AQskill - Acquire a skill
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AQskill, an online learning platform established with the intent of creating a home for everyone who intends to learn any skill.

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The person who said "a picture is worth more than a thousand words" probably had Photoshop in mind. With this software, one can do to pictures as they will. Photoshop is like a magician's wand with which they make things appear and disappear. Photoshop enables one to increase and reduce the size of an image, make additions and reductions to it, and a whole lot more. All these things require a great deal of skill and creativity as does magic. Creativity is simply a passion for something, every other thing in between has to either be learnt or honed.
So if you are wondering whether you are creative enough to use Photoshop, do not worry for your desire to learn it is all the creativity you'll ever need. The other essential ingredients to becoming a master in Photoshop will be to learn the required skills and a lot of practice.

Only the one who truly desires to create magic with pictures will be reading this line. Hang on a sec! Is it not true that anything worth doing should be done well? This is why to learn the subtle art of Photoshop, one has to take care to learn it well. And what other place to do so than at AQSKILL? There is absolutely none. AQSKILL offers you a concise learning programme packed full of everything you would need to be a master of Photoshop. The course is designed to let you move at your own pace. There are videos to guide you, tutors to coach you not to talk about access to tons of photos with which you'd be practicing.

With AQSKILL.... You can make pictures speak!

Enroll today in Adobe photoshop training@
New Course!

Customer Relationship Management

What you will learn;
1. Creating the perfect first impression to create a sense of trust, knowledge and professional relationship.

2. Using empathy to create positive interactions and being in charge of your customers’ experience.

3. Explore different methods to handle upset customers.

4. Demonstrate professionalism and build trust using eye contact and facial expressions.

5. Improve your communication using the the power of your voice.

6. Analyze customer feedback to help your team optimize your company’s products and services.

7. Build rapport with customers to improve their satisfaction and your job performance.

Enroll now @
New Course!

3D Designs with Cinema 4D – From Beginner to Advance

What you will learn;
1. Learn the fundamentals of Cinema 4D with a hands-on, project-based approach.

2. Learn a flexible procedural workflow that allows you to create a variety of shapes and designs with ease.

3. Be able to create eye-catching 3D designs and animations.

4. Foundations of Cinema 4D.

5. Countless tips and tricks.

6. Best industry practices and many more.

Enroll now @

"Go hard or go home" is a proverb you probably might have heard a thousand times. But I can bet you've never heard it being tweaked as "Go big or go home. Fortunately for us, that's what we are going to be discussing; going big!

There is an industry which ranks among the biggest industries in the world and is worth over 148.8 billion in dollars. That industry is none other than the advertising industry. You are eager to know how this information affects you. The truth is... It does not affect you. It does not affect you unless you want to be a part of this billion-dollar industry.

There are many forms of advertising; television advertising, radio advertising, print advertising, podcast advertising, mobile advertising, and social media advertising are among the most common.
It is a fact that the number of people on social media at any given time is more than double the number of people watching TV, reading newspapers and listening to the radio combined. For this reason, the advertising medium we are interested in is none other than social media advertising. Facebook and Instagram ads to be precise (Remember, we wanted to go big!).

A pressing question in the minds of those who have read this article to this point would be: what do I advertise? Some would even ask the more relevant question: How do I start advertising and making money from it? Westlife once sang "no matter what is the answer".
But I tell you, no matter what questions you have concerning Facebook and Instagram ads and how to monetize them, AQSKILL is the answer.

There are a lot of firms and businesses out there that are willing to pay for their products and services to be advertised. You do not know them. AQSKILL does. There are a lot of things to be learnt before you can successfully make money from advertising. You might not know them but AQSKILL does. Learn all about FB and Instagram ads with us today!
New Course!

Complete Android and IOS App Development using Flutter 3.0

What you will learn;
-> How to deploy your Apps to Apple Store Connect.

-> How to deploy your Apps to Google Play Store.

-> Understand how to add payment gateways to your Mobile Apps.

-> Understand how the Cart and Checkout system work in Flutter.

-> How to use Flutter widgets and get the most benefits from each widget.

-> Become a fully-fledged Flutter developer.

-> Learn to use an API to bring data from a database to a graphical interface.

-> Learn how to create a RESTful API from scratch, using plain PHP and MySQL.

-> Understand all the fundamental concepts of Flutter development.

-> Build Android and iOS apps with just one codebase.

