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URGENT information and discussion about ZetaTalk prophesy regarding Nibiru, aka Planet X, Earth Changes and the pending Pole Shift.
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The City is asking residents to avoid a sinkhole in the NB lane of Hwy 71 near Dairy Dream. 

Traffic from the NB lane will be diverted into the middle turning lane to help residents avoid the sinkhole. 

ZetaTalk Followers
ZETAS vs. PLEIADIAN RESENTMENT WHY ARE THERE DISAGREEMENTS WITH OTHER ALIEN GROUPS—ARE WE NOT ALL WORKING FOR SAME GOALS "There are some similarities in this channeled work by a valid Pleiadean channel and what ZetaTalk has stated. There are also points…


"There are some similarities in this channeled work by a valid Pleiadean channel and what ZetaTalk has stated. There are also points where we differ, and differ greatly." ~ZT

Few races have abused humanity more than the Zetas through their traumatic abductions. There have actually never been Zeta contactees. You’re sharing nothing but fear based nonsense from someone’s imagination. Devoid of spiritual awareness, only serving the agenda of dark forces aligned with Zetas. Zetas are like children to Galactic Federation who are now kept far away from Earth. Pleiadians are the parents and protectors of Earth and Zetas are pests who provided the cabal with their greatest weapon against us, rapid cloning.
https://familyoftaygeta.com/zeta-reticuli-greys/ https://twitter.com/Kabamur_Taygeta/status/1787221238752158104
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Petrol from Nibiru Complex
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Note: Indo-Australian plate
and S America tilting and rolling

Comment by Kojima 3 hours ago

* 2024/5/6 T00:03

Zeta Roles

As with human society where people migrate to roles they feel most competent to hold, or most enjoy, or receive the most praise or reward for holding - Zetas likewise gravitate to roles. In human society individuals find themselves less than free to choose their roles. Parents not infrequently start talking about their hopes for their offspring before they are out of diapers. Non-athletic children are pushed to practice, as daddy was on the Varsity team or mommy always dreamed of being a ballerina, so junior must fulfill the parent's dream. If a child is bright enough to foresee a successful performance at university, a lucrative white collar professional career looms up and overshadows any desire of the child itself. The child is not asked what he or she enjoys or desires, they are told what others expect of the child. Sometimes these expectations are relayed in frank verbal terms, as in direct orders, but most often are relayed via body language or the not-so-subtle withdrawal of support and love. Fail to go to football practice and daddy is more interested in reading his paper than talking to junior, and all mention of the weekend trip to Disneyland has stopped.

So how do we, the Service-to-Others Zetas, differ? All children are given access to all learning experiences, equally. Should they indicate difficulty with some material, or confusion, their request for assistance is met without hesitation. The males, for instance, do not have their questions answered while the females find they are expected to be seen but not heard from. When our little girls well up with ideas, they are given the opportunity to present on an equal basis with our little boys, nor are they cut-off in mid sentence by male teachers or fellow students, as little girls in human society find they are, daily. In short, we simply treat little boys and girls as true equals, so that when they arrive at the point where they can contribute to Zetan society, they are prepared to make their decision about the roles they would like to fill. In the Service-to-Others society, roles are self chosen, in response to the needs noted or expressed by others.

So, imagine this scenario: Zetan youngsters, having sopped up all the learning their curious minds can hold, and having practiced various roles during play and school projects, by choice, now spend a portion of their time in the community. They attend one of the community meetings that occur regularly or more often if need arises. They hear discussion on a problem the adults are dealing with. A youngster, as the adults, is free to volunteer his or her services. If the others feel, in their hearts and minds, that the youngster would be overwhelmed in this role, this is, in essence, another problem to be addressed. Perhaps a classmate, or one of the adults, offers to assist the young volunteer, and in this regard is truly just a second set of hands or a backup in case of failure. The volunteer is allowed to proceed, even if inexperienced. All are in Service-to-Others, and none wishes to harm the community, so the volunteer is not assumed to be operating out of self interest. Most often, in such situations, we are pleasantly surprised. On occasion the youngster needs some assistance. And when there is failure, we wait for the youngster to request a review, so they may learn from the failure, before comments are offered.

So if the Zetas find that their sexes choose different roles, how do these roles by sex come about? In the same way that roles by height, or physical or mental acuity, or past experiences and differing knowledgebase, or desire to learn in a particular area, or empathy with certain experiences affect role choices. In no other way.


A section of Balloon Base Rd was closed in Palestine, Texas, on Sunday, May 5, due to a “cave in” transport officials said.

The Westside FD there were several county roads with water over them.

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts

At approx 1 a.m. May 6, a manhole explosion near W85 (Westgate Apartments) & Tang Hall caused power outages to numerous buildings along the Amherst Alley, also known as Dorm Row.

The Cambridge FD were present at the scene, & are investigating what happened. No injuries were reported, but power has yet to be restored to the affected buildings. 

According to an MIT Alert notification at 1:24 a.m., W85, Tang Hall, Next House, New House, & McCormick were among the buildings that lost power. In Next House, students were reportedly trapped within elevators, necessitating rescue by firefighters.

At 2:10 a.m., an update from emergency.mit.net stated “the cause of the power outage has been determined as damage to MIT electrical equipment caused by the manhole explosion.” The update also said that equipment was being repaired by the electrical crew, but did not provide a timeline for restoring power. Amherst Alley & Audrey St are open.

Sidmouth, UK

Ladram Bay beach near Sidmouth on the Devon south coast, saw a large section of its cliffs collapse at around 7am Sunday, sending rocks tumbling down onto boats and paddle boards below. Fortunately, there were no injuries reported.

A spokesperson for the holiday park confirmed that the beach would remain off-limits while thorough safety checks are conducted on the iconic cliffs and the Jurassic coastline.

Shared Visions

Not surprisingly, with something as momentous as a pole shift just around the corner and the ongoing Transformation of the Earth into a home for 4th Density entities operating in the Service-to-Other, contactees come away from their visitations with similar visions. A world devastated in some manner, some emergency they must rise to address, acting in concert with aliens operating space ships, rescuing other humans, and migrating to certain locales in the midst of some sort of crisis.

Often they have difficulty placing the emergency, as the world around them marches on as before. When these contactees encounter each other or read each other's stories, they recognize the similarity. As the pole shift approaches and the Earth responds to her approaching brother with increased earthquakes and a slowing rotation, the sense that the time is approaching heightens.

These contactees are poised to rapidly put the pieces of the puzzle together when the time is right, and have a deep sense of certainty about this. They wonder, but feel somehow they know the answer.

Increasingly, as contactees work behind the scenes in concert with each other and the alien groups visiting them, they will find their shared visions are more specific and immediate. Contactees who have found each other and are working together on shared endeavors often recall similar visitations on the same day, or have a sense of a change in focus on the same day. They may even recall seeing each other during a visitation!

These shared visions are no more surprising than if they had attended a meeting together, discussed issues, made notes, and agreed upon a course of action. In fact, this is in essence what occurred! Shared visions are one of the most accurate and specific signs that contactees have that their recall is not imagination. Nevertheless, for others outside of the contactee group working together, the recitation of these shared visions is relatively meaningless. The element of doubt, required to reduce anxiety in others who are not contactees and are still to be awakened, is still present.
