#Python #RSS阅读器
#feed2exec - programmable feed reader: feed2exec is a simple program that runs custom actions on new RSS feed items (or whatever feedparser can read).
https://feed2exec.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ (翻译: https://www.cnpython.com/pypi/feed2exec)
作者: https://twitter.com/theanarcat/status/1217510310917165056?s=20
#feed2exec - programmable feed reader: feed2exec is a simple program that runs custom actions on new RSS feed items (or whatever feedparser can read).
https://feed2exec.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ (翻译: https://www.cnpython.com/pypi/feed2exec)
作者: https://twitter.com/theanarcat/status/1217510310917165056?s=20
Python feed2exec包_程序模块 - PyPI - Python中文网
Python feed2exec这个第三方库(模块包)的介绍: 可编程饲料阅读器 The programmable feed reader 正在更新《 feed2exec 》相关的最新内容!