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πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ Somalia parliament passes bill allowing President appoint PM

Somalia made significant changes to its constitution on Saturday, granting the president the authority to appoint and dismiss the prime minister.

The amendments, proposed by the Independent Constitutional Review and Implementation Commission (ICRIC), underwent thorough scrutiny.

One major change establishes a president-appointed prime minister, replacing the previous requirement for parliamentary confidence votes. This adjustment seeks to provide more flexibility in governance, addressing tensions arising from power and resource distribution among clans and regions.

The amended constitution also introduces a five-year term for government bodies, refers to regional state leaders as presidents, and promotes a multi-party system.

However, some political figures, including former presidents and state leaders, oppose these changes, citing concerns about insufficient consensus.

Despite parliamentary approval, the constitution still requires a public referendum to complete Somalia’s transition to a permanent constitutional democracy.


Africa Intel
πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ Somalia parliament passes bill allowing President appoint PM Somalia made significant changes to its constitution on Saturday, granting the president the authority to appoint and dismiss the prime minister. The amendments, proposed by the Independent…
πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ Puntland government severs ties with federal government of Somalia over new constitution

In an extraordinary meeting held today in Garowe, the capital of Puntland, the regional government has announced it is severing relations with Somalia’s federal government in Mogadishu.

This drastic move comes after the federal government councils voted to repeal the provisional constitution approved in 2012 and replace it with a new constitution.

The Puntland leadership has repeatedly warned that such an action undermining the federal system would harm national unity and stability. They cite several legal provisions allowing Puntland to reconsider its integration with the central government under such circumstances.

As a result, "Puntland will have its own overall governing authority until a federal system of government with a mutually acceptable Somali constitution subject to a public referendum is established," the statement said.


πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ Somalia receives 1.4 million vials of oral cholera vaccine

Somalia received 1.4 million vials of the oral cholera vaccine worth US$ 2.5 million in a stepped-up effort to stem an outbreak of the disease that has since January infected 4,388 people and claimed 54 lives, two-thirds of them children.

The number of reported cases this year, according to WHO, is three times higher than the average reported in the same period during the last three years.

The vaccines will be distributed to five hotspot districts across the country, with 700,000 vials earmarked for Bossaso in Puntland state which has experienced the highest case fatality rate. The other districts are Daynile, Mahady, Buurhakaba, and Balcad.

In addition to the vaccines, UNICEF is delivering 40 cholera kits for the treatment of about 4,000 people.


πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ Puntland president meets with UN representative, discusses cutting ties with federal government

Puntland president Said Abdullahi Deni of Puntland welcomed the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Somalia, Catriona Laing, to his office, where they discussed political issues, development, and humanitarian aid.

The meeting was attended by top Puntland officials, including the Vice President, and ministers of interior, planning, health, fisheries, humanitarian affairs, and women and family affairs.

β€œWe discussed how the international community could work closely with Puntland after the decision we announced on Sunday night to cut ties with the Federal Government,” said Deni.

Liang said that their talks covered development programs, promotion of humanitarian aid, issues like malnutrition and cholera, and the stalled process of completing the federal constitution.

Laing added that President Deni promised dialogue with the Federal Government would continue to find an inclusive process, unite the country, and define the powers of the Federal Government and member states.

#Somalia #UN

πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ή Somalia expels Ethiopian envoy amid naval base dispute

Somalia said on Thursday it was expelling Ethiopia's ambassador, closing two Ethiopian consulates and recalling its own ambassador to Addis Ababa amid a dispute over Ethiopia's plan to build a naval base in the breakaway region of Somaliland.

Ethiopian foreign ministry spokesperson Nebiyu Tedla said Ethiopia did not have any information on the matter, which was first officially announced by Somalia's prime minister's office.

"This follows the actions of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia which infringe upon Somalia's sovereignty and internal affairs," Somalia's foreign ministry said.

Somalia has given Ethiopia's ambassador 72 hours to leave the country and ordered the closure of the Ethiopian consulates in Somaliland and the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, the foreign ministry said.

Senior officials from Somaliland and Puntland, which is engaged in another constitutional dispute with Mogadishu, said the edicts would not apply in their territories.

#Somalia #Ethiopia

πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ Somali pirates say hijacked ship MV Abdullah released after $5 million ransom was paid

Somali pirates released a hijacked ship, MV Abdullah, and its crew of 23 early on Sunday after a $5 million ransom was paid, according to two pirates.

"The money was brought to us two nights ago as usual... we checked whether the money was fake or not. Then we divided the money into groups and left, avoiding the government forces," Abdirashiid Yusuf, one of the pirates, said. He added the ship had been released with all its crew.

The MV Abdullah, a Bangladesh-flagged bulk carrier - a type of merchant ship used to transport large amounts of cargo - was hijacked in March as it was heading from Mozambique to the United Arab Emirates. The hijacking happened about 600 nautical miles east of Somalia's capital Mogadishu.


πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ή Somalia refuses to accept Ethiopian naval base in breakaway region

Somalia will never accept Ethiopia's plan to build a naval base in its breakaway region of Somaliland, but would consider granting Ethiopia commercial port access if discussed bilaterally, a senior Somali official said.

Landlocked Ethiopia sparked a diplomatic row with Mogadishu in January by signing a deal with Somaliland to lease 20 km (12 miles) of its coastline in return for recognising the region as an independent state.

Somalia called the deal illegal as it considers Somaliland as part of its territory even though it has had effective autonomy since 1991.

To defuse the acrimony, Kenya in consultation with Djibouti and eastern African bloc Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) has proposed a maritime treaty to govern how landlocked states in the region can access ports on commercial terms.

Before discussing port access bilaterally, Ethiopia must annul its agreement with Somaliland, Somalia's state minister for foreign affairs Ali Omar said.

#Somalia #Ethiopia

πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ Somalia detains U.S.-trained commandos over theft of rations

Somalia's government said it had suspended and detained several members of an elite, U.S.-trained commando unit for stealing rations donated by the United States, adding that it was taking over responsibility for provisioning the force.

The Danab unit has been a key pillar of U.S.-backed efforts to combat the al Qaeda-linked militant group al Shabaab. The United States agreed in February to spend more than $100 million to build up to five military bases for Danab.


πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ Somalia urges UN to end political mission amid rising Al-Shabab attacks

Somalia has formally requested the United Nations to terminate its political mission within the country due to increasing attacks by the al-Qaida-linked extremist group, al-Shabab.

Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, in a letter to the Security Council and Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, emphasized the government's strategic priorities in light of ongoing threats.

The current mission, known as UNSOM, is set to expire on October 31st, prompting Fiqi's call for swift conclusion. Despite acknowledging UNSOM's role in promoting peace and stability, Fiqi expressed readiness to transition to a UN country team, focusing on long-term development goals. This move coincides with international efforts to enhance Somalia's security capabilities, including plans by the United States to establish military bases for the Somali army.


πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄ Somali town of Beledweyne heavily flooded after a river burst its banks

Floodwaters flowed through the Somali town of Beledweyne on Sunday after heavy rains pounding East Africa caused the Shebelle River to burst its banks.

The inhabitants of Beledweyne, situated in the heart of Somalia, have used the river as a lifeline for generations.

But with the onset of severe seasonal rains, the overflowing Shebelle brought a deluge which engulfed the town.

Footage showed homes left partly submerged, compelling families to seek refuge in higher areas as the floodwaters surged through the streets.

Ali Abdi Yusuf, a lifelong resident of Beledweyne, said multiple neighborhoods had been severely impacted.

The Somali government had preemptively issued warnings about the torrential rains urging residents to flee to higher ground.

