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Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology
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Find out more about AOSR's AsiaSafe in this open access article in the Korean Journal of Radiology, published Jan 2024.
"AsiaSafe was conceived at the end of 2016, formed under the auspices of the Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology, and officially launched in July 2021"
Be an AsiaSafer - Put Patients First, Be (Asia)Safe!
#radiationsafety #patientsafety #AOSR #asiasafe
Mark Your Calendar...24th Feb, 2024 10am (Malaysia, Mongolia, Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong time).
2nd webinar in the series - Assoc Prof Samuel Brady will be the speaker on HOW TO DEVELOP NATIONAL DIAGNOSTIC REFERENCE LEVELS using the DOSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Register at aosr.vidocto.com
#radiationsafety #patientsafety #aosr #asiasafe
Thank you Assoc Prof Samuel Brady, MS PhD, DABR for an excellent talk on how to establish DRLs and use a dose monitoring software to help this process, failing which a manual system is also do-able. The clear step by step information made it look "almost" simple.

Points highlighted include:

1. starting with 20 centres
2. scaling up eventually to 30-50% of facilities in a country
3. ensure all kinds of facilities are included.
4. QC for the various equipment before collecting data (Learning from the Senegal experience) so that good quality data are collected, otherwise, the doses will not be accurately reflected.
5. A consensus to establish standardized protocol names are needed so that national data can be aggregated.
6. Once DRLs are established, they need periodic updating.
7. Such cyclic data driven improvement results in significant dose reduction as demonstrated in the UK.

#DRL #AsiaSafe #AOSR #radiationsafety #patientsafety
AOSR MR Safety Ambassador Dr Elaine Kan (Chief of Service, Dept of Radiology) and her team at the Hong Kong Children's Hospital, Dr Carol Ng (Cardiac Imaging Lead) with trainees Dr Yoyo Chiu and Dr Vicka Tang have created this video - MR Imaging in Children: Tips & Tricks for reducing the need for sedation.The AOSR (and AsiaSafe) thanks and appreciates this effort from our AOSR members in promoting safe/safer imaging in children.

Check it out and share with your colleagues:

An abbreviated version of the write up up by Dr Elaine Kan
Imaging babies and young children can be challenging, particularly for lengthy MR exams. Various strategies can help children avoid sedation while reducing anxiety to ensure quality imaging.
1. Child friendly environment – Make the radiology experience fun
2. Effective communication – Building trust
Clear communication between radiographers, radiologists, parent/carer, and the child is essential.
3. Accompaniment and support – Familiar faces help
Allowing parents or soft toys to accompany the child during imaging provides comfort and reduce anxiety.
4. Sleep and feed – Keeping babies happy
The “Feed-and-Sleep” is a program for selected babies aged 0-6 months. Exams are booked at a time that coincide with babies’ sleep schedules.
5. Entertainment – A good movie helps
MRI compatible video goggle allows children to watch videos with a MR safe video player during the scan. Not only is this is a useful distraction tool, a good movie enhances patient compliance and experience.
6. Child-life specialist – Get help from the experts
Child-life specialists are trained to provide education and support, in addition their clever distraction techniques help the child stay calm and cooperative during the scan. B
7. Tailoring the scans
Tailoring scan protocols prior to the scan streamlines the exam and reduces table time.
a. Consider a plain scan, some clinical indications may not require a contrast exam
b. Shorten the scan time: Limit the number of sequences and utilise fast and single-shot sequences

#MRsafety #AOSR #ASIASAFE #patientsafety
Safety is underappreciated but ever so important in patient care and also safety for staff. Thank you to AOCR2024 scientific committee for ensuring all the safety-related sessions.
Culture and communication/s are an integral part of safety - in addition to the technical aspects.
Photos of early morning attendees with moderators and speakers at this track in relation to Radiation Safety. The rest of the sessions relate to MR safety and Quality and then, Report Quality.
#patientsafety #AOSR #AsiaSafe #AOCR2024
asiasafe webinar DRL May 25 2024.pdf
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Register at aosr.vidocto.com for the upcoming round up of the AsiaSafe DRL series. Listen to our DRL situations in India, Japan, S. Korea, Malaysia and Thailand.
25 May 2024, 10am GMT+8
#AsiaSafe #AOSR #radiationsafety #patientsafety

In the run up to the final in the AsiaSafe DRL series webinar on May 25th, 10am GMT+8 webinar, you may wish to revise or if you missed the earlier webinars - it's now up on AOSR Youtube.
Thanks to Assoc Prof Samuel Brady for sharing with us on this important topic.
#AsiaSafe #AOSR #radiationsafety #Patientsafety
Asia safe flyer july 2024 (1).pdf
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MR Safety Series - Webinar no. 2 on 24 July 2024.
Register at aosr.vidocto.com and if you have previously registered on the platform, just enrol for this webinar.
#MRISafety #patientsafety #AOSR #asiasafe
Current DRL Situation in Our Region: India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand webinar was held on 25 May 2024. This is the wrap up session of the AsiaSafe DRL series from January to May 2024. The speakers were from India, Japan, S.Korea, Malaysia and Thailand: Assoc Prof Saravana Kumar, Prof Makoto Hosono, Prof Hong Eo, Mdm Nurmazaini Md Ariffin and Assoc Prof Panruethai Trinavarat respectively.
#DRL #patientsafety #radiationsafety #AsiaSafe #AOSR
AsiaSafe, AOSR-IAEA Webinar Aug 20, 2024: If you missed Dr Julia Brosch-Lenz's talk at the live session, here it is.
The theme of the joint webinar was Theranostics where it is the latest technique in personalized medicine and nuclear medicine. Dr Julia Brosch-Lenz, PhD, MPE; representing the IAEA; gave a highly informative and interesting talk on Medical Physicist's Perspective: Radiation Protection in the New Era of Radiopharmceutical Therapies. Dr Brosch-Lenz is the Medical Physics Expert at Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, United States.
#AsiaSafe #AOSR #IAEA #Theranostics
