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ZetaTalk: Being Human


13:25 / 4:07:31
Trance Classics | Moments In Time [1996 - 2006]
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ZetaTalk: Being Human https://zetatalk.com/beinghum/b00.htm 13:25 / 4:07:31 Trance Classics | Moments In Time [1996 - 2006] https://youtube.com/watch?v=OpteS1F_-lE
ZetaTalk: Being Human


[Note: for recent ZetaTalk on Magnetic people, Ghosts, Star Child attributes and related subjects check the Q&A chats.]

The Zetas talk about what they have observed about our tendency to Fight or Flight; how this relates to Repressed Emotions, Stress Diseases, attempts to Escape Reality or the Autism Rise, and Psychosis; how we are reacting with Anxiety and Denial and what Bad News to relay as the Pole Shift seems imminent, seeking Certainty and demanding Answers as many are Insecure; what Disaster Reaction to expects as Life: Downside Up and When Things Go Wrong and why Leadership, Earned will prevail; how Pending Partners await as Soul Personalities are a factor; what we can do to maintain Physical Fitness and deal with Walking Erect; how our Auras indicate health; how Curing Cancer and Alzheimers and Anorexia depends on our outlook on life; and how we can help those in Pain or Grieving. The Zetas talk about what causes Addictions; why we love Music and Getting High and crave Junk Food; why we keep Pets and admire Chess Masters; why it is important to have Self Respect; whether Spanking helps or harms children and whether Missing Children are on the increase; what Violent Games say about human society; how best to deal with Fear and face the many Dangers we encounter; what causes Self Destructive behavior or the Killer Instinct or The Grudge; how the Mother and Child bond can go awry; why the JonBenet Ramsey case avoids prosecution; what our sense of Humor indicates; why Conspiracies develop and if the Ukraine Plague was natural; why we are so confused about Abortion and Suicide rights; why there are problems with Vegetarian diets; and how humans can express a Reverence for Life.

The Zetas talk about our Indestructible Soul; how this can be sensed with the Chakras; how Reincarnation happens but Past Lives are only selectively remembered; how Near Death Experiences relates to Ghosts or those just having an Out Of Body; how a Walk-In differs from being a Star Child, how Aware they are of their status, and some Star Children Examples; what occurs during a Possession, and what the Body Senses; and whether it is myth or truth that mankind was Star Seeded. The Zetas talk about what happens to Hindus when they do Meditation; whether shape shifting really takes place during Shamanism; the Carlos Castaneda techniqes; why Premonitions can be accurate; what causes Poltergeist activity, or Hauntings; whether Psychics are more in touch than the rest of us and how Telepathy works; why we need Sleep and what our Dreams indicate; how we can be healed by Faith Healers; how Yin-Yang can help our balance; whether Karma exists; how Archetypes are a reflection of human experience; and that there are Werewolves among us.

The Zetas talk about what role Cultural Influences have; why like the Heaven's Gate cult we are always struggling to find the Right Religion; how this relates to the Holy Wars that have gone on over the centuries; what causes Racial Hatred; whether the United Nations is doing a good job; whether Capitalism builds the best society; where we go amuck with our Scientific Theories and cling to the notion of Human Infallibility, and why Independent Thinking is rare as exemplified by the inability to think for oneself on Context, Event Timing, and Categorization; how an inventor's Best Intentions get subverted; why the Hippocratic Oath is restrictive; how our Career Choices are guided; why we are obsessed with Status Symbols and Get Rich Quick schemes; and offer their opinion of Politics. The Zetas talk about the human tendency to avoid Taking Responsibility and make Commitments; why we seek Scapegoats and why a Holocaust Denial emerged; whether we should just be Forgiving toward others; what causes Multiple Personality disorders; how Dowsing works; why there are Gifted Autistics; the relationship between Suicide Cults and the average family; how to advise those battling while Coupling; what causes Homosexuality; and how to help Those Who Mourn.
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Christianity and Jesus

Who founded the great religions?

ZetaTalk has stated that Jesus, Mohammed,
and Buddha were all star children, with similar goals
and a similar message - to love one another and live in peace.
Their message got corrupted, in all cases, by others wishing to direct their followers.


The eastern religions have a similar background, in that their founder, Buddha, was different than eventually purported.

The message twisted, once again.

Founders : Mohammed

The third star child who came to Earth in the same time period as Jesus and Buddha was Mohammed.
His message, like the other two, twisted after his death into edicts Mohammed never intended.

ZetaTalk: Mohammed, written Jul 15, 1995
Mohammed, like Jesus and Buddha, was an entity from another world who incarnated on Earth in hopes of spreading knowledge about the spiritual realm. Yes and no, they succeeded. Mohammed would be horrified to learn of the militaristic stance some of his supposed followers have taken. His message was to blend with the Universe, in peace, to blunt the aggressive nature of man so as to listen to the whispers of the spheres. Most of his followers correctly understand his message, but are lost in the thunderstorm coming from many of the Muslim leaders, who would spread blood over all the landscape to win a small point. They send forth their faithful youth to die on false promises of an afterlife they cannot deliver. And like most of the world's religious elite, they know this full well. Parasites on the blood of their young, whom they care not for.


I may have
found my soul mate.
ZetaTalk Followers
Eureka! I may have found my soul mate.
ZetaTalk: Soul Mates
Note: written Jun 15, 1996

Many lovers, when first meeting
their beloved, are instantly attracted
in a strange way. This isn't based on appearance,
as rather than good looking the newly met attraction
most often is plain or even physically flawed in some way. Aphrodisiac qualities such as great wealth or the hero stature temporarily assigned to a rescuer are not factors. Yet the lovers are fascinated with one another, want to pass the time with no others, and can think of no one else when apart. If lust were a factor then such attractions would only exist where sex is hot and the best in memory, but these attractions exist even when sex is not possible or is tepid or a disappointment. These matches, known in every human society, are sometimes referred to as soul mates, a term more apt than not, and are on the increase during the Transformation.

