 镇定
4. I’m sorry to hear = 感到遗憾
5. Come up = 想出
6. Methods = means = tips = pointers = approaches 方法
7. Befriend = mix with = mingle with (v)
8. Discuss the details / particulars 细节
9. Duty roster 值日表
10. In nuisance = is a pain in the neck (n) 讨厌人,事
11. Note down = take down = jot down记录
12. As for = 至于
13. Or else = 要不然
14. Be going to = 将会
15. Get worse = worsen (v) = aggravate 恶化
16. Hope everything turns out OK. 希望一切顺利.


#part 6

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🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟

Penculikan = perihal atau perbuatan menculik.
Pengurungan = perihal atau perbuatan mengurung.
Pelacuran = perihal melacurkan atau menjual diri, persundalan : dia terjun ke dalam dunia. Yang dia sendiri memang amat takut.
Perdagangan = perihal berdagangan
Bersedekah = memberi sedekah (hadiah , derma) ialah satu daripada amal kebajikan.
Penyeludapan = perihal menyeludup(kan).

Pemerdagangan Manusia :
1. Penculikan kanak-kanak = 拐带儿童
2. Pengurungan = 囚禁
3. Pelacuran secara paksaan = 逼迫卖淫
4. Buruh paksaan = 逼迫做劳工
5. Berkahwin paksaan = 逼迫结婚
6. Perdagangan organ = 贩卖器官
7. Penjualan bayi = 贩卖婴儿
8. Paksaan kanak-kanak bersedekah = 逼迫儿童乞过
9. Penyeludupan melalui bot = 坐船走私


#part 7

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Forwarded from CHANNEL BAHAN² SPM KSSM 2021&2022 (. liang spm bc & stpm owner)
🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟

suffering 痛苦; 受苦
think twice before doing anything 三思而行
regin 统治
govern 统治
doomed 注定
tragic 悲剧地
mythical 神话的
mysterious 神秘的
flattered 觉得非常荣幸
empathise with 同理
bouts 几回
interact 互动
initiate 发起
in return 作为报答
in high spirits 兴高采烈
laud 称赞

#part 2

join our group:
Forwarded from CHANNEL BAHAN² SPM KSSM 2021&2022 (. liang spm bc & stpm owner)
🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟
insist =resolution 坚毅
tackle 解决
a pay rise 起薪
doomed 注定
government 政府
department 部门
stubborn 固执
cunning 狡猾
slippery 狡猾
swamp 沼泽
fresh water 淡水
protect 保护
faculty 学系,科系
prospect 前途


#part 3

join our group:
Forwarded from CHANNEL BAHAN² SPM KSSM 2021&2022 (. liang spm bc & stpm owner)
🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟
“Better to be poor and healthy rather than rich and sick”最好是贫穷和健康,而不是富有和生病。
turned a new leaf 重新开始
intriguing 有趣的
interesting 有趣的
uncover 揭穿
wealth 财富
run-of-the-mill 非选拔的
enduring 持久的
capitalism 资本主义
financial world 金融世界
hisability 能力
dealings 交易
debts 负债
untold 未透露的
decided 清楚的
decide 决定

#part 4

join our group:
Forwarded from CHANNEL BAHAN² SPM KSSM 2021&2022 (. liang spm bc & stpm owner)
🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟

lodged a report 报案
secondary jungle 中等森林
struggled to sit up 挣扎坐起来
a shaft of light 一束光
occupants 居住者
intruder 入侵者
one a business trip 商务旅行
cold,damp cement floor 冷
Blacked out 晕倒
wriggled free 挣脱
to exert to the utaost 尽全力
I Strained my ears 仔细聆听

#part 4

souce our group:
Forwarded from CHANNEL BAHAN² SPM KSSM 2021&2022 (. liang spm bc & stpm owner)
🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟
at somebody feet 奉献或崇拜的地位
fall on one's feet 安然脱险
have both one's feet on the ground 对生活有一种明智和实际的态度
have cold feet 害怕,畏缩
have itchy feet 脚发痒,强烈渴望离开一个地方和旅行
put one's feet up 休息
have the world at one's feet 要做到非常成功,并受到许多人的钦佩
have feet of clay 一个受人尊敬的人的根本缺陷或弱点。

#part 5

join our group:
Forwarded from CHANNEL BAHAN² SPM KSSM 2021&2022 (. liang spm bc & stpm owner)
🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟
1. Be of = have 有
2. Perhaps = Maybe 也许
3. Composed = 镇定
4. I’m sorry to hear = 感到遗憾
5. Come up = 想出
6. Methods = means = tips = pointers = approaches 方法
7. Befriend = mix with = mingle with (v)
8. Discuss the details / particulars 细节
9. Duty roster 值日表
10. In nuisance = is a pain in the neck (n) 讨厌人,事
11. Note down = take down = jot down记录
12. As for = 至于
13. Or else = 要不然
14. Be going to = 将会
15. Get worse = worsen (v) = aggravate 恶化
16. Hope everything turns out OK. 希望一切顺利.


#part 6

join our group:
Forwarded from CHANNEL BAHAN² SPM KSSM 2021&2022 (. liang spm bc & stpm owner)
🌟liang&群员自习室 分享的生字🌟

Penculikan = perihal atau perbuatan menculik.
Pengurungan = perihal atau perbuatan mengurung.
Pelacuran = perihal melacurkan atau menjual diri, persundalan : dia terjun ke dalam dunia. Yang dia sendiri memang amat takut.
Perdagangan = perihal berdagangan
Bersedekah = memberi sedekah (hadiah , derma) ialah satu daripada amal kebajikan.
Penyeludapan = perihal menyeludup(kan).

Pemerdagangan Manusia :
1. Penculikan kanak-kanak = 拐带儿童
2. Pengurungan = 囚禁
3. Pelacuran secara paksaan = 逼迫卖淫
4. Buruh paksaan = 逼迫做劳工
5. Berkahwin paksaan = 逼迫结婚
6. Perdagangan organ = 贩卖器官
7. Penjualan bayi = 贩卖婴儿
8. Paksaan kanak-kanak bersedekah = 逼迫儿童乞过
9. Penyeludupan melalui bot = 坐船走私


#part 7

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