Forwarded from Eurosiberia
“Certainly there was an Eden on this very unhappy earth. We all long for it, and we are constantly glimpsing it: our whole nature at its best and least corrupted, its gentlest and most humane, is still soaked with the sense of ‘exile’.”

— J. R. R. Tolkien, Letter #96
Forwarded from Action Radar Europe
Media is too big
Remigration now: Action in Brussels

❗️Last weekend, activists and spokespersons of patriotic movements from all over Europe met and carried their demand to the gates of the EU-Parliament. This is their message to the politicians and youth of Europe.

📡 The "Action Radar Europe" is the first result of the meeting. In the future, important events and actions will be published here. It is the first step in our Europe-wide reorganization.

💪🏻 Our opponents work united internationally. Only if patriots unite they can defeat the globalists.
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Hyperborean Awareness, an essay by P R Reddall, published by Arktos.

P R Reddall delves into the intricate interplay between quantum physics, spirituality, and consciousness, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and meditation in navigating the mysteries of the multiverse and our place within it.

Our physical realm is governed by physics; before one drops a stone to the floor, the time before impact can be calculated. This is rational science at its most simple.

When one moves into the world of quantum physics, however, things can get a little strange. Indeed, the scientist that excels in this arena might be more likened to a musician or an artist than a scientist, for he must adopt a different mindset in order to theorise or grasp the strange ideas of sub-atomic activity.

Yet both music and art have mathematics at their core… although most would agree that...

Read the full essay here:
“The West is not the people. The West is a system of global hegemony over humanity on behalf of an illegitimate international oligarchy. The West is the insidious primary enemy of the populace — especially of Europe and America. The West is the antithesis of Europe. Europe has history, culture, roots, and traditions. The West has destroyed all these in both Europe and the US. The globalists have hijacked America. It does not belong to its people anymore. Therefore we are not fighting against the people of the West but instead for the cause of the people, for the liberation of the people from the grip of the totalitarian liberal system.”

Alexander Dugin
The Lost Heroic Age: Part Five, an essay by Rose Sybil, published by Arktos.

Rose Sybil details how we can set up alternative communities running independently of the prevailing anti-white globalist order.

The lost heroic age had no currency, merchant class, or middle management. Money is an abstraction that mediates our wants and needs, creating a distance greater than the physical. In this distance, our use is extracted, taking our life energy to put into the system — making order out of the system by transferring the chaos to us. This is why Lycurgus minimized his currency circulation to slow the effect, but we are in a different form, requiring a different strategy. We cannot just demonize money or shift to a further abstraction of money like crypto as a solution. We must invert the use of money by utilizing the strategies employed against us from above and below to stop the transference. We can maximize the chaos in the system used against us to...

Read the full essay here:
The Chisinau Forum: Meeting of the Anti-Globalists, an essay by Alexander Markovics, published by Arktos.

Alexander Markovics offers an insightful exploration into the resistance against globalisation, as he shares his experiences from the Chisinau Forum, a gathering that challenged the dominant globalist narrative and showcased alternative perspectives from across the world.

It Is Not Only the Globalists Who Can Network

Atlantic Bridge, World Economic Forum, Bilderberg – all around the world, globalisation forums are held that promote liberalism, mass immigration, and transhumanism for all nations. Not least by German elites, these meetings are also keenly attended to demonstrate unwavering loyalty to the globalist project. Everywhere in the world? No, in the Eastern European country of Moldova, an anti-Globalisation Forum took place from 9 to 10 September 2023, the now fourth edition of the Chisinau Forum, named after the Moldovan capital. That was reason enough for me to participate in this forum and...

Read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
In the face of an ever-conforming world, the Übermensch strides forward, a titan of will and individuality, resisting the tempests of modernity with the armor of inner sovereignty.
A Night in Bucharest, an essay by Julius Evola, published by Arktos.

In this previously untranslated work by Julius Evola, journey through a vivid account of a remarkable experience in Bucharest, revealing the intriguing intersections of culture, ritual, and human connection.

Become an Arktos member and gain access to this unique piece and so much more! As a member, you’ll enjoy handcrafted essays by our renowned authors, receive monthly vouchers for select digital offerings, and have exclusive access to videos and podcasts, including special episodes from our hit show, Gifts.

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John K. Press’ The True West vs the Zombie Apocalypse is a mixture of ultra-violent undead slaying action, deep philosophical insight – based on the teachings of Julius Evola, Ernst Jünger, Carl Schmitt, and others – and devout religious inspiration, all from a right-wing, ethnic and traditionalist perspective. Within a reimagined Roman Empire, young gladiators prove their worth and fighting spirit to the jubilant approval of a rejuvenated Western audience, and an army of emboldened crusaders marches forth to crush the menace of moral degeneracy and societal decay emanating from a United States in terminal decline. Hordes of flesh-eating zombies pitted against warriors of valor – who will be victorious in this epic struggle?

Reminiscent of the mad fatalism and deep symbolism expressed in Moby Dick, and inspired by the bleak brutality described in Blood Meridian, this is an archetypal American novel that tells us of a new society awakened with hope and built through pragmatism, as well as a new frontier, both literally and metaphysically, being carved out by tenacious men of grit, daring, and deep faith in both their roots and their progeny.

Purchase the book here:
Forwarded from American Renaissance
VIDEO: @stephen_a_mcnallen draws on the theories of psychologist Carl Jung to argue that fury alone will not lead us to victory — it must be tempered by wisdom.
Autumn Thoughts on the European Sense of the Tragic and Our Mortality, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulovič explores the parallels between autumn’s transient beauty and the cyclical nature of European civilization, invoking the insights of Dr. Tomislav Sunic and classic literature.

