Electricity tariffs from hydropower stations will be revised.
Президент Узбекистана поручил пересмотреть тарифы на электричество, производимое ГЭС
Президент Узбекистана поручил пересмотреть тарифы на электроэнергию, производимую гидроэлектростанциями «Узбекгидроэнерго», которые действуют с 2022 года. Они должны быть достаточными для финансирования инвестиционных программ этой компании.
Nascent push for green energy.
The Diplomat
In Uzbekistan, a Nascent Push for Green Energy
Amidst the energy and electricity crisis, Tashkent’s pursuit of renewables is as much about addressing the threat of climate change as it is about shoring up its energy security.
Sodium, glass, kerosene and few other types of products are excluded from the list of mandatory sold through the commodity exchange trades.
Соду, стекло, керосин, парафин и формалин теперь могут продавать вне биржи в Узбекистане
В Узбекистане разрешили продавать вне биржи каустическую и кальцинированную соду, стекло, керосин, парафин и формалин. Их исключили из списка товаров, реализуемых на внутреннем рынке предприятиями-монополистами только через биржевые торги. Доли «Узкимёсаноат»…
Gazpromoil will help Uzbekneftegaz JSC (UZNG) to introduce new drilling technologies to faster the process by 20%.
«Газпромнефть» поможет с бурением скважин на месторождениях Узбекистана
Также российская госкомпания может создать центр управления бурением в «Узбекнефтегазе».
JSCB "Kapitalbank" (KPBA) announced the results of 9M2023:
* Total assets increased by 43.3% y-o-y and reached 36.8trln UZS;
* Total liabilities increased by 41.7% up to 33.1trln UZS;
* Shareholders equity increased by 59.6% and equaled to 3.73trln UZS;
* Net interest income increased by 2.3 times and amounted 1.4trln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income increased by 38% and equaled to 432.2bln UZS;
* Net profit increased by 41% and amounted to 1.29trln UZS;
* Estimated P/B ratio at the level of 3,670 UZS per share - 0.42;
* Estimated P/E ratio at the level of 3,670 UZS per share - 1.24.
* Total assets increased by 43.3% y-o-y and reached 36.8trln UZS;
* Total liabilities increased by 41.7% up to 33.1trln UZS;
* Shareholders equity increased by 59.6% and equaled to 3.73trln UZS;
* Net interest income increased by 2.3 times and amounted 1.4trln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income increased by 38% and equaled to 432.2bln UZS;
* Net profit increased by 41% and amounted to 1.29trln UZS;
* Estimated P/B ratio at the level of 3,670 UZS per share - 0.42;
* Estimated P/E ratio at the level of 3,670 UZS per share - 1.24.
Two Uzbek venture capital funds co-invested $4.1mln into Kazakh MedTech start-up CerebraAI with pre-money valuation of $12mln.
Bluescreen.kz – IT-портал про технологии, игры, кибербезопасность, казахстанские и мировые тренды
Казахстанский стартап CerebraAI привлек $4,1 млн инвестиций
Стартап, который помогает диагностировать инсульт при помощи искусственного интеллекта объявил о закрытии раунда seed 2.
Hamkorbank JSCB (HMKB) attracted $35mln loan from JICA.
HamkorBank | Вместе к совершенству
АКБ "Hamkorbank" подписал кредитное соглашение с Японским Агентством Международного Сотрудничества (JICA) на сумму 35 млн долларов…
One of the largest Chinese private manufacturers Amer International to open a regional office in Tashkent.
Китайский холдинг Amer International откроет региональный офис в Узбекистане
Президент Узбекистана в Китае принял главу индустриально-промышленного холдинга Amer International, они обсудили возможные проекты по производству медной продукции, включая электротехнические товары, аккумуляторные батареи для электромобилей, микроэлектронику…
Hamkorbank JSCB (HMKB) announced the results of 9M2023:
* Total assets increased by 29.2 % y-o-y and reached 19.8trln UZS;
* Total liabilities increased by 26% up to 16.3trln UZS;
* Shareholders equity increased by 46.8% and equaled to 3.47trln UZS;
* Net interest income increased by 1.6 times and amounted 865.9bln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income increased by 22% and equaled to 340.7bln UZS;
* Net profit increased by 1.7 times and amounted to 915.2bln UZS;
* Estimated P/B ratio at the level of 79.99 UZS per share – 1.49;
* Estimated P/E ratio at the level of 79.99 UZS per share – 4.53.
* Total assets increased by 29.2 % y-o-y and reached 19.8trln UZS;
* Total liabilities increased by 26% up to 16.3trln UZS;
* Shareholders equity increased by 46.8% and equaled to 3.47trln UZS;
* Net interest income increased by 1.6 times and amounted 865.9bln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income increased by 22% and equaled to 340.7bln UZS;
* Net profit increased by 1.7 times and amounted to 915.2bln UZS;
* Estimated P/B ratio at the level of 79.99 UZS per share – 1.49;
* Estimated P/E ratio at the level of 79.99 UZS per share – 4.53.
