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There are many problems with the germ theory of disease. One such is discovered when we look at "Koch's Postulates" [Dr. Robert Koch]:

"Postulates" means accepted statements of fact and states:

~The germ which causes a disease must be found in every case of the disease under the conditions which could explain the disease.

~The germ must not be found in other diseases or healthy people.

~The germ could be isolated and used to induce an experimental disease in animals that resembles (is like) the original disease in humans.

Pasteur never fulfilled these rules. He was not able to find the germ in all cases of a disease and, as in many areas of his work, this is one place his research became fraudulent. Additionally, many so-called pathogenic germs are often found in healthy people. As well, injecting or breathing these "germs" into healthy people do not make them sick.

When Pasteur passed a germ from one animal to another to cause the disease, he did not pass the germ alone but took some blood with it. Injecting toxic blood from one animal to another will guarantee the receiving animal becomes sick.

What the fraud #Pasteur really did was scam a nation, paid for by the French King, to lie about disease causation in order to MANIPULATE populations of people for political and tyrannical purposes.


You can read his real lab notes in a book by Gerald L. Geison "The Private Science of Louis Pasteur" and I also suggest reading THOROUGHLY!

Found here: http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/history/biographies/Bechamp-or-Pasteur.pdf

#amandhavollmer #Amandha #healingwithdmso #yumnaturals #germtheory #terraintheory #bechamp #LouisPasteur #science
This is how provaxxers sound to me. They truly have no concept of real science and instead pray to the gods of scientism. They ignore the insane levels of damage done right before their eyes to their own children. They are "blinded by science".

Think. If our own body creates pleomorphic cells that morph from bacteria to fungal forms to spores to phages to RNA packets that repair cells and then back again to a dormant state DEPENDING OF THE STATE OF THE BODILY TERRAIN, what in the hell are people injecting themselves with and why? The whole germ theory crumbles away when we understand the truth of the natural biology of life.

This is why they need people to fear the germ. This is why they make cartoon viruses and falsify the evidence, to sell their snake oil and make trillions off the religious, cult-like lower mentality of the vaxxine believers.

They can keep people sick and dependent on their suppressive, harmful drugs and surgeries. They can feed off humans like the parasites they are and toss them to the incinerator once they have extracted all the loosh, being eugenicists from the beginning.

They have extensive PR campaigns to brainwash entire populations to fear the germ. They have infiltrated every sight line: Hollywood and celebrities, the media and politicians, every industry and all the alphabet corporations.

Their censorship of the truth of health has been heavy handed, but now, because of this outlandish viral hoax, the scientific revolution is before us. People are seeing the cracks in the storyline. People are digging for the truth.

It's over for these liars, cheaters and scammers. Judgement day comes for them. Viva la revolution!
#germsdonotcausedisease #germtheory #terrain #flu #science #health #healing #history #somatids #pleomorphism #yummymummy #doctor_yummy #yummymummyemporium #yummymummyapothecary #yumnaturals #healingwithdmso #amandhavollmer @healingwithdmso @amandha.vollmer @yumnaturals
Novel Viruses, No Herd Immunity Make.

...therefore, even by their faulty BS "science", there can be NO asymptomatic carriers.

Get with the real facts: germ theory is WRONG.

video by Amandha Vollmer
#herdimmunity #asymptomatic
#novel #scam #fraud #science #health #healing #scientism #yummymummy #doctor_yummy #yummymummyemporium #yummymummyapothecary #yumnaturals #healingwithdmso #amandhavollmer @healingwithdmso
Illness is NOT CAUSED BY A VIRUS! The germ theory is FALSE. When the body is in deficiency it cannot metabolize wastes. The wastes build. Chronic inflammation ensues. Mucus builds up. Tissues become damaged. THEN your own INTERNAL microbes get to work to try and breakdown the wastes. The body starts to use other routes to eliminate the waste materials, through the lungs, through secretions, through the skin, out of the kidneys, bowels, depending on the milieu, symptoms will appear in a specific constellation.

If you suppress the symptoms or derange the lymphatic system with poison, congest the liver and damage the gut, you will not expel the wastes properly. This creates long term, chronic disease, like cancer for one.

