Flannery O'Connor's "Wise Blood" may have insight into the pathologies of modern religion. I've excerpted some passages.
Flannery O'Connor's "Wise Blood" and Pathologies of Religion
I had read Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor a few years ago. I remember at the time I thought that the story had some insights into modern ...
Nearly all movements involve coalitions whose memberships might, in other situations, oppose each other. In your coalition, are you the donkey carrying cargo? https://bit.ly/3M2x1r8
Cobra Kai S3E01 captures the essence of USA Exceptionalism: If USA did it, it was good. On further reflection, it may have been bad, but, since USA is good, than its intentions were good & there was a mistake in implementation. WE ARE GOOD! https://youtu.be/00ZSazLDsdk #CobraKai
Cobra Kai S3E01: Miyagi-Do Performs USA Exceptionalism
In S3E01, a 17-second segment of the dialogue between Daniel LaRusso (played by Ralph Macchio) and his daughter Samantha LaRusso (played by Mary Mouser) captures the essence of USA Exceptionalism: If USA did it, it was good. On further reflection, it may…
Review: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain #Psychology #HumanResources http://bit.ly/29wlAXV
Review: Social Conquest of Earth by EO Wilson #Ecology #Environment #Ethics #Evolution #History #Science #Theology http://bit.ly/29wu2Ky
Does journalism’s use of “enclave” to describe Gaza hide reality of Israeli occupation & violence? #Palestine https://bit.ly/3QBVatL
What can #USA learn about refugee resettlement from #Clarkston #Georgia & a refugee from #Jordan & children playing #soccer #fútbol? @fugees https://bit.ly/2w0YTdw
Ideology & governance: #publichealth is where the rubber meets the road السياسة و #الصحة_العامة:
المية تكذب الغطاس
المية تكذب الغطاس
R u willing to overlook a movie's violations of physics & biology & not take "Inspired by True Events" too seriously? Do you like to see dumb, venal, sex-crazed & greedy characters meet untimely, gruesome deaths on the silver screen?https://bit.ly/45WTzE7 #culturaltrendsetter #ursinology #bears #1980s
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If you don’t like the film “Cocaine Bear,” we probably wouldn’t have been friends in the 1980s
Do you like to see dumb, venal, sex-crazed & greedy characters meet untimely, gruesome deaths on the silver screen? Are you willing to overlook a movie’s violations of the laws of physics…
Review: The trials of Abu Ghraib: an expert witness account of shame & honor by Stjepan Gabriel Meštrović #torture http://bit.ly/29rS2bJ #USA #Iraq
Columbia County (Georgia) Commission Chairman Misunderstands Transgender Rights as “Political Correctness” https://bit.ly/3QDfCKO
Columbia County (Georgia) Commission Chairman Misunderstands Transgender Rights as “Political Correctness” https://bit.ly/3QDfCKO
Edward Ahmed Mitchell, Director of Council on American-Islamic Relations - Georgia, describes his involvement in production of the 2019 remake of Shaft & reaction after watching movie #RepresentationMatters #Islamophobia https://bit.ly/3a331I0
Reading Ronald A Lindsay's "The Necessity of Secularism: Why God Can't Tell Us What to Do" will help a person understand that there is no straight line between personal religious practice & public policy https://bit.ly/3tjPOVq
Will #racism help @BrianKempGA @GovKemp win @GaRepublicans nomination for governor in 2022? Maybe. Will it result in more assaults on Asian-Americans? Very likely. https://bit.ly/3warqJM #StopAsianHate #China #USA #politics #gapol #Georgia
Book giveaway in #AugustaGA
Browse through my titles (use the search tools), DM me for my e-mail, send me the list of titles you want, wait for me to gather them & notify you, then make appointment to pick them up. #Konmari #SpringCleaning https://bit.ly/3McRE43
Browse through my titles (use the search tools), DM me for my e-mail, send me the list of titles you want, wait for me to gather them & notify you, then make appointment to pick them up. #Konmari #SpringCleaning https://bit.ly/3McRE43
Why did @CNN do wall-to-wall coverage of Danelo Cavalcante's prison escape? Why doesn't it devote coverage to the killers of Alex Odeh?
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Coverage of Escaped Prisoner is More Proof that Mainstream “Liberal” Media is All About Entertainment & Propaganda
A family member regularly watches CNN, so I hear snippets. For weeks now, a frequent news item has been Danelo Cavalcante’s escape from a jail in Pennsylvania and the attempts by law enforcem…