When the days start getting shorter, and the summer heat slowly gives in to autumn’s chill, the misty mornings and the colder evenings remind us that another year is nearing its end. The surrounding nature gives us one last majestic spectacle of its beauty that has inspired countless generations of poets, painters, and writers. As the leaves turn their colours, the forests and wooded countryside are transformed into one great scenery of red and gold hues. The kind warmness of the autumn sun that replaces the excessive heat of the summer months invites us to the great outdoors, where we can breathe in the beauty of the natural world, and wonder at the supreme artistry of Mother Nature, which cannot be surpassed even by the most skilled artists among men. After this illustrious and enchanting explosion of colours that fills us with great joy, nature slowly retires to deep sleep during the dark days when Old Man Winter returns once more to reign in the cold months, which are also not devoid of...

Read the full essay here:

Purchase Tomislav Sunic’s Titans are in Town here:
A further evolutionary complexity is that couples in multicultural societies may shift from individual to group strategies. If waning demographic strength of a group threatens the well-being of all its members, reproduction may assume a new social importance. Whereas the costs of childrearing in industrialized societies are recognized as very heavy, the cost of failing to keep up the numbers of one’s own ethnic group may come to be seen as a yet heavier cost. Competitive reproduction, reported in Serbia/Albania and Palestine/Israel, could become more general.

Virginia Abernethy, Born Abroad

Purchase Born Abroad
“Liberalism is to freedom as anarchism is to anarchy.”

-- Ernst Jünger
Forwarded from Patriotic Arts (Gideon)
😎 A good start to the PAC Directory challenge with some fantastic entries... Looking forward to watching these!

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Nikki Haley: Last Hope for the Globalists in the Republican Primary, an essay Kenneth Schmidt, published by Arktos.

Kenneth Schmidt critically examines the presidential ambitions of Nikki Haley, a controversial figure within the US Republican Party’s globalist and anti-Trump wing.

The last hope for the politically dominant globalist wing of the US Republican Party now seems to be ex-governor and diplomat Nikki Haley. They have in Ambassador Haley a candidate that will slavishly hew to the neo-liberal/cultural Marxist line.

Haley hails from South Carolina. She is the daughter of Indian parents from the Punjab. Her birth name was Nimarada Nikki Randhawa. After getting her bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Clemson University, she spent a few years working in her parents’ clothing shop. She was elected to...

Read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Eurosiberia

In the depths of the South, where magnolias bloom,
Stood a figure of honor amidst war‘s dark gloom.
Robert E. Lee, with demeanor so grave,
Led his men through the storm, their homeland to save.

Raven-black was the night, and uncertain the day,
Yet he stood resolute, never swaying away.
With a heart heavy-laden, yet courage within,
He faced cruel fate with a chiseled chin.

The whisper of winds through the old Southern trees
Told tales of his battles, his hopes, and his pleas.
A hero to some, and a foe to the rest,
None could deny he gave nothing but his best.
For a European Awakening is a selection of well-argued essays from the French New Right, where identitarian authors wrestle with ideas about ecology, history, and beauty. However, it is not simply an exposé of important themes and responses to key issues of our day but a call to action.

These essays explore questions about man’s relationship to his land, and how that territory shapes and defines him; questions about man’s role in nature as one of her children ‘shaped by thousands of years of long patience’.

In these pages, the authors point out the necessity for beauty in our world, to ‘re-enchant the world’ instead of slumbering in the dull muck of utilitarianism. As we rise to this task, should we grow discouraged by the naysayers and ‘deconstructors’ of European culture and tradition, we are called to remember Hölderlin’s words that ‘where danger lies, salvation grows’.

Purchase For a European Awakening now:
Forwarded from Eurosiberia
In the heart of the Soviet Union, during a time of momentous change, Alexei Tolstoy penned a tale in 1923 that resonated with the spirit of the age: Aelita. This novel, set against the backdrop of interstellar exploration, delved into the depths of human ambition and longing. Journeying from the familiar streets of his homeland to the distant terrains of Mars, Tolstoy’s tale was not just one of adventure, but also a contemplation of the human condition.

The chronicle follows two Earthlings as they traverse the vast expanse of space to the Red Planet, encountering a civilization and emotions as profound as those on Earth. Their interactions with the Martian denizens, particularly the enigmatic Princess Aelita, offer a critical reflection on modern society’s problems and the intricate nature of the human heart. Through Aelita, Tolstoy masterfully explores the essence of dreams, the weight of progress, and the undying spirit of mankind, whether on the vast plains of Russia or the crimson landscapes of Mars.

Purchase the book with a foreword of mine here:
Éliphas Lévi and the ‘Profanation’ of Tradition: Part One, an essay by Dr. Kerry Bolton, published by Arktos.

Dr. Kerry Bolton examines the profound intricacies of the Perennial Tradition, juxtaposing it with Anti-Tradition, while shedding light on the historical roles and mysteries of Freemasonry and the Templars.

Become an Arktos member and gain access to this unique piece and so much more! As a member, you’ll enjoy handcrafted essays by our renowned authors, receive monthly vouchers for select digital offerings, and have exclusive access to videos and podcasts, including special episodes from our hit show, Gifts.

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Forwarded from The American Spirit
Headless Horseman
by Frank Frazetta