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#4 It’s a strange world: No visa, no problem!

❗️Did you know there’s a place in this world where totally everyone is welcome and people from every country on Earth have the right to live and work? That place actually exists but in a cold and hostile environment: the islands of Svalbard that belong to Norway, located between Norway and the North Pole.

▶️Here’s a YouTube video about Svalbard:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #geography
#5 It’s a strange world: OK!

I’m the most recognised word on the planet. Billions of people use me every day without even thinking about me. What am I? – I’m the little word “OK”!

❗️Why do we actually say “OK” all the time? What does it actually mean? And where does this word actually come from? The story of “OK” is an interesting one!

▶️Here’s a YouTube video about OK:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #culture
#6 It’s a strange world: Polyandry

Traditional Tibetan women may have several husbands at the same time. What??? Several husbands?

❗️Polyandry, the practice of women being married to several husbands, is a traditional in Tibetan society to avoid dividing land between a family’s sons. It’s always interesting to see how different cultures can be!

▶️Here’s a YouTube video about polyandry:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #culture
#7 It’s a strange world: An underground town

A long time ago people used to live in caves. But today?

❗️Coober Pedy is an underground town in the Australian desert. People decided to live underground to escape from the scorching heat above and live in so-called “dugouts”, rooms that they dig out. Take a look and see what it’s like to live there:

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video about the town (with proper Australian accent):

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #geography
#8 It’s a strange world: Digital Nomads

Wouldn’t it be cool to earn a good salary while working at a tropical beach?

❗️The internet economy made it possible to do just that. For Mongols, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, the traditional lifestyle is nomadic – they used to live in tents and move around. But most of them built houses and settled down. Now there is a new nomadic lifestyle – young people working for tech companies are found in cozy locations all over the world. All they need is a laptop and an internet connection!

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video about Digital Nomads:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #culture #technology
#9 It’s a strange world: No meat, no milk, no eggs

Can you live without meat, milk, eggs and other animal products?

❗️You may think it’s impossible but actually many people do just that, not only in India but also in developed countries. Some even refuse to wear leather shoes! Find out what this movement is all about and why these people say no to eat animal products. Don’t call anyone crazy before hearing what they have to say!

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video about Veganism:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #culture
#10 It’s a strange world: Free Money

What would it be like if every month the government gave us enough money to live?

❗️The gap between rich and poor has grown bigger in most countries, even in the rich world. If you are poor in a rich country you can always get some money from the government but it’s often complicated and people may feel ashamed. Now more and more people say that the government should pay every citizen a basic income. They argue that it would be good for the economy and it would give poor people a better life. In the future it would also distribute the benefits generated by robots and artificial intelligence. What do you think? Is it a crazy idea?

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video about Basic Income:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #politics #economics
#11 It’s a strange world: Vertical farming

How to feed a growing urban population in times of climate change and natural disasters?

❗️One possible answer may be “vertical farming” – high tech farming in which plants can grow in trays stacked on top of one another. Crops can grow there with artificial light and usually without soil but water mixed with nutrients. The actual “farm” may not look like a farm at all but more like a factory as much of the work is automated. There are more and more vertical farms in developed countries.

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video about vertical farming in Japan:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #technology
#12 It’s a strange world: Workaholism

You work, earn money and use that money to enjoy your life with your family. That’s how it works, right?

❗️Not for some people who work endlessly and forget their friends and family. We call these people “workaholic” – people for whom working is an addiction like drinking alcohol. Find out more about what it’s like when you don’t work to live but live to work.

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video about the psychology behind workaholism:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #psychology
#13 It’s a strange world: Enclaves & Exclaves

Have you ever wondered about these strange pieces of land that belong to one country but are surrounded by another country?

❗️There are actually two words: “Enclave” and “exclave”. An enclave is a territory enclosed by another country; an exclave is a territory separated from the main part of the country. One territory can actually be both, depending from where you stand. Sokh, for example, is an exclave of Uzbekistan enclaved by Kyrgyzstan. But it gets even more, fascinatingly complicated than that! Check it out!

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video about a town in Holland and Belgium that’s full of enclaves and exclaves:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #geography
#14 It’s a strange world: Big Mac Index

Did you know that fast food can help us understand the world economy?

❗️There are rich countries and poor countries and the same price for some product could seem cheap in one country but expensive in another. Meanwhile, thanks to global chains (=a company that has many shops or restaurants) like McDonald’s, Burger King or KFC the same fast food is enjoyed pretty much everywhere. And here’s the interesting part – how much does the exact same Big Mac cost in different countries? The prices can tell us something about different price levels and global income disparities (=differences).

▶️ Here’s a YouTube video explaining the Big Mac Index:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #economics
#15 It’s a strange world: Whataboutism

Do you also get annoyed when you talk about a problem and someone tells you but what about this and what about that?

❗️This is the logical fallacy (=false belief) called “Whataboutism”. It appears in big issues but also when couples argue. Here are two easy examples:

Husband: Hey wife, the soup is too salty again!
Wife: What about yourself? You can’t even cook!


Biden: Mr Trump, you have harmed the American people!
Trump: Look at North Korea. Their president is much worse than me!

Both cases show how the accused (=person who is blamed) is trying to escape the criticism by pointing at someone else’s even bigger problem. But actually it doesn’t make their problem go away. Watch out for whataboutism in discussions and debates!

▶️ Here’s an explainer from the BBC on YouTube:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #psychology
#16 It’s a strange world: Procrastination

Do you sometimes find yourself pushing important tasks away and enjoy a good movie instead?

❗️This is called “procrastination”. Many of us avoid doing what needs to be done, just because it’s difficult or confusing or because something else is more fun. Procrastination is especially prevalent (=common, widespread) among students having to do homework. Procrastinators are not always lazy people – some of them start cleaning the house or reading up on (=read a lot about sth you need to know) something interesting but unrelated to the task. Get to know your own bad habits in order to change for the better!

▶️ Here’s an interesting TED Talk about procrastination:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #psychology
#17 It’s a strange world: Guilt vs shame culture

What are you more afraid of? That you do something morally wrong or that people see you doing something wrong?

❗️The answer may be in your culture. If you come from a Western country you're more likely to care about your conscience, not so much about what other people think or say. Non-Westerners, on the other hand, may feel that avoiding shame is the most important thing.

▶️ Here’s a video about guilt and shame cultures:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #culture
#18 It’s a strange world: Nudging

Why is it that every time we go to a supermarket we end up (=finally doing sth) buying more than we planned?

❗️The truth is we are gently pushed, or “nudged”, to buy things that we don’t actually need. So gently, in fact, that we don’t even realise it. And not only in supermarkets – there are countless examples of psychological tricks used in other businesses and public life, too.

▶️ Here’s a video about nudging:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #psychology
#19 It’s a strange world: Murphy’s Law

Have you had one of those days when simply everything seems to go wrong?

❗️Your feeling can actually be explained scientifically with Murphy’s Law which says “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Read and watch to be in the know (=knowing more than most people)!'s_law

▶️ Here’s a video about Murphy’s Law:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #psychology
#20 It’s a strange world: Planned Obsolescence

Have you been wondering why electric appliances always break before too long (=soon)? Or why smartphones have become harder to repair?

❗️ The reason might be “Planned Obsolescence” – when companies create products in such a way that they don’t last too long and customers are forced to buy replacements.

▶️ Here’s a video about Planned Obsolescence:

👉@afandi_english👈 #strange_world #economics