-> Build beautiful, fast, and native-quality apps with Flutter.

Enroll Now@

The trend is nothing other than Data Analysis. Simply put, data analysis is nothing other than the systematic evaluation, inspection, and scrutiny of raw data for the main purpose of extracting useful information that helps businesses make decisions. The importance of data analysis to a business cannot be overstated. This importance has led many business organizations seeking for data analysts to recruit. Needless to say, data analysts are like "hotcakes" in the labour market.

The whole process of data analysis involves a series of steps which starts from data collection to data cleaning and then continues as data analysis proper and data interpretation. Data Analysis ends in data visualization which is presenting the information extracted from the data in a format that is understandable to others.
Having highlighted what data analysis is and the importance and relevance of data analysts in businesses, the big question now is: "Have you got what it takes to be a data analyst"? If the answer to this question is yes, you might want to read on. But if your answer is negative, you definitely should read on!

There are a few easy steps you can take to better prepare yourself to become that data analyst that is most sought-after. The first is of course to learn the ways and skills of the trade. The second step is to believe me when I tell you that you can learn to be a data analyst just by visiting the AQSKILL website and enrolling in the special data analysis course.

At AQSKILL, you have a chance to learn at your own pace and in peace. The course was finely structured with you in mind(You'll understand when you enroll). I haven't mentioned that certificates are awarded on completion of the course. A little more info: all the courses are presented in an easy-to-learn format so that understanding is fully assured.

Data analysts are highly sought after
And that's because of how they handle data
Join AQSKILL today so you might know
How to squeeze data to get info

Visit to take a data analysis course.
5 hours is all you need Dart programming language

"Time is money" is a phrase so popular that it is only second to "There is no time." The previous is used to say how important our time is while the latter is... well, just an excuse.

Because we are aware that time is indeed money and that you might not have the "time", we are pleased to introduce a course that can help you convert your time to money and at the same time eliminate the need for you to excuse yourself for want of time.

AQSKILL is pleased to introduce to you a programming language that is ranked 7th on stack overflow as one of the most popular technologies. This is a language that is designed for creating web and mobile apps. This language, designed by Google, can also be used to build server and mobile applications.

This programming language is two times faster than JavaScript. It is a very user-friendly programming language that can be understood without much difficulty by beginners and programmers alike.
The name of this programming language is Dart. With this language, you can be the programmer you so much desire to be. The beautiful thing about this language is that it has a syntax that is similar to C# language and Java. This means that both C# language and Java won't be difficult to learn after you've learnt it.

It is obvious that with this language, you can start earning as a programmer. How best to convert your time to money? And contrary to what you might think, you can learn this language in just 5 hours. Yes, 5 hours on AQSKILL. Now, you won't say you don't have time.

The Dart programming language course has been made as concise as possible without leaving out any important parts. This deliberate effort is in line to enable you to learn the language as fast as a Dart moves( pun intended). You have the option of learning it at a stretch or at your own pace. 5 hours might seem insignificant.

Make it significant by visiting our website to register for this language of the future.
There is always time to learn an important skill, there is always time to learn Dart and there is always time to be a programmer. All it takes is the Magic AQSKILL where your little time is enough to help you learn a lot.
Data Analyst in High demand; Data analytics and visualization with Google data studio

If there is any topic that does not require an introduction, it would be Data Analysis. If technology as a marketing tool was a lock, data analysis would easily have been the key. If both general and digital market strategies were made as easy as possible for one to understand, one would probably still need to learn Data Analysis. Needless to say that Data Analysis is the backbone of business technology.
Since too many ifs can result to grief, let us quickly analyse the concept "Data Analysis".

Data analysis is the process of employing logical and statistical methods to evaluate data. As easy as it might sound, data analysis is a course that requires time,mental effort, meticulousness and a lot of punctiliousness; the very factors which distinguish difficult from easy. But not to despair, since the applications of data analysis are unexpendable, data analysts are never out of business. The applications of data analysis ranges from manufacturing to military, transportation, healthcare, education, insurance and the list goes on. Best bet is you cannot wait to be a data analyst. Good! Because we are also very eager to show you how to become one.

The preceding paragraphs might sound familiar to those of you that follow our articles. It is indeed the first two paragraphs of an earlier article "The Data Analysis course you need". And the repetition of the paragraphs is in fact deliberate. The difference between the former and this is that this article introduces you to a new beautiful tool that can help you to visualize data. You think data is abstract, think again.

