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NMM Reminder: Are You Recession Ready?

TLDR: Free investor immersion. 5pm Eastern Today! http://evt.to/auusiihow

Katie, Roberto and I spend most of our days talking to investors … aside from New Money Mondays its easily our favorite thing to do!

After 100’s of calls, we can say with certainty that most people aren’t equipped to deal with what could be about to happen.

But that doesn’t mean you’re in trouble. In fact, if you prepare correctly it could mean you’re in a GREAT position.

Join us today on New Money Mondays at 5pm Eastern and we'll run down our list of insights and what we recommend you look into to get yourself financially fit for what’s ahead.

We promise you'll get 2 things from us:

1. tangible takeaways ... this isn't all theory and philosophy, this is about education and uplevelling!
2. a no pitch zone ... this is 100% in service of you and your outcomes!

Register for Free Here And Add To Your Calendar! http://evt.to/auusiihow
A3F pinned «NMM Reminder: Are You Recession Ready? TLDR: Free investor immersion. 5pm Eastern Today! http://evt.to/auusiihow Katie, Roberto and I spend most of our days talking to investors … aside from New Money Mondays its easily our favorite thing to do! After…»
Thank you to all that joined us!

As you may know we don't offer replays, but here's a recap we did for you this am.

going liv enow!
Think NFTs we’re a fad? Think again!

Ledger Insights report shows Nike revenue from NFTs approx $185m!

Its that time of the week! New Money Mondays is starting at 5 Eastern ... hope to see you all soon!

Today is all about recessions ... what they are, what they mean and what to do about it!

Channel photo updated
Channel name was changed to «A3F»
Yesterday's New Money Mondays focussed on what a recession is and what it could mean.

Interestingly, Ford took a hit from inflation yesterday which, when coupled with supply chain issues is going to cost them around $1bn AND 40,000 cars without parts.

So what does that mean?

High Street ...

1. The cost of a new car will likely increase as Ford looks to make up the difference

2. Ford or upstream suppliers will reduce workforce.

3. A reduction in output ... AKA the precursor to recessionary conditions

Wall Street ...

1. If you held Ford shares yesterday you lost around 4.5%

2. Today we will see movement in other automobile stocks as wall street trys to guess who else will be affected

Behind Closed Doors ...

1. Private Equity positions in supply chain and domestic semi conductor will see an increase in funding.


Lesson 1: Diversify

Lesson 2: The money doesn't dissapear ... it simply moves

Lesson 3: Progress and Innovation is simply the macro seeking a solution to a problem. What problems do we face ... who's solving them ... thats where wealth gets created!
Our Friday Update ... more of the same! Not financial advice :)
A quick question for you: What if Your Portfolio had a Time Machine??

Over the last few weeks we've focussed on what a recession is and what inflation could mean for you, but today we focus on practical advice and what you can do to avoid losses and protect your portfolio.

We're looking forward to seeing you on New Money Mondays at 5pm Eastern!

Quick Video Intro: https://jumpshare.com/v/Ussm3pk3dn95VYuCE797

Registration Link: https://a3finance.com/newMoneyMondays

Random Kitten GIF: https://media.giphy.com/media/3oriO0OEd9QIDdllqo/giphy.gif
Happy Monday!

Today on New Money Monday's we're talking the Third Pillar of a Successful Portfolio.

Today at 5p Eastern.

Share with a friend who you believe can benefit from this conversation.

They will thank you!


See you soon! - Katie
We have a repeat of our webinar on Afluenta tomorrow (Tuesday).

Find out how you can get inflation beating returns!

Hey Family!

Roberto, Katie and I have a call today at 11am Eastern to review Afluenta: a micro lending platform that provides a guaranteed 9% APR.

There is a lot that we like about this!

- Recently validated by Deloitte and setup in partnership with the IDB.
- In operation for over 10 years
- Has lent out over $90 million and generated $17 million of return for its clients

During the call, we will be providing a detailed overview of the product, including its features and benefits, as well as answering any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing you there!
