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🇨🇩 Tshisekedi supporters celebrate his re-election

Democratic Republic of Congo President Felix Tshisekedi has been re-elected for a second term after getting more than 73% of the vote in a December 20 poll, the country's election commission CENI said.

Announcing the results in the capital Kinshasa, Denis Kadima, head of CENI, said Tshisekedi had obtained more than 13 million out of over 18 million valid votes, adding that turnout was more than 43%.

Speaking to hundreds who gathered at his campaign headquarters after the announcement, Tshisekedi, flanked by his wife and mother, thanked supporters and promised to speed up programmes during his second term to tackle inequalities.

"You believed in my fight against inequalities that have for a long time characterized our society," he said.


🇸🇩🇸🇸 Six killed in disputed region bordering Sudan, South Sudan

Six people including a senior local administrator were killed in an ambush by armed men in the Abyei region claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan, local officials said.

The oil-rich region experiences frequent bouts of violence, where rival factions of the Dinka ethnic group - Twic Dinka from South Sudan's neighbouring Warrap State, and Ngok Dinka from Abyei - are locked in a dispute over the location of an administrative boundary.

Abyei Deputy Chief Administrator Noon Deng and his team came under attack along the road from Abyei to Aneet town when they were returning from an official visit to Rummamer county, where they were celebrating the New Year, government officials said.

#Sudan #SouthSudan

🇨🇲 Cost of petroleum products in Cameroon to rise as President anticipates reduction of subsidy

Petroleum products will be less affordable for Cameroonians in 2024.

President Paul Biya announced in his annual end-of-year address that prices of petroleum products in the national market will certainly increase. The leader said that despite a cut, the subsidy remained a heavy burden on public coffers.

It cost the state around 640 billion CFA francs (about 1 billion dollars) in 2023 down from over 1 000 billion CFA francs (some 1.7 billion dollars) in 2022.

"We will most certainly have no choice but to reduce it further, we will ensure that the requisite adjustments do not significantly impact the purchasing power of households," he promised.


🇪🇹🇸🇴 Ethiopia signs agreement with Somaliland paving way to sea access

Ethiopia has taken the first legal steps on a path that could one day enable the landlocked country to gain access to the sea, its government says.

It has signed what is known as a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the self-declared republic of Somaliland to use one of its ports.

Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has previously described sea access as an existential issue for his country.

The details of Monday's agreement with Somaliland have not been made public but a statement from Mr Abiy's office said it would "pave the way to realise the aspiration of Ethiopia to secure access to the sea". Talks leading up to the MoU have focused on the Somaliland port of Berbera.

Abiy's national security adviser, Redwan Hussien, also said that the arrangement could also enable Ethiopia to access a "leased military base" on the sea.

#Ethiopia #Somaliland

🇺🇬🇰🇪 Ugandan Olympian murdered in Kenya, Kenyan Police arrest two suspects

Kenyan police said on Monday they had arrested two people in connection with the weekend stabbing to death of Ugandan athlete Benjamin Kiplagat.

The two men believed to be in their 30s were arrested on the outskirts of the Rift Valley town of Eldoret.

The Kenyan-born had represented Uganda in three Olympic Games and participated in six world championships. His notable achievements include reaching the semi-finals of the 2012 London Olympics in the 3,000m steeplechase.

The 34-year-old's body was found in a car on Saturday night with a deep knife wound to his neck.

While the motive of the killing was still unknown, police said investigations had shown that Kiplagat had been "waylaid" by the two men before he hit their motorcycle with his car.

#Uganda #Kenya

Africa Intel
🇰🇪 Kenya police probe suspected killings on Del Monte pineapple farm Kenyan police said they were investigating suspected killings of four men on a Del Monte pineapple farm near Nairobi, months after a media report said security guards on the same farm had…
🇰🇪 Kenyan police investigation into possible murders on a Del Monte plantation

Kenyan police are investigating allegations of killings by guards at a US company Del Monte plantation in the center of the country after four bodies were found in a river, a county official said.

Two bodies were found on December 24, and two others the next day, in the Thika River, near this plantation located 40 km north of the capital Nairobi. The four people had been missing since December 21.

In a press release sent to AFP, Del Monte assured: "to cooperate with the Kenyan authorities".

