American Institute for Economic Research - AIER
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AIER : Integrity, Research, and Principle in the Study of Markets Since 1933
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“Manufacturing Militarism offers a compelling mix of theory and history. Coyne and Hall show us how useful economics can be for understanding the war on terror and the propaganda that sustains it.” ~Nathan P. Goodman
“Beijing should learn from Moscow’s stalled blitzkrieg in Ukraine that invasion of another’s homeland and decapitation of a sitting government may not be easy, despite overwhelming advantages in terms of advanced weaponry and numbers of military personnel.”
~ Dean Peng & Christopher Lingle
“Soprano is no role model for classic liberals because he made a living by extracting economics rents by fraud and force. But he reminds Americans that they are individual human beings first, Americans second, and who really cares about the rest?”
~Robert E. Wright
“There is nothing ‘simplistic’ about adopting the entrepreneurship-and-competition path as the way forward for the American economy. It not only requires a sophisticated understanding of problems, but also demands the courage to act.”
~Samuel Gregg
“Americans don’t want bureaucrats, as flawed in the head as anyone else, to try to protect them from themselves. Heal thyself, O regulators! Get back to us when you no longer suffer from debilitating cognitive biases yourselves.”
~Robert E. Wright
“Digital mobs will still be able to ruin people’s lives. But as long as Musk liberalizes Twitter’s speech policies, the free-speech reductionists will have to decide whether they want to stick around for the steady diet of real diversity.”
~Max Borders
“The BMJ appears to only selectively exempt its contributors from its own financial standards, because it turns out that one of the authors of the attack on AIER has a far more direct connection to Big Tobacco than minor and indirect stock market investments.”
~Phillip W. Magness
“Government intervention like windfall profits taxes keeps market participants, both producers and consumers, from acting to moderate extreme price changes on either the supply or the demand sides. It’s a proven strategy for making a bad situation worse.”
~ Robert F. Mulligan
“I suggest we reshuffle Nozick’s thesis to transform his theoretical framework into a practical mindset. We can use the Framework as a strategic lens for spawning subversive innovations that promise each of us a society that comes closest to our ideals.”
~ Max Borders
“Under the classical liberal ideal, governments are formed to protect individual rights. Nothing could be further from this in Shanghai. A city of over 25 million people is being dehumanized because of a spike in largely asymptomatic COVID-19 cases.”
~David Waugh
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