Spirits who have known each other in past lives frankly arrange to meet again. Of all the millions of liaisons possible between entities, these partnerships stand out as special, a lasting friendship or love affair as it were. In particular, where one of the entities is facing a difficult life lesson, they may wish for an old friend to hold their hand. These desires are known and taken into account before birth, the incarnations structured so that the two can find each other. Life circumstances may make this difficult or even impossible, so that one or the other of the entities goes through the entire incarnation with a vague sense of longing, a sense that they have not yet met the love of their life. However, in most cases the search is rewarded, with the entities speaking to each other like voices through the fog. Here I am, over here. Look for me in the book store. Look for me at the beach. Did you want to buy a puppy? I'm going to the pet store on Sunday. They make spiritual dates, and when encountering one another at last there is that instant attraction. Soul mates, together at last.

Note: added during Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Humans often encounter what is termed soul mates, or souls they have dealt with before. That this could happen, given the numbers and likelihood by chance, seems unlikely. Indeed, such encounters are guided, both souls desiring this encounter, and the Spirit Guides allowing this. Often, if a soul has a particularly difficult task, or will be undertaking a particularly significant task that is of importance for its growth, having old and familiar companions is deemed an assist. However, this is the exception, less than 1% of incarnations include such encounters or arrangements. There are souls that tend to limit the numbers of other entities they can deal with, such that Service-to-Other is interpreted as concern for the group, not the larger Universe. The group, thus, is variously defined. A group might be no more than the extended family, during an incarnation, or the local community, or the country or those sharing the religious beliefs. This type of limitation is the norm, even for highly experienced Service-to-Other entities who would most definitely be considered old souls. But there are others, an example Nancy and ourselves, the team of Zetas talking to you here, who consider the larger scope. At a minimum, we include the population of the Earth, and include in our concerns all visitors from anywhere in the Service-to-Other orientation who are interacting on Earth, or will be. Thus, this is a decision, or perhaps a limitation, of the entity, whether to cling to small and familiar groups or be expansive and explorative.

All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com



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To what degree do alien cultures enjoy the arts, and what form do these arts take? Obviously, whether in 3rd Density or a higher density, the art form is dependent upon the life form. Water creatures will sense motion in a different way than land creatures, as the motion will physically affect them where the land creature will in all likelihood be viewing this from some sort of eye that captures light rays.

Music is also dependent upon the life form, as the rhythms that comfort will differ depending upon how many hearts the life form has and what kind of rhythms their world presents when it represents danger or safety. Rumbling thunder and sudden loud noises are something humans associate, in music, with danger, and lilting sounds with gentle breezes and the voice tones of humans chattering in comfortable social settings.

In human society, much history is recorded in written form, although with the advent of the electronic age, much is also recorded on video or audio tape. Books or manuscripts represent the thoughts of great men in the past, factual as well as fictional. Do alien life forms, such as ourselves, have an equivalent?

We do indeed, but have no need to rely on a written word as humans do. We are telepathic, so often the performing artist is soundless but nevertheless relays the composition perfectly. As for recording the great thoughts of the past, or works of art, the written word is considered cumbersome and inadequate.

We use holographic forms, where all but telepathic thought is transmitted. In these cases, the intent of the author or artist is relayed through other means, such as symbolic motion or recreating the situation described, much as humans enjoy when going to the movie theater.


There’s a sinkhole in the middle of Park Ave, bw Rowley & S Goodman St. City staff were working Saturday at the scene, which was marked by traffic cones.

Comment by Nancy Lieder

On May 5 attention on the Toe of the SE Portion continues, with an interesting correlation between our emphasis (which started in 2021 http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue782-addendum.htm and that of oceanographers discovering the Earth's deepest ocean sinkhole along the plate borders there. The shifting East of the Yucatan Peninsula has happened before during New Madrid Adjustments.

Scientists Pinpoint World's Deepest Underwater Sinkhole - Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
A blue hole off the coast of Mexico has been found to be the deepest underwater sinkhole in the world. The Taam Ja' Blue Hole, which was first discovered in 2021, was originally thought to be 900 feet deep, but according to new research published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science, it's actually at least 480 feet deeper at a staggering 1,380 feet below sea level. This makes it 393 feet deeper than the previous record-holding blue hole: the Sansha Yongle Blue Hole, or Dragon Hole, in the South China Sea, which is 987 feet deep.

Contactee Creativity

Creativity is variously described as the ability to think outside the bounds constraining others, the ability to include what would normally be considered unrelated information, and forming the diverse parts into a unique pattern or solution.

Fresh, unique, clever, bold, or revolutionary are terms applied to creative thinking. Some humans are born with what seems to be native creativity, and even as toddlers seem to find solutions for problems that stymie others. Indeed, brain chemistry is a factor in creativity, as the capacity to sustain activation in many parts of the brain increases the bridging, the association between concepts, that is the basis of thought.

It has long been recognized that bi-polar, or manic-depressive individuals are almost routinely creative, a factor of their highly active mental capacities. A non-creative individual, faced with having to cross a river without a bridge or boat at hand, might conclude that wading or swimming is the only option and promptly get wet, whereas their creative counterpart might test the water's depth and force of flow and devise stilts from nearby saplings.

Contactees are frequently discovered to be developing creativity, seemingly as a result of their visitations. In these instances there is no change in their brain chemistry. What is occurring is an attitude change, the breaking down of boundaries, the mind stretching to consider many possibilities, a broadening of the contactee's vistas so that they encompass a wider range of possibilities in their everyday thoughts while in human society - a visitation perk.