The way out of this mind control and fear brought to you by the cult of modern chemical medicine is to LEARN how the body works. Fire your MD, stay away from their poisons and lies. Those who do, live long and healthy, fulfilled lives.
#germtheory #terrain #flu #science #health #healing #yummymummy #fireyourdoctor #doctor_yummy #yummymummyemporium #yummymummyapothecary #yumnaturals #healingwithdmso #amandhavollmer @healingwithdmso @amandha.vollmer @yumnaturals
Time to read some truth in history.


“If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue.”
– Rudolph Virchow

“Nothing is lost, nothing is created ... all is transformed. Nothing is the prey of death.
All is the prey of life.”
– Antoine Béchamp

“The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.”
– Florence Nightingale

"If you explore the history of the medical profession and the various ideas regarding the cause of disease that were held by leading physicians before Pasteur first promulgated his notorious ‘germ theory’, you will find convincing evidence that Pasteur discovered nothing, and that he deliberately appropriated, falsified and perverted another man’s work."
#germtheory #terrain #flu #science #history #pasteur #bechamp #plagiarism #reading #books #yummymummy #doctor_yummy #yummymummyemporium #yummymummyapothecary #yumnaturals #healingwithdmso #amandhavollmer @healingwithdmso @yumnaturals
It is merely an illusion that #chickenpox is contagious, not all will get it who are exposed. Some in the tribe will get sympathetic resonance because they were already primed to remove the acidic protein wastes through their skin (from poor feeding, from self or even though the mother when in utero). Not everyone gets this expression either. The acidic waste is of such a low pH, it literally burns the skin, creating a water blister.

It is a one or two time clear out as a growth process which has a trigger, sometimes it is suppressed in those deeply poisoned, like from those vaccinated and the trigger mechanism goes off way later (this happened to me when I was 17 as the MMR did great damage to my natural processes).

Most people believe they will get sick if someone else is sick, again because of sympathetic resonance. If you stop believing in contagion and then test yourself by hanging around someone ill, you will not get it. I have tested this myself. Once my beliefs changed, I stopped "catching" things.

Now, if you are locked into a room with no airflow with many sick people who are expressing their toxic matter, and you also are weakened by lack of proper nutrition, a clogged liver, a damaged energy field, over time you can absorb their wastes which will trigger a similar expression in yourself, a simple response to being poisoned (just as the famous nurse Florence Nightengale noticed and described). You did not CATCH it from a random bug floating through the air, this is complete myth and superstition, you earned it by gaining toxic credits into your body, which has important processes to remove the unwanted wastes.

The germ theory is completely false and we need to ascend our thinking away from myth, illusion & scientism, which is the religion of science and not actual science. The actual science proves no contagion and no germ causing any disease: the germ is the result of a diseased body and is there to serve the body to remove dead, dying or damaged tissue, to repair DNA and to push the wastes out.

Everything is energy and vibration. We have to remove ourselves from the illusion of physical matter and understand that we ARE made of microbes, every space, every surface is coated in microbes that will do no harm. The real harm is when we kill them off. It is a ticking time bomb the sleeping humans are creating by trying to kill everything in sight. This will create superbugs and imbalances to our bodies that will lead to disease and death. This will weaken the next generation that needs to learn as babies the microbial milieu of their environment in order to identify self vs non-self and to seed the entire body with healthy flora. The irony of what people are doing to themselves and their own lineage is palpable.

This is a call to accept and love yourselves, can we overcome self-hate enough to rise above the illusions? Or do we wish to destroy ourselves? Only time will tell.

#germtheory #contagion #scientism #science
"Vaccines are based on a false theory, called the Germ theory, which is not how infectious disease works.

Micro-organisms change/morph based on the environment they are placed into: research pleomorphism. Germs cannot infect healthy tissue. Ever. The "immune system" was a term made up by the vaccine pushers and the body does not work via synthetic "stimulation" through a needle.

An immunoglobulin titre proves only infection, not protection. Vaccines are fraud science from tip to tail, they do not work, they never have, they only destroy health, spread disease, lead to lineage infertility and DNA degradation.

Drugs poison the body and suppress symptoms, they do not assist the healing wisdom of the body."


#vaccines #pleomorphism #germtheory #immunesystem #infection #tissue #drugs #microorganism #fraud #science
It is merely an illusion that #chickenpox is contagious, not all will get it who are exposed. Some in the tribe will get sympathetic resonance because they were already primed to remove the acidic protein wastes through their skin (from poor feeding, from self or even though the mother when in utero). Not everyone gets this expression either. The acidic waste is of such a low pH, it literally burns the skin, creating a water blister.