Trastbank PJSCB (TRSB) announced the results of 9M2023:
* Total assets increased by 10.7 % y-o-y and reached 8.7trln UZS;
* Total liabilities increased by 2.8% up to 6.6trln UZS;
* Shareholders equity increased by 1.45 times and equaled to 2.15trln UZS;
* Net interest income increased by 14% and amounted 680.1bln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income increased by 27% and equaled to 186.9bln UZS;
* Net profit increased by 20% and amounted to 595.5bln UZS;
* Estimated P/B ratio at the level of 12 999.99 UZS per share – 6.03;
* Estimated P/E ratio at the level of 12 999.99 UZS per share – 18.87.
* Total assets increased by 10.7 % y-o-y and reached 8.7trln UZS;
* Total liabilities increased by 2.8% up to 6.6trln UZS;
* Shareholders equity increased by 1.45 times and equaled to 2.15trln UZS;
* Net interest income increased by 14% and amounted 680.1bln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income increased by 27% and equaled to 186.9bln UZS;
* Net profit increased by 20% and amounted to 595.5bln UZS;
* Estimated P/B ratio at the level of 12 999.99 UZS per share – 6.03;
* Estimated P/E ratio at the level of 12 999.99 UZS per share – 18.87.
Uzumbank JSCB announced the results of 9M2023:
* Total assets increased by 3.3 times y-o-y and reached 584.5bln UZS;
* Total liabilities multiplied by 6.94 times to 340.9bln UZS;
* Shareholders equity rose 1.92 times and equaled to 243.6bln UZS;
* Net interest income grew by 22.2 times and amounted 9.05bln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income decreased by 16.9% to 39.68bln UZS;
* Net profit reduced by 34.5% and amounted to 17.4bln UZS.
* Total assets increased by 3.3 times y-o-y and reached 584.5bln UZS;
* Total liabilities multiplied by 6.94 times to 340.9bln UZS;
* Shareholders equity rose 1.92 times and equaled to 243.6bln UZS;
* Net interest income grew by 22.2 times and amounted 9.05bln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income decreased by 16.9% to 39.68bln UZS;
* Net profit reduced by 34.5% and amounted to 17.4bln UZS.
Davrbank PJSCB (ex.DAVB) announced the results of 9M2023:
* Total assets grew by 1.73 times y-o-y and reached 5.65trln UZS;
* Total liabilities have almost the same growth by 1.74 times to 4.71trln UZS;
* Shareholders equity rose 66% and equaled 938.6.bln UZS;
* Net interest income grew by 44% and amounted to 301bln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income increased almost 5 times to 185.6bln UZS;
* Net profit rose more than 2 times and amounted to 302.8bln UZS;
* Estimated P/B ratio at the level of 5000 UZS per share – 0.43;
* Estimated P/E ratio at the level of 5000 UZS per share – 1.15.
* Total assets grew by 1.73 times y-o-y and reached 5.65trln UZS;
* Total liabilities have almost the same growth by 1.74 times to 4.71trln UZS;
* Shareholders equity rose 66% and equaled 938.6.bln UZS;
* Net interest income grew by 44% and amounted to 301bln UZS;
* Net fee and commission income increased almost 5 times to 185.6bln UZS;
* Net profit rose more than 2 times and amounted to 302.8bln UZS;
* Estimated P/B ratio at the level of 5000 UZS per share – 0.43;
* Estimated P/E ratio at the level of 5000 UZS per share – 1.15.
Chinese investors plans to construct ice rink in Andijan region.
Крытый ледовый курорт за $12 млн планируется построить в Андижанской области
Хокимият Андижанской области и китайские инвесторы обсудили проект строительства круглогодичного крытого ледового курорта за 12 млн долларов США в Ханабаде.
UzAuto Motors JSC (UZMT) increased prices for the main car models.
UzAuto Motors повысила цены на Lacetti, Cobalt, Damas и Labo
Компания UzAuto Motors повысила цены на свои автомобили Chevrolet Lacetti, Cobalt, Damas и Labo. Стоимость в среднем выросла на 5,1%.
AKFA Group became the owner of 50% stake in Feed Up Eco fast-food chain.
Сеть быстрого питания FeedUp стала частью Akfa Group
Akfa Group приобрела 50% доли в сети пунктов быстрого питания FeedUp.
Uzbekistan increased the export of uranium to EU by 2.7 times, substituting the part of Russian supply.
В 2022 году Узбекистан почти втрое увеличил экспорт урана в Европу
Европейские компании замещают российскую продукцию поставками из других стран.
China Energy Engineering Corporation considering projects in energy sector modernization in Uzbekistan.
China Energy может принять участие в модернизации инфраструктуры в Узбекистане
Китайская корпорация China Energy может принять участие в модернизации объектов инфраструктуры и создании систем хранения энергии в Узбекистане. Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев и глава компании Сун Хайлян обсудили расширение сотрудничества на встрече в Пекине.
China Southern Power Grid International signed $1bln contract to construct hydropower station in Tashkent region. Previously company had an MoU for construction of three small hydropower stations with 820MW capacity and $1.64bln project cost.
Китайская компания построит ГЭС в Ташкентской области
Электростанция стоимостью $1 млрд расположится в Бостанлыском районе.