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I'm always fascinated when I come across an old photograph of an airship, but be careful.

Apparently, these are AI generated images using Midjourney. They are completely fake photographs, but some of these look way too good, especially when viewed from your phone.

If this kind of AI software gets sophisticated enough, it will be really hard to tell which of these are actually real photographs in the future. Keep this in mind.
Andrew's Research Channel
I'm always fascinated when I come across an old photograph of an airship, but be careful. Apparently, these are AI generated images using Midjourney. They are completely fake photographs, but some of these look way too good, especially when viewed from your…
Also keep in mind that if some amazing old photograph of an airship from the early 1800's gets leaked, a great strategy to hide it from public knowledge is to run it through Midjourney to make a bunch of fake versions, then lump the real one in with the fake ones. No one will know.
Media is too big
Royal Palace in Cambodia - Tone Analysis

Click Here For The Original Video

Everyone knows about this video. It has been sent around this community for a few years now. I have taken one for the team and analyzed the tones present in the video.

Summary: It is definitely not a digitally created sound because the unpredictable variety of microtones is an unreasonable feat to pull off for such a small project, especially for tricking people on the internet. It takes much less to trick people. If this sound is faked, it would be an unnecessary amount of work for this result.

An important note: I am not claiming the video itself is authentic, but that noise definitely is and something definitely made it.
atbuilding with notes.wav
9.4 MB
The stems for those interested. Also included the various other overtones for fun. These overtones do not define the scale because they move in various chromatic clusters. Something also to note is the main notes are not always in the most audible octave because mapping that out isn't as important as the intervals and the key.
Andrew's Research Channel
Royal Palace in Cambodia - Tone Analysis Click Here For The Original Video Everyone knows about this video. It has been sent around this community for a few years now. I have taken one for the team and analyzed the tones present in the video. Summary: It…
Text from the video above:

This is a video of the Moonlight Pavilion in the Royal Palace of Cambodia. Many theories have been put forward regarding this video. Some suggest that this was an accidental ignition, some believe it was not shut off or dismantled properly initially. It is an interesting video nonetheless.

I am not stating that that this video is 100% authentic. However, because of this tone analysis, I have found some rather curious details that would never be present in a digitally-created equivalent...

The slight sharps and flats are about 20-30 cents off on on average, but they are not off consistently based on a particular cent value. They are all over the place. Since there is a rather wide range of microtones present, it is highly unlikely the noise was created digitally and imposed on a pre-existing video. No one would go through this unnecessary effort to map out every single arbitrary cent value when they could fool people just the same without using microtonal intervals. (In other words, this is definitely an authentic noise that originated from somewhere)

It would be in F# major if it wasn’t for the flat 2nd. That is the only thing that differentiates F# Major from F# Phrygian Dominant in this case. Phrygian Dominant is a highly unorthodox scale and is not typically used for any sort of sonic-based health procedure. The major scale and its modes (includes minor) have always been the standard for pleasant (ie: healing) music. Phrygian Dominant is not a pleasant scale. It is usually only used in rare circumstances to heighten the aggressive energy of the environment (ie: for war or conquest). However, since the tones in the video are seldom and borderline ambiguous (ie: could be in other nicer scales), it is my view that this pavilion and its tones still have relatively the same healing effects as others like it.

The earliest instance of this video I have found was on Jan 5, 2019 on FEB Sub, but as of now it is not available. (

The very next day however, UAP Channel used the clip in one of his videos: “Electrickery” (

The sound of this video was used as an intro for a song called “HAARP” by an artist named Polígono Hindú Astral. The song was released in 2015 which was well before the emergence of this video. However, the sound in question is very obviously recorded outside with someone’s low-quality phone mic, which suggests that whoever is behind this musical artist also recorded this video. The video location, Cambodia Buddhist country), and the name of the artist support this claim.

Have any more information on this video? Find something similar? Message us here:
Forwarded from Thuletide
Colorized images of the San Francisco (1915) and St. Louis (1904) Worlds Fairs.

More photos here (in HD but not colorized).
Forwarded from Thuletide
It's almost hard to believe that architecture like this was constructed by technologically inferior people during the Middle Ages, especially when you compare it to the soulless filth that gets built today.

I think this is Exeter Cathedral from the UK, completed 1400 AD.
Andrew's Research Channel
It's almost hard to believe that architecture like this was constructed by technologically inferior people

That's because it wasn't.

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The Marley Machine - CONCLUSION
- Stop asking about chamber pots and bedpans. Tons of the royals literally did not even use them in every sense of the word. They pooped on the floor because they were uncivilized inheritors that had no idea how to turn on the palace energy system.

The Importance of Sophistication - The Real Origin of Religious Customs