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​​Weekly Summary on AWS (January 23-29)

🔸 Chime SDK + background replacement
🔸 Cloud Map API + IPv6
🔸 DocumentDB
1-month free trial (t3.medium, 750 hours / 30M IOs / 5GB)
🔸 EC2 X2iezn instances (32:1 ratio of memory to vCPU)
🔸 ECS Anywhere + ECS Exec and Amazon Linux 2
🔸 EFS Replication
🔸 Fraud Detector + prediction explanations
🔸 FSx for ONTAP + increase storage capacity
🔸 GuardDuty + EKS
🔸 Lightsail CDN + Lightsail Container Services
as origin
🔸 MWAA (Airflow) + version 2.2
🔸 PrivateLink + CloudWatch metrics
🔸 QuickSight + comparative and cumulative date/time calculations
🔸 RDS for PostgreSQL 14.1, 13.5, 12.9, 11.14, 10.19, and 9.6.24
🔸 RDS Performance Insights + query execution plan
🔸 S3 File Gateway + schedule-based network bandwidth throttling
🔸 SageMaker Autopilot
100 GB datasets (before - 10GB)
Apache Parquet file format
🔸 Textract + single page PDF documents & JPEG 2000 encoded images
🔹 Panorama Appliances + available for purchase

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (March 6 - 12)

🔸 Amplify iOS Library + Swift
🔸 Aurora PostgreSQL + Multi Major Version Upgrade
🔸 Braket + OpenQASM 3.0
🔸 Chime SDK + live transcription with automatic language identification
🔸 Comprehend + Targeted Sentiment
🔸 DevOps Guru + CodeGuru Profiler for Lambda
🔸 DynamoDB
Limit request option for PartiQL
Tables Per Account 256 → 2,500
Еnable management operations 50 → 500
🔸 EC2 AMI + LastLaunchedTime
🔸 EC2 + X2idn/X2iedn instances 💥
🔸 ECS Update Service API + loadBalancers, propagateTags, enableECSManagedTags, and serviceRegistries 👀
🔸 Glue DataBrew + cross-account Glue Data Catalog S3 access
🔸 Lambda + PrincipalOrgID 💪
🔸 Lightsail + S3 block public access 🎉
🔸 MSK Connect + Secrets Manager
🔸 Personalize + CloudFormation
🔸 QuickSight + auto refresh
🔸 SSM Change Manager + approve/reject multiple change requests together

🔹 Bottlerocket + NVIDIA GPUs 👍
🔹 Genomics CLI + Snakemake
🔹 RDS for MySQL + 5.7.37 and 8.0.28
🔹 RDS for Oracle + Oracle Database 21c
🔹 RDS for PostgreSQL + 14.2, 👈 13.6, 12.10, 11.15, and 10.20
🔹 RDS for SQL Server + M6i/R6i instances

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (March 13-19)

🔸 AppConfig Feature Flags + GA
🔸 App Mesh Envoy Management Service (EMS) + CloudTrail
🔸 Backup Audit Manager + 'cross-Region copy', 'cross-account copy', and 'backups protected by AWS Backup Vault Lockcontrols
🔸 Billing Conductor
🔸 Chatbot + GA for management of AWS resources from Slack
🔸 Chime SDK
Amazon Lex voice bots
Amazon Voice Focus
🔸 Cognito + in-region SES/SNS integration
🔸 Connect + rich formatting in chat messages
🔸 Cost Anomaly Detection + AWS Chatbot
🔸 ECS Anywhere + Windows
🔸 EKS 1.21 + containerd on Windows nodes
🔸 Kendra FSx Connector for Windows File Server
🔸 KMS & ACM + latest hybrid post-quantum TLS ciphers
🔸 Lambda console + sharing test events
🔸 Location Service + HERE Explore & HERE Explore Truck map stypes
🔸 Lookout for Vision + GA & Starter Kit
🔸 RDS for PostgreSQL + mysql_fdw
🔸 Route 53 Private DNS + Geolocation and Latency-Based Routing
🔸 Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall + reducing the cost
🔸 PrivateLink + RoboMaker
🔸 Service Catalog + VPC Endpoint Policies

