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🚨 PRIVACY WIN: Europe and Australia will both not break encryption! 🚀 🔒

We’ve interviewed @echo_pbreyer – the guy who coined the term #ChatControl – on why #privacy matters and how you can join our fight for privacy. ❤️ 👇
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RT @carininet: @informapirata @POLITICOEurope @Euractiv Stai parlando della stessa EU che vorrebbe far passare quella porcata di #ChatControl ?
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#Journalists and EU citizens - Want to know how you can help stop #chatcontrol ?

First things first, stop calling it Upload Moderation and call it Chat Control!

Want to learn more on Germany's role in stopping Chat Control? Read here:
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The EU government will be returning to work on #ChatContol on Wednesday!!!

Let's get loud and make our voices heard that we will never stop opposing this push towards mass surveillance!

New to ChatControl? We've got you covered 👇

🇬🇧🚨#ChatControl is back on the agenda: As soon as next Wednesday representatives of EU governments will resume work based on a secret document.

This is what you can do now to help:
- Patrick Breyer #JoinMastodon
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RT @echo_pbreyer: 🇬🇧🚨Tomorrow EU consultations on #ChatControl messenger surveillance: Hungary proposes minimal change to achieve a majority. Will governments such as in NL fall for this?
Read on:
Take action now:
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🚨 From today, #EU governments could start endorsing the #ChatControl draft law.

🫵 We need you to object to this client side scanning of all your private messages.

Here’s how you can help stop this #surveillance :

#ChatControl #PrivacyMatters
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RT @PiratiIo: #Chatcontrol: il nuovo testo aggiornato sostiene di rispettare maggiormente la #privacy limitando la rilevazione ai contenuti già rilevati.

TUTTAVIA il materiale multimediale verrà comunque scansionato prima di essere inviato
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RT @do_palermo: 🇪🇺 #Europe #privacy #EUvsChildSexualAbuse #ClientSideScanning #Chatkontrolle #ChatControl #encryption #E2EE #MassSurveillance

"Chat Control", the EU law proposal that could ban encrypted messenger services in the EU will return again this month.

The bill is aimed at searching all private messages and chats for suspicious content (so-called chat control or child sexual abuse regulation).

According to the latest proposal providers would be free whether or not to use ‘artificial intelligence’ to classify unknown images and text chats as ‘suspicious’.

However they would be obliged to search all chats for known illegal content and report them, even at the cost of breaking secure end-to-end messenger encryption.

EU governments are to position themselves on the proposal by 23 September. Currently, only Poland and Germany have indicated that they will vote against it.

Estonia, Czechia, Austria, Slovenia and the Netherlands have doubts.

EU interior ministers are to endorse it on 10 October.

Messenger providers Signal and Threema have already announced that they will never agree to incorporate such surveillance routines into their apps and would rather shut down operations in the EU.
- Visegrád 24
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As much as we fight the EU Commission's push for #chatcontrol, we applaud the EU for protecting users' #privacy with the #GDPR

It's about time the #EU Commission reflects on European values and increases data protection, not undermining it.

Read here what Tuta does to achieve GDPR-compliance: 👉

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RT @tweets_nika: @CzechiaElects Frankly , I understandbecause they did an awfully weak campaign against #chatcontrol in the election
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RT @tweets_nika: Wars also need #secure communication even for citizens.
#chatcontrol puts citizens at risk.

@tweets_nika @CzechiaElects Unfortunately the opposite is true: In fact, the person who least talked about chatcontrol was elected to the European Parliament...

Unfortunately, the Czech people are fed up with Pirates and now they only think about the war against Russia 🤷🏽‍♂️
- Informa Pirata #PrivacyPride #FreeAssange
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RT @do_palermo: 🇪🇺 #Europe #privacy #EUvsChildSexualAbuse #ClientSideScanning #Chatkontrolle #ChatControl #encryption #E2EE #MassSurveillance
@Piantedosim @GiorgiaMeloni

🇬🇧+++Good news: Netherlands will not support Orban's #ChatControl proposal +++ Reason: security risks of scanners on every smartphone (client-side scanning) ‘too high’ +++ But only 'a small group of Member States are critical - will they be strong enough to block Chat Control? +++

