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#13 Travelogue Uzbekistan: Sneaky Snacks

Culture is full of contradictions. You thought you found out how this strange society works and then it’s the total opposite. We call that “paradox” – two things that don’t seem to fit together but somehow do. And here’s a good example.

The act of copying isn’t creative. People copy when they don’t have their own ideas. But I cannot help seeing a great deal of creativity in what some sweet-toothed copycats come up with. Respect! Although… “Smack with love” basically means “Beat children with love”. At least give ‘em some ice cream after you beat them!

In non-Western cultures copying is actually seen as a form of respect for the original. Fascinating.

📍contradiction = two things that can’t both be right 📍sb cannot help doing sth = sb must do sth 📍a great deal of sth = a lot of sth 📍sweet-toothed = having a sweet tooth = liking to eat sweet things 📍copycat = sb who copies sth 📍come up with sth = have an idea

👉@afandi_english👈 #travel #uzbekistan
#27 Spot Afandi and his donkey: Afandi on a Stairway to Heaven

Can you spot Afandi and his donkey in this picture?

❗️If you can, follow the instructions in #1 (see pinned message) and win 5,000 Paynet-soums!

👉@afandi_english👈 #spot_afandi
Congrats to Muhammadayubxon!!! 👻
#16 Tongue twister: Irritable Creatures

❗️Challenge yourself with this tongue twister today:

▶️ A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.

Shovqin chig'anoqni jahliga tegadi, lekin shovqinli shovqin chig'anoqni ko'proq jahliga tegadi.

❗️Pay attention to:

🔘 Linking – Consonants in end position and vowels in beginning position are linked together:
A noise ͜ annoys ͜ an ͜ oyster, but ͜ a noisy noise ͜ annoys ͜ an ͜ oyster more.

👉@afandi_english👈 #tongue_twisters
#11 Afandi Quiz: Which place?

🆕 In this type of quiz you are given a photo and guess where the photo was taken. Look for clues inside the photos and see the options. All photos are original.

▶️Here is a sunny place in what looks like an old town. Some languages are there and the architecture might tell you something, too.

This picture was taken in ...
Final Results
Afandi English
This picture was taken in ...
Sharpen your eyes, ladies and gentlemen!

👎 🇪🇬Egypt was wrong. Yes it’s a famous country and the Arabic writing is a match. But you would not likely see any French language in public, and even English may not be used so much. European colonial influence on architecture is also limited in Egypt.

👎 🇾🇪Yemen was wrong, too. It’s an Arab country and half of it was under British rule for some time but not enough for European architecture to take hold (=begin to have a real effect).

👍 🇩🇿Algeria was correct! It’s an Arab country and has had a strong influence from France in terms of language and architecture. And if you take a closer look you may even spot a green-and-white flag on one of the buildings.

👎 🇮🇷Iran was clearly wrong. The country was never actually colonised. The national language (Persian / Farsi) is written in the Arabic script (here: writing system) and it is unlikely to find another language beside it.
#9 Go out and teach! Giving homework

❗️Giving homework is often a ritual at the end of a class and can be super boring. What to do?

🔎 Learn the new words is the most boring homework ever and students don’t know how to do that efficiently if you don’t give them the right techniques. Think of interesting vocabulary tasks like making mind maps, finding collocations or creating a story.

🔎 Let your students do projects like interviews, surveys, photo projects, posters, flyers, news reports, and so on. They can work with topics, learn to plan and produce and present meaningful results.

🔎 Keep up with the times and use social media. Let them send voice messages, have group discussions, interview people, run a channel, etc.

❗️By the way, you don’t always have to give homework at the end of the class because you may not have the students’ full attention. Interesting homework needs more instructions and planning.

#47 Our favourite mistakes: Vocabulary

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Kecha bizda svet yo’q edi.

Perhaps you think it is:
Yesterday we didn’t have light.

Well, it should be:
Yesterday we didn’t have electricity.


❗️ In English, light is just light and nothing else. It cannot be used as a synomym for electricity.

❗️ Svet yo’q can also be translated as power cut or blackout, or more formally a power failure or power outage.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #vocabulary
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Yours sincerely,

Afandi English
Media is too big
#8 Education Video: Artificial Intelligence in Chinese classrooms

❗️ You probably haven’t been impressed by online education so far. The world around us is changing fast but education is slow to change, and not always for the better. Watch this video for an idea about how technology can change even offline education. The most scary example is of course – you guessed it – from China.

#14 Travelogue Uzbekistan: Rusbekistan

Why can you wish someone a happy independence day or cheer the young nation in the language of the former coloniser?

Russian has been dissociated from the country Russia and is used as a lingua franca between ethnic groups in Uzbekistan. There’s a lot of politics in this but as a teacher I would like to think about my dear colleagues.

Russophone teachers seem overall more serious about their job, sometimes even arrogant. But many of them have a sense of serving society, not just their family. And that’s about priorities. Uzbek teachers haven’t been able to close this gap, and parents will continue to choose Russian schooling.

📍coloniser = person or country taking control of another country 📍dissociate sth from sth = regard two things as separate 📍lingua franca = a language used by people with different mother tongues 📍russophone = Russian-speaking 📍arrogant = thinking of oneself as better than others

👉@afandi_english👈 #travel #uzbekistan