​​Weekly Summary on AWS (March 20-26)

🔸 ACM Private CA + custom subject names, extensions, and name constraints
🔸 Amplify + @mapsTo to rename models while retaining data
🔸 Billing + detailed break down of costs for RDS 👀
🔸 Chime SDK + 10 000 live participants
🔸 Comprehend + extract custom entities from images and Textract JSON files
🔸 Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling
🔸 Cost Anomaly Detection + resource and tag based access management
🔸 Cost Categories + resource and tag based access controls
🔸 EC2 Metadata + autoscaling/target-lifecycle-state
🔸 ECS + warm pools for EC2 Auto Scaling
🔸 GameKit for Unreal Game Engine 🎉
🔸 GameSparks 💥
🔸 Kendra + Slack Connector
🔸 Lambda + /tmp ephemeral storage: 512 MB 10 GB 👍
🔸 Lex + grammar slot type
🔸 Panorama
CloudWatch alarms
Receiving inbound messages over the local area network
TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV
🔸 Proton + Terraform GA
🔸 QuickSight + Groups Management UI
🔸 RDS for PostgreSQL + tds_fdw to connect to a SQL Server
🔸 RDS Service APIs + IPv6 👈
🔸 Service Management Connector for JSM (Jira) + AWS Support
🔸 Transcribe Call Analytics + call summarization

🔹 Corretto 18
🔹 Free Tier + db.t3.micro/db.t4g.micro for RDS 💪

Тихая Open Source революция AWS

Меньше 24 часов назад от времени написания этого поста вышла первая публичная бета PostgreSQL 16:

В то же время RDS PostgreSQL16 уже доступна на AWS и даже есть документация:

Так быстро внедрить новую фичу, да ещё и написать документацию?! Документация точно занимает минимум несколько дней — как же так?

Всё просто. Единственное объяснение, если вы эту фичу и разрабатываете. Приглядитесь-полистайте, сколько представителей Amazon Web Services среди главных контрибьютеров PostgreSQL:

Теперь, думаю, понятно.

AWS много лет (и справедливо) ругали за то, что они используют Open Source продукты лишь получая прибыль и ничего не отдавая взамен.

Несколько лет стратегия AWS по отношению к Open Source стала совсем другой. Появились крупные Open Source проекты: OpenSearch, bottlerocket, Firecracker, FreeRTOS, Babelfish for PostgreSQL, EKS Distro. Также стоит отметить серьёзный вклад в разработку Fluentd (в тройке) и даже Kubernetes (в десятке). Однозначно есть куда расти, но ещё пяток лет назад такого вообще не было.

В общем, ситуация изменилась и продолжает меняться. И это однозначно радует. 👍

​​A great example of how to migrate from MongoDB to PostgreSQL.

Five years ago, MongoDB was all the rage. Riding the NoSQL fad, rather than real-world requirements, many startups chose MongoDB as their primary database. If you have such a project, a migration to a "regular" SQL database is a very good idea.

PostgreSQL is now the most popular, and rightly so. This article will give you the arguments for migration to a more convenient for most cases PostgreSQL.

#PostgreSQL #MongoDB
Active-active Replication for RDS PostgreSQL

▫️ Active-active Replication can be used to maintain availability throughout different database operations and reduce write latency for applications distributed in multiple AWS Regions.

▫️ PostgreSQL pgactive extension makes it possible to deploy RDS PostgreSQL instances using an active-active topology, and provides the foundational features for managing active-active replication such as conflict detection and resolution. 

#RDS #PostgreSQL
​​Just Use Postgres for Everything:

▪️ Redis -> Postgres with UNLOGGED tables and TEXT as a JSON
▪️ Kafka -> Postgres with SKIP LOCKED
▪️ MongoDB -> Postgres with JSONB
▪️ ElasticSeacrh -> Postgres
▪️ Data warehouse -> Postgres with Timescale
▪️ Analytics -> Postgres with pg_analytics
▪️ CRON -> Postgres with pg_cron
▪️ Geospacial -> Postgres with PostGIS
▪️ Audit -> Postgres with pgaudit
▪️ GraphQL -> Postgres with a GraphQL adapter
