A Voice for Choice Advocacy
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A Voice for Choice Advocacy advocates for people’s rights to be fully informed about the composition, quality, and short- and long-term health effects of all products that go into people’s bodies, such as food, water, air, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
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“The mask, face shield, and distancing from cast and guests were clearly punitive measures designed to destroy my health, segregate me, harass, discriminate, and intimidate me into taking an experimental vaccine,” said Adam Pajer, one of the suing employees.
#Covid19vaccines #ReligiousRights #HumanRights #MyBodyMyChoice #Disney #Discrimination #Coercion
"The 83-page complaint alleges that Disney's vaccine mandate was not the company's own doing, but a "state action" influenced by its "symbiotic relationship with the Defense Department."

"It is well-known that the Defense Department has exercised direct editorial control over Disney’s content," the suit reads. "That control does not stop at content but extends to direct, indirect and covert encouragement as it pertains to policies and practices, such as vaccination requirements.""
#COVID19vaccines #VaccineMandate #Disney #ESPN #DOD #Exposed
