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⛳️The Vocab for all SSC Exam

1.TUMBLE (VERB): (गिरना): plummet

Synonyms: plunge, dive

Antonyms: rise

Example Sentence:

In the last decade, property prices have tumbled.

2.DIFFERENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (भेदक): distinctive

Synonyms: different, dissimilar

Antonyms: similar

Example Sentence:

Germany and France pledged to maintain the differential between the two.

3.DEMOLITION (NOUN): (विध्वंस): destruction

Synonyms: flattening, razing

Antonyms: construction

Example Sentence:

The monument was thankfully saved from demolition.

4.DISCERNIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रत्यक्ष): visible

Synonyms: detectable, noticeable

Antonyms: imperceptible

Example Sentence:

The scandal had no discernible effect on his career.

5.GLOOM (NOUN): (उदासी): depression

Synonyms: despondency, dejection

Antonyms: happiness

Example Sentence:

Last year was of economic gloom for the car industry.

6.RESOUNDING (ADJECTIVE): (गुंजयमान): reverberant

Synonyms: reverberating, resonant

Antonyms: faint

Example Sentence:

I gave him a resounding smack across the face because of his.

7.HOARD (VERB): (संचय करना): store

Synonyms: store up, stockpile

Antonyms: squander

Example Sentence:

Thousands of antiques hoarded by a compulsive collector.

8.RAMPANT (ADJECTIVE): (अनियंत्रित): uncontrolled

Synonyms: unrestrained, unchecked

Antonyms: controlled

Example Sentence:

Political violence was rampant in the area.

9.ABET (VERB): (हाँथ बंटाना): assist

Synonyms: aid, help

Antonyms: hinder

Example Sentence:

His actions were shown to abet terrorism.

10. MERCY (NOUN): (ढिलाई): leniency

Synonyms: lenience, clemency

Antonyms: ruthlessness

Example Sentence:

The boy was screaming and begging for mercy.
⛳️The Vocab for all SSC Exam

1. ABROGATE (VERB): (अभिनिषेध करना): repudiate

Synonyms: revoke, repeal

Antonyms: institute

Example Sentence:

The ministry proposed to abrogate the dated electoral law.

2. VULNERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (खतरे में): at risk

Synonyms: endangered, unsafe

Antonyms: safe

Example Sentence:

We were in a vulnerable position.

3. DEFER (VERB): (मान लेना): yield

Synonyms: submit, give way

Antonyms: stand up to

Example Sentence:

He deferred to his absolutely superior knowledge.

4. PREPOSTEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (निरर्थक): absurd

Synonyms: ridiculous, foolish

Antonyms: reasonable

Example Sentence:

He gave us a preposterous suggestion.

5.RENEGE (VERB): (वापस जाना): go back on

Synonyms: break, back out of

Antonyms: keep

Example Sentence:

They have reneged on their promises to us.

6.SHUN (VERB): (किनारा करना): avoid

Synonyms: evade, eschew

Antonyms: accept

Example Sentence:

After his divorce he found himself being shunned by many of his former friends.

7.ARGUABLE (ADJECTIVE): (तर्क योग्‍य): debatable

Synonyms: disputable, questionable

Antonyms: certain

Example Sentence:

He made a highly arguable assumption.

8.OBNOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रिय): unpleasant

Synonyms: disagreeable, nasty

Antonyms: delightful

Example Sentence:

We left to avoid the obnoxious music.

9.MULTITUDE (ADJECTIVE): (भीड़): crowd

Synonyms: gathering, assembly

Antonyms: elite

Example Sentence:

Placing ultimate political power in the hands of the multitude is debatable.

10.INCLINE (VERB): (रुझान होना): liable

Synonyms: likely, prone

Antonyms: unlikely

Example Sentence:

She's inclined to gossip with complete strangers