Ayman Fadel Writes
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"Barbary Plague" by Chase Marilyn - Capitalist oligarchs, their political lackeys, biased media, underfunding & racism all hampered efforts against plague in 1st decade of 20th c San Francisco #California https://bit.ly/2BkxTYU
If your local post office doesn't carry the Eid Mubarak 1st class Forever Stamp, order it from @USPS online https://bit.ly/3m7XzgA
Is my vote dangerous like a Rottweiler dog that needs to be ‘secured’ on a leash to prevent it from harming others? https://bit.ly/39CBxP1 #PostThePeach #Georgia #Voting #Elections @GaSecofState #gapol #VoterSuppression
.#documentary film "36 Seconds: Portrait of a Hate Crime" by Tarek Albaba reveals limits of #respectabilitypolitics, structural bases of #Islamophobia & #hatecrimes & the centrality of truth to any legitimate justice system https://bit.ly/3RMesN9
The Eternal Nazi: From Mauthausen to Cairo, Relentless Pursuit of SS Dr Aribert Heim by Nicholas Kulish & @smekhennet #history #humanrights #Germany http://bit.ly/29M2Oiu
Review: The Good News Club: The Christian Right's Stealth Assault on America's Children by Katherine Stewart #education #publicschools #EstablishmentClause http://bit.ly/29rrTP5
Robert Hicks's "Widow of the South": Dangers of USA Civil War Nostalgia & Romanticism https://bit.ly/3qHis6P #history #literature #fiction
Is it counterproductive to talk about al-Masjid al-Aqsa & Jerusalem when exhorting Muslims to support Palestinians? #بيت_المقدس #القدس #المسجد_الأقصى #فلسطين https://bit.ly/44nK0w8
Eileen Welsome's The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War should be a cautionary tale for all people considering scientific and technological solutions to grave problems. https://bit.ly/2IXYlYE
Free Imam Jamil Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown) https://bit.ly/2N91Yxd #innocencematters #Georgia #Atlanta
"Arab in America" by @TouficElRassi is an authentic memoir which imparts #history as a discreet bibliographical essay https://bit.ly/3zbFH80
Muslims who claim that they are guiding Muslims in North America should address the Sexual Revolution in an honest manner. Prohibition of sex outside of marriage ignores biological, economic & medical realities.
https://bit.ly/3PFCKoq #Islam #religion #abortion #contraception
USA Muslims, like other non-white peoples, will continue to suffer hate crimes as USA imperial interests require demonization of targeted populations abroad. Only long-term solution is dismantling USA Empire & racial capitalism, not respectability politics. https://bit.ly/426QCPD
Review: "The Secret World of Oil" by Ken Silverstein #ecology #neocolonialism #PanamaPapers #corruption http://bit.ly/29HeVuG
Film "Rosevelt's America" by Roger Weisberg resource to educate public on #refugees #immigration https://bit.ly/45h0TcS #documentary
زجلي بعنوان مَنّ الحكام العرب على شعوبهم قلته في القمة الخليجية الأمريكية #الملك_سلمان #المملكة_العربية_السعودية https://bit.ly/3qFvnGE
Belief in the Domino Theory Inadequate to Explain USA Military Intervention in SE Asia #VietnamWarPBS https://bit.ly/45BzrGq
Young Earth Creationism is not the point for advocates of Young Earth Creationism. The goal is to have followers swallow lies so massive that future, more obviously dangerous lies will go down smooth. #documentary #film #WeBelieveInDinosaurs https://bit.ly/2wc7Cd6
Eric R. Wolf’s "Europe and the People Without History" is a fine example of the application of Karl Marx’s ideas to the study of history, and, while difficult, comes together well to convey important ideas about our world. https://bit.ly/2V0rngM
.@monaeltahawy https://bit.ly/3z21OO9 & @hindmakki https://bit.ly/3z5Fi76 explain why @peacockTV @weareladyparts by Nida Manzoor breaks new ground in TV representation of Muslim women #feminism