The global group specializing in the production and distribution of fruits and vegetables also points out that, according to its video surveillance images, the four men were “stealing pineapples” from the plantation.


🇹🇩 Chad opposition figure Succès Masra appointed PM

Chad's transitional leader General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno has appointed long-time opposition figure Succès Masra as the country's new prime minister.

Masra, who was previously a critic of the military-led government, returned from exile in November last year and backed the recent constitutional referendum spearheaded by Gen Itno.

Masra will serve through the transition to civilian rule, Mahamat Ahmad Alhabo, Chad’s new secretary-general of the presidency, said.

Masra, the president of The Transformers party, signed a reconciliation agreement with Chad's military government in October last year and pledged to "continue dialogue with a view to a peaceful political solution".


🇸🇴🇹🇼 Somaliland National Electoral Commission chair to visit Taiwan

Somaliland National Electoral Commission Chair Musa Hassan Yousuf will arrive in Taiwan on January 3 for a six-day visit.

During his stay, Yousuf will meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu and visit the Central Election Commission, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Justice, and the international affairs departments of Taiwan’s major political parties.

Additionally, Yousuf will attend a banquet hosted by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Remus Li-Kuo Chen.

#Somaliland #Taiwan

Africa Intel
🇪🇹🇸🇴 Ethiopia signs agreement with Somaliland paving way to sea access Ethiopia has taken the first legal steps on a path that could one day enable the landlocked country to gain access to the sea, its government says. It has signed what is known as a memorandum…
🇸🇴🇪🇹 Somalia rejects Ethiopia-Somaliland port deal and summons ambassador

Somalia said a pact its breakaway region of Somaliland has signed with Ethiopia allowing it to use the Red Sea port of Berbera had no legal force and threatened regional stability.

Somalia also summoned its ambassador to Ethiopia for deliberations over the port agreement signed by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi.

The agreement would allow landlocked Ethiopia to set up commercial operations at a leased military base in Berbera. It also included recognizing Somaliland as an independent nation in due course.

"It is a violation and an open interference with Somalia's sovereignty, freedom and unity. The so-called a memorandum of understanding and agreement of cooperation is null and void," Somalia's cabinet said.

Somalia President Hassan Sheik Mohamud stated that not an inch of Somalia can or will be signed away by anybody.

#Somalia #Somaliland #Ethiopia

🇲🇦 363 kg of cocaine from sub-Saharan Africa seized in Morocco

A joint security operation between elements of the Sûreté Nationale and Customs at the El Guergarat border post, south of the town of Dakhla, resulted in the seizure of 362 kg and 950 grams of cocaine destined for Morocco from abroad.

Control operations led to the discovery of this cargo of hard drugs in the form of 16 bundles concealed meticulously in the cab and bodywork of an international goods lorry registered in Morocco.

This security operation is part of the intensive efforts being made by the DGSN to combat international drug trafficking, particularly the illegal trade in hard drugs and psychotropic substances from outside Morocco.


Africa Intel
🇸🇴🇪🇹 Somalia rejects Ethiopia-Somaliland port deal and summons ambassador Somalia said a pact its breakaway region of Somaliland has signed with Ethiopia allowing it to use the Red Sea port of Berbera had no legal force and threatened regional stability.…
🇪🇬🇸🇴🇪🇹 Egypt 'stands by Somalia' amid row with Ethiopia

Egypt’s President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has pledged support for Somalia amid a row with Ethiopia over a sea access deal with Somaliland.

Ethiopia on Monday signed a deal to utilise one of the seaports of Somaliland, drawing criticism from Somalia.

In a phone call with Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, al-Sisi pledged "Egypt’s firm position to stand by Somalia and support its security and stability", al-Sisi’s spokesman Ahmed Famy said on Tuesday, adding that the two leaders also discussed “regional developments” and bilateral relations.

#Egypt #Somalia #Ethiopia

🇳🇪 Niger's Prime Minister initiates regional talks as prelude to inclusive national dialogue

The Nigerien Prime Minister, Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, launched regional consultations on Monday in Agadez, a prelude to the “inclusive national” dialogue which should in particular set the duration of the transition for the military.

The head of the transitional government expressed the urgency of the national dialogue, emphasizing the need for these regional discussions to be "consensual and inclusive."