It is a one or two time clear out as a growth process which has a trigger, sometimes it is suppressed in those deeply poisoned, like from those vaccinated and the trigger mechanism goes off way later (this happened to me when I was 17 as the MMR did great damage to my natural processes).

Most people believe they will get sick if someone else is sick, again because of sympathetic resonance. If you stop believing in contagion and then test yourself by hanging around someone ill, you will not get it. I have tested this myself. Once my beliefs changed, I stopped "catching" things.

Now, if you are locked into a room with no airflow with many sick people who are expressing their toxic matter, and you also are weakened by lack of proper nutrition, a clogged liver, a damaged energy field, over time you can absorb their wastes which will trigger a similar expression in yourself, a simple response to being poisoned (just as the famous nurse Florence Nightengale noticed and described). You did not CATCH it from a random bug floating through the air, this is complete myth and superstition, you earned it by gaining toxic credits into your body, which has important processes to remove the unwanted wastes.

The germ theory is completely false and we need to ascend our thinking away from myth, illusion & scientism, which is the religion of science and not actual science. The actual science proves no contagion and no germ causing any disease: the germ is the result of a diseased body and is there to serve the body to remove dead, dying or damaged tissue, to repair genetic material and to push the wastes out.

Everything is energy and vibration. We have to remove ourselves from the illusion of physical matter and understand that we ARE made of microbes, every space, every surface is coated in microbes that will do no harm. The real harm is when we kill them off. It is a ticking time bomb the sleeping humans are creating by trying to kill everything in sight. This will create superbugs and imbalances to our bodies that will lead to disease and death. This will weaken the next generation that needs to learn as babies the microbial milieu of their environment in order to identify self vs non-self and to seed the entire body with healthy flora. The irony of what people are doing to themselves and their own lineage is palpable.

This is a call to accept and love yourselves, can we overcome self-hate enough to rise above the illusions? Or do we wish to destroy ourselves? Only time will tell. ADV

#germtheory #contagion #scientism #science
If given more than 10 rounds of antibiotics in childhood, there is an 80% greater risk of developing non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

American Journal of Epidemiology
November 15, 2005; 162(10): 965-974

Your doctor informs you of this every time an antibiotic is prescribed, right? Because your doctor went to medical school and knows everything and is trustworthy, right?

#antibiotics #poison #nonhodgkinslymphoma #science #md #adv
There are many important aspects to note when reading "science" created by those with an agenda, specifically those of the CDC and their cronies:

a) they are backed by the manufacturer in some way (not truly independent)
b) they will only publish partial data
c) they always use their precious "fudge factors" where they can basically make up variables, they call these "adjustments" which skews data in their favour
d) their interpretations of the data are greatly flawed, so when you read their conclusions they don't match the data quite right
e) they will "re-do" studies with smaller sample sizes and not obtain proper long term follow up data in an attempt to discredit the original science.
f) If it is their own design, the outcome has been written before the hypothesis, so keep this in mind when analyzing the study, it will help you fiddle out their "on purpose" blind spots. There are more ways to spot bad science, see image in the comments.

As we know the CDC destroyed evidence of the MMR vaccine causing autism in black males, their websites are full of false information which is very easy to prove with real science, and they have a revolving door of people between the vaccine industry and these regulatory bodies. We know the foxes are guarding the hen house. So when you look to 'their' biased scientism, you need to be able to look for these red flags of massaged data.

Stay vigilant, ADV.

#science #vaccines #studies #hypothesis #conclusion #biased #massaged #data #cdc #bigpharma #scientism #frauds #liars
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Cymatics. The word creates through vibration upon matter. Organizing matter according to will. The will of God. The word of God. The "word" aka vibration of creation stemming from will. What if the material we think we see and study in science is simply the result of the frequency upon our waters? The waters of all life? The imprint of our impressions? The blueprint in the flower and seed of life activated? We confuse the end result material (DNA, RNA, organelles, etc) as the creator force, when it is merely the imprint of "the word?" How can we become unbounded by science?
#ADV #science #cymatics #wordofGod #freewill #willpower #floweroflife #frequency
"Geneticists must abandon their image of a stable genome, in which changes are pathological exceptions. The genome of each individual is in a state of constant transformation. As a result, every organism, every human being, even every cell of the body is a genetic universe in itself."


#genetics #change #genome #DNA #flux #science #evidence
My friend Sebastien Powell has a very logical mind and helps us to navigate the current fraudulent "science", which is nothing more than a cult of false belief used to manipulate the ignorant.