Google data studio is data visualization tool that makes reports easier to create and comprehend. With Data studio, you can make easy the hither to difficult process of compiling and data into a readable and understand piece. Google data studio can be used to create graphics, charts and tables, add text to explain data points, change colours and fonts and even add a client's logo to the report. Not forgetting to add a video that explains a concept to your client. Now that's visualization!

If you have not already started our DATA ANALYSIS course, this is your chance to learn it along with the convolutions and the nuts and bolts that come with it. If you already have hopped on the bandwagon, congratulations... All you need now is to learn and master the application of Google data studio.

Visit AQSKILL now, there is a lot to analyze.
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Dont miss this!
We wish you a wonderful new year and hope it brings you many blessings.

Hey there! There is one thing we would want us to agree on before we proceed.
"Technology has made the process of learning easier''. Yes?

We will again push further with hopes you'd agree
with us that with the right knowledge, financial freedom is almost assured. Right? Good.

Remember that there was a time when one had to spend years learning the ropes of a business venture.
And do not forget that there also was a time when starting up a business was hugely capital intensive.
Technology directly brought remedy to the former and indirectly to the latter.
We trust that you, being as smart as you are, would have gotten the drift of where we are going with this.

And I trust also, that you are curious enough to ride with us till the end.

We have heard people with fantastic business proposals saying that they lack the means to bring their ideas to fruition.

Still, others say their businesses are crashing for want of means to
improve it.

While there are a thousand and one ways to remedy these excuses, the simplest way is often the best as the philosophy of Occam's razor dictates.

That way is web design with WordPress.

There is a question bubble: Why Web Design and why WordPress? Being the advocates of simplicity that we are, we will attempt to justify each term, separately.
Think of your personal website as your online store, where you can sell what products and services you so desire.

Its advantage is that it is less capital-intensive than setting up an on-site shop also, it targets a wider range of people.

Classical examples of business ventures that are based online are the almighty Amazon, AliExpress, Jumia, and Konga to mention but a few.

Indeed, you do not have to master WordPress or any web builder for that matter for you to have your own website.

But it is also true that most web developers out there charge outrageous
amounts for their services plus you can not be sure about the security of the websites they create for you.

There is a story of a fellow who employed the services of a web developer to build him a website for his data business. The developer in his craftiness added a backdoor to the website through which he transferred large amounts of data.

No one wants to pay stiff amounts to have a website created for them and absolutely no one wants an insecure website.

WordPress is a soothing remedy; it is easy to learn and it creates a truly amazing design.

It can be used to create websites to suit your needs. Why has someone do for you what you can do for yourself?

Your only worry now should be: How do I learn it? Smile, because even that too has been taken care of.

AQSKILL is introducing you to this amazing course where you learn to use WordPress to build your websites and in turn, grow your business.

With this amazing course, you learn and Grow!

It doesn't get better than that.
Join AQSKILL today and Learn to create your own website with WordPress.

Who knows, your business might become more amazing than Amazon.

Take a web development course @
Greetings AQskillers!

We do hope you have had an especially amazing sojourn with us.

And we want to believe that your journey toward learning that wonderful skill with us at AQSKILL has been especially adventure-filled, knowledge-packed, and also exhilarating.

After all, it has always been a goal of ours to see that learning is as enjoyable as it can be.

We want to use this medium to say a mighty thanks to you our family without whom this humble platform would not have been what it is today.
We also want to say thank you for believing and trusting in us.

AQSKILL has indeed come a long way but the journey has, in truth, just begun.

You, our customers are the wheels on which the weight of this enterprise moves.

Through the years, we have increased the number of our courses from a meager handful to about half a hundred.

Aside from that, we have also been able to diversify, with your help, into other industries.

There is no gain in saying that the weight of this enterprise all thanks to you, has been growing and as such needs more wheels.

You are those wheels!

We trust that you will inform your friends and families about the many advantages of hopping into the learning train of AQSKILL.

Your loyalty to us over the years has proven so.

Don’t forget the offer is still on the table, As a show of appreciation for being with us throughout the times, we are offering you a commission for helping us grow.

Refer us to a friend and earn a commission!

It is our little way of saying thank you to our committed and loyal customers.

It is all very easy.

You refer a friend, they sign up, register for a course, and boom you start earning.

Visit for more detail.

A big thank you once again to you from AQSKILL won’t be out of place.

We love you and hope to serve you better, always!