The ceremony in Agadez saw the presence of officers from the Conseil national pour la sauvegarde de la patrie (CNSP), members of the government, and traditional and religious leaders.

The first round of consultations for the Agadez region involved around 300 representatives, spanning elected officials, traditional chiefs, ex-combatants of the Tuareg rebellions, youth organizations, trade unions, and NGOs.


🇫🇷🇳🇪 French embassy in Niger closed until further notice

Paris on Tuesday said its embassy in Niger was now closed, confirming previously announced plans, after relations between the two countries deteriorated following a military coup in the African country.

"For five months, our embassy has been severely hampered, making it impossible to carry out its missions", a spokeswoman for the French foreign ministry said in a statement.

#France #Niger

Africa Intel
🇿🇦🇮🇱🇺🇳 South Africa launches genocide case against Israel at International Court of Justice Our friends from SAMU.ZA reported that South Africa has launched a case against Israel at the UN’s international court of justice (ICJ) accusing the state of committing…
🇮🇱🇿🇦 Israel responded to South Africa's genocide accusations

Israel on Tuesday said it would defend itself against genocide accusations filed by South Africa last week.

South Africa launched the case at the International Court of Justice on Friday, accusing Israel of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and asking the court to order Israel to halt its attacks.

Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy on Tuesday called the accusations "blood libel" and said that Israel would appear before the ICJ in the Hague to dispel the claims.

Levy also said that the case lacked "both a factual and a legal basis".

#Israel #SouthAfrica

🇵🇸🇿🇦🇮🇱🇺🇳 Hamas leader thanks S. Africa for launching genocide case against Israel at top UN court

The chief of Hamas' political bureau thanked South Africa for launching a case against Israel at the UN's top court.

South Africa alleges that acts and omissions by Israel in the Gaza Strip are genocidal in character in a 84-page long application.

Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh hailed an "important lawsuit".

"I applaud all the positions of support and especially the state of South Africa, which filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice against the occupying state for its crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, and genocide, and we appreciate the political and legal importance of this lawsuit."

#Palestine #SouthAfrica #Israel #UN

🇿🇦 South Africa army dismisses ex-officer's threat to remove president

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has distanced itself from threats by a former commander, who called for the removal of President Cyril Ramaphosa from office.

This comes after a video of the former officer identified as Sylvester Mangolele went viral on social media on Tuesday.

In the video, the former officer can be heard calling for Ramaphosa to step down within 48 hours or risk being forced out of office, citing violations of the constitution as a major reason.

But in a statement on Tuesday, the army distanced itself from Mangolele's comments, saying that he does not speak on behalf of SANDF.

“The SANDF condemns Sylvester Mangolele’s utterances with (the) contempt it deserves,” said SANDF spokesperson Siphiwe Dlamini.

Mangolele was dismissed from the defence force in 2018, the army said, without clarifying why he was sacked.


🇨🇩 Two more DR Congo presidential candidates do not plan court challenge

Two more candidates who contested last month's presidential election in DR Congo made clear on Tuesday they will not take the matter to court.

A large group of opposition candidates says the election was fraudulent and has urged people to protest. However, the government has rejected calls for a rerun of the vote and the deadline to challenge the outcome of the presidential election expires on Wednesday.

Former energy executive Martin Fayulu, who stood in the election, told he would not file a legal challenge because he did not trust the Constitutional Court, which would rule on it. The chief of staff of another of Tshisekedi's challengers in the election, Nobel Peace Prize-winning gynaecologist Denis Mukwege, said Mukwege would also not take his case to the Constitutional Court.


🇸🇱 Sierra Leone charges ex-president's guard, 11 others over failed coup

Sierra Leone authorities have charged 12 people with treason in connection with a failed coup in November, including a member of former President Ernest Bai Koroma's security detail, the government said.

Gunmen attacked a military barracks, a prison and other locations in Sierra Leone on November 26, freeing about 2,200 inmates and killing more than 20 people in what the authorities said afterwards was an attempt to overthrow the government.

The accused were arraigned before a magistrate in the capital Freetown on Tuesday, the information ministry said, adding that they included ex-police and correctional officers and former Koroma bodyguard Amadu Koita. Other suspects "are expected to be charged in the coming days", he added.

The suspects are facing several charges, including treason, concealing treason and "harbouring, aiding and abetting the enemy".


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