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The ergodicity problem in economics | Nature Physics

I read another paper about hot hand/gamblers' fallacy a while ago and the author of that paper took a similar view. Here is the article:
Surprised by the Hot Hand Fallacy ? A Truth in the Law of Small Numbers by Miller

> Research debt is the accumulation of missing interpretive labor. It’s extremely natural for young ideas to go through a stage of debt, like early prototypes in engineering.

That is because our value system doesn’t respect interpretors…

Nielsen M. Reinventing discovery: The New Era of networked science. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; 2011.

I found this book this morning and skimmed through it. It looks concise yet unique.
The author discusses how the internet is changing the way human beings think as one collective intelligence. I like the chapters about how the data web is enabling more scientific discoveries.
#ml #science

I remember several years ago when I was still doing my PhD, there's this contest about predicting protein structure and none of them was working well. At that time, I would never have thought we could have anything like AlphaFold in a few years.