Tomorrow ambassadors (Coreper) will discuss #ChatControl +++ Contact your governments now! +++ This is how you can help save digital privacy and secure #encryption:
- Patrick Breyer #JoinMastodon
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RT @echo_pbreyer: 🇬🇧+++Good news: Netherlands will not support Orban's #ChatControl proposal +++ Reason: security risks of scanners on every smartphone (client-side scanning) ‘too high’ +++ But only 'a small group of Member States are critical - will they be strong enough to block Chat Control? +++

Tomorrow ambassadors (Coreper) will discuss #ChatControl +++ Contact your governments now! +++ This is how you can help save digital privacy and secure #encryption:
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RT @do_palermo: 🇪🇺 #Europe #privacy #EUvsChildSexualAbuse #ClientSideScanning #Chatkontrolle #ChatControl #encryption #E2EE #MassSurveillance

Eine #Chatkontrolle hat in einem Rechtsstaat nichts zu suchen. Den neuen Vorschlag der ungarischen Ratspräsidentschaft zur Chatkontrolle lehne ich ab. Massenhaftes und anlassloses Scannen privater Kommunikation ist ein massiver und ungerechtfertigter Eingriff in die Privatsphäre.
- Marco Buschmann
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RT @do_palermo: 🇪🇺 #Europe #privacy #EUvsChildSexualAbuse #ClientSideScanning #Chatkontrolle #ChatControl #encryption #E2EE #MassSurveillance


Chat control is the worst piece of legislation at EU level in years. We have written open letters and got it withdrawn multiple times, but this thing is like Dracula and just won’t stay dead.
- Stefano Zanero
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RT @do_palermo: 🇪🇺 #Europe #privacy #EUvsChildSexualAbuse #ClientSideScanning #Chatkontrolle #ChatControl #encryption #E2EE #MassSurveillance


The way the European council has approached this feels increasingly anti-democratic. It keeps getting rejected for excellent reasons, they apply more pressure and come up with new justifications, then jam it back in. They clearly intend to pass it no matter what Europeans want.
- Matthew Green
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Hungary keeps pushing for Chat Control. Here’s why they must be stopped:


#chatcontrol #Fight4privacy #encryption #security
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RT @Privacy_Pride: «in un mondo in cui i dati sono il nuovo petrolio dobbiamo avere il coraggio di affermare che la violazione dei telefonini o dei computer è un reato gravissimo»
«La privacy è un diritto umano inalienabile»

Grazie @matteorenzi

Ti va di dire qualcosa anche contro #Chatcontrol?

Ancora uno scandalo di spie, intercettazioni abusive, dossier. Ancora il mio nome nel mirino, a Milano come già era accaduto a Bari, nelle ricerche dei finanzieri corrotti come nelle pubblicazioni illegali del Fatto Quotidiano. Da anni sono oggetto di una campagna violenta contro di me e contro la mia famiglia: chi ha letto Il Mostro sa di che cosa parlo. Ma forse oggi bisogna fare una riflessione in più, anche oltre l’aggressione che io sto subendo: in un mondo in cui i dati sono il nuovo petrolio dobbiamo avere il coraggio di affermare che la violazione dei telefonini o dei computer è un reato gravissimo. E che la pubblicazione di dati illegittimi non è diritto di cronaca ma un crimine. Si, amici giornalisti: un crimine. Con me lo hanno fatto in modo sistematico e hanno messo in piedi un circo di fake news devastante. Ma se non mettiamo limiti lo faranno sempre di più con tutti. Se non mettiamo limiti alle intercettazioni abusive e limiti alle pubblicazioni illegali, nessun cittadino sara più libero. La privacy è un diritto umano inalienabile. A me l’hanno sottratta da tempo: lavoriamo perché non succeda lo stesso anche a voi. Quello che sta accadendo è enorme, non sottovalutatelo
- Matteo Renzi
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RT @Privacy_Pride: @matteorenzi «in un mondo in cui i dati sono il nuovo petrolio dobbiamo avere il coraggio di affermare che la violazione dei telefonini o dei computer è un reato gravissimo»
«La privacy è un diritto umano inalienabile»

Grazie @matteorenzi

Ti va di dire qualcosa anche contro #Chatcontrol?