#germtheory #terrain #science
94 Percent of Medication Not Supported by High-Quality Evidence, Harms Underreported: Study


#science #falsetruth #scientism #medication #drugs
Does anyone have a 1400 pound 2 month old baby? Didn't think so. But that's how much your baby would have to weigh for the levels of mercury injected into them at that age to be considered safe by EPA guidelines.

It gets worse. The EPA guideline for methyl mercury given orally (as a fish eating guideline) is 0.1 microgram (mcg) mercury per kg body weight per day. Between 1989 and 1992, the amount of ETHYL mercury children were getting in their vaccines (injection) doubled. The toxicity for injected ETHYL mercury is 50 times more toxic to cells than oral METHYL mercury (1,2) and with additional aluminum, they act in synergy to become even MORE caustic (3). There isn't even a proper guideline to monitor or limit those ethyl mercury levels. This is a just sliver of how corrupt and irresponsible the CDC, EPA, American Academy of Pediatrics, MDs and Pharmaceutical Corporations are.

The same baby at 4 months is exposed to 79 times the EPA guideline (50mcg). At 6 months it's 86 (62.5 mcg). And on and on... And mercury in babies and children has still not be properly safety studied (4). How odd that as we see the levels of mercury increase in the bodies of children so too the autism levels increase proportionally. Hmmm... (5)

Finally in 1998 the EPA had to admit the mercury issue and in 1999 still CLAIM IT AS SAFE (that it only causes swelling & redness at the injection site) but suggests maybe it's an IDEA to reduce it or omit it (6). Uh, thanks? Alas the corruption merely continues...

1) https://www.sott.net/article/335874-Another-study-confirms-the-link-between-mercury-and-Autism

2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3600517/

3) http://www.whale.to/vaccine/synergistic_toxicity_q.html

4) Mercury and Aluminum in Vaccines: a Primer on NVIC’s Vaccine Ingredients Calculator
http://vaxtruth.org/2012/01/aluminum-toxicity-and-a-primer-on-the-vic/ (website is now gone)

5) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0946672X16300931

6) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/Concerns/thimerosal/index.html

#vaccines #vaccine #mercury #aluminum #EPA #CDC #pediatrics #MDs #studies #science #scientism
There is no mRNA creating a spike protein and certainly no coronavirus. As I've been saying since the beginning, this show is just that, an illusion, a con, a trick.

The popular scientists who have dominated truther circles have been misleading people. Take the time to read this important article so you can gain confidence on this topic and help others to see the truth.

If you want to understand more about the sham of modern science and the fraud of virology, we've got you covered with our upcoming The End of COVID Summit starting July 11th.

Sign up here to learn for free and let's bring this illusion to an end once and for all: https://theendofcovid.com/ref/497/

#spikeprotein #virology #science #mRNA #TEOC
Biochemical tissue salts are vital to health and prevention of disease. You won't hear your pharma controlled white coats discussing their importance nor the cult controlled alphabet agency's either.

“You can trace every sickness, every disease, every ailment to a mineral deficiency”
– Dr Linus Pauling

German physician and biochemist Dr. Wilheim H. Scheussler identified twelve inorganic minerals present in each cell.  These minerals include forms of calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, silica and sodium. These essential salts act as catalysts for cellular bio-chemical processes within the human body. Schuessler proposed that illness was related to a deficiency in one or more of these twelve major mineral substances and when a deficiency is corrected normal cellular function and health is restored. As a Physicist, specialising in homeopathic biochemistry Scheussler devoted many years into the development of the Schuessler tissue salts. Throughout years of research Schuessler identified that it was the compositions of theses minerals which determined cellular function and differentiation. Therefore it is clear and well proven that a balance of these twelve bio-salts are a vital component required for healthy cellular activity and homeostasis.

Dr. George W Carey also made the correlation between the astrological chart & cell salt deficiency. The 3 you need the most are those you didn't get in the womb.

 “These mineral salts, therefore, the physical basis of all healing. Regardless of the school employed, if these are absent from the blood and tissues, no permanent cure is possible.”
-Dr. Charles W. Littlefield
–analytical chemist

You can find tissue salts on my website https://yumnaturals.store
#tissuesalts #minerals #disease #health #science #Scheussler #astrology #yumnaturals #healingwithdmso #adv #yummydoctor