يعتبر هرم الملك زوسر المدرج أحد أشهر المعالم الأثرية الأكثر شهرة فى مصر والعالم ايضا ويشكل نقطة تحول تاريخية مهمة في الآثار الجنائزية المصرية القديمة كما يعتبر ثورة في الهندسة المعمارية الحجرية والدفن الملكي. بالإضافة لضخامة حجمه فهو أول هرم بناه المصريون القدماء وأقدم بناء حجرى معروف.
The step pyramid of King Djoser is considered one of the most famous monuments in Egypt and the world as well. It constitutes an important historical turning point in the ancient Egyptian funerary monuments. It is also considered a revolution in stone architecture and royal burial. In addition to its huge size, it is the first pyramid built by the ancient Egyptians and the oldest known stone building.
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The step pyramid of King Djoser is considered one of the most famous monuments in Egypt and the world as well. It constitutes an important historical turning point in the ancient Egyptian funerary monuments. It is also considered a revolution in stone architecture and royal burial. In addition to its huge size, it is the first pyramid built by the ancient Egyptians and the oldest known stone building.
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