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URGENT information and discussion about ZetaTalk prophesy regarding Nibiru, aka Planet X, Earth Changes and the pending Pole Shift.
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"There are some similarities in this channeled work by a valid Pleiadean channel and what ZetaTalk has stated. There are also points where we differ, and differ greatly." ~ZT


ZetaTalk Followers
ZETAS vs. PLEIADIAN RESENTMENT WHY ARE THERE DISAGREEMENTS WITH OTHER ALIEN GROUPS—ARE WE NOT ALL WORKING FOR SAME GOALS "There are some similarities in this channeled work by a valid Pleiadean channel and what ZetaTalk has stated. There are also points…


"There are some similarities in this channeled work by a valid Pleiadean channel and what ZetaTalk has stated. There are also points where we differ, and differ greatly." ~ZT


ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for June 22, 2013

This is a channeled work from a woman, whom the Zetas confirmed had the right notion about the humming boxes when they first appeared in Oregon.


She has taken great umbrage at the concept of a sudden Pole Shift, as the Zetas say within an hour, and gone so far as to state that anyone saying this is a “malevolent” force. Yet she was warned privately to get an RV and be prepared to leave the coast on a moment’s notice.

There has been an alignment of agreement until now. Why the sudden difference of opinion and insults? I feel Nancy should address the ET intercession with Pole Shift itself by re-examining the issue.

[Begin Channel, in part] Why would we wish for you to go thru this destruction and end life and civilizations where you have all then accumulated your greatest potential for advancement in your Sciences and Technologies, Understanding of the Cosmos and moving for Spiritual Growth and Unity. Would we not protect you from self-destruction or from an outside Cosmic threat or Nuclear Wars, when you are so valuable to us as a Human Species, as an accumulation of all your past Life's, as an accumulation of all your past Wars, as an accumulation of all your past Enlightenment and the age of darkness. We have always guided the Human Race from the beginning of time to the present moment, and would "not" allow this destruction that is being brought about and manifested by the collective minds guided by malevolent Luciferian Forces to "Destroy You" and to destroy this planet. But this (Planet-X/Nibiru) has been cleared. It has been placed outside of its own "Orbit" further from your Earth. We say that it is a possibility of a "Pole Shift" but "Not" in this manner in which they wish the Human minds to manifest it to be. There is a possibility of this Mind Pole Shift, caused by an exchange of Nuclear Weapons throughout your world. If they are not prevented there would be a chain effect that would then unbalance the rotation of your Earth. But what is being spoken of is a "Sudden Pole Shift", the "Sudden" Pole Shift can only be thru the destruction and use of your weapons.

There are some similarities in this channeled work by a valid Pleiadean channel and what ZetaTalk has stated. There are also points where we differ, and differ greatly.

For instance, we have stated that nuclear weapons have long been disabled so they are no longer weapons, though if challenged by the need to retain the Element of Doubt would be allowed to explode.

This has been in the body of ZetaTalk for years. This intercession is because the Council of Worlds has responded to the collective Call from many people. Since nuclear war is not possible, in this situation, our predictions differ from this Pleiadean channel.

It is likewise true that the rapid progression of the 7 of 10 plate movements was slowed to a crawl, because the Council of Worlds saw the potential for a break in the cover-up, and did not wish massive death from 7 of 10 plate movements when the populace had no opportunity to have a spiritual lesson, no opportunity to react.

Slowing the plate movement required more than the humming boxes placed along fault lines. Planet X was positioned more to the side, to the right of the Earth, than it should be during the 7 of 10 process, as noted recently in our ZetaTalk chats. This is why there is a more severe wobble at this time, yet slower plate movement.

It has long been known that all in the Service-to-Other do not agree on how mankind should be influenced at this time. The Pleiadeans are notorious for downplaying the coming Pole Shift, preferring to deliver a message of denial so as not to elicit anxiety and fear.
ZetaTalk Followers
ZETAS vs. PLEIADIAN RESENTMENT WHY ARE THERE DISAGREEMENTS WITH OTHER ALIEN GROUPS—ARE WE NOT ALL WORKING FOR SAME GOALS "There are some similarities in this channeled work by a valid Pleiadean channel and what ZetaTalk has stated. There are also points…
Our approach has been to tell the blunt truth, so mankind will not be shocked but can prepare to assist others in love throughout the cataclysms, being emotionally prepared. Both we and they are Service-to-Others, but differ in our approach. Where the Pleiadeans prefer to emphasize rescue, we prefer to emphasize that mankind is to rise to the occasion, growing spiritually by helping others.

The Pleiadeans know that Obama and his allies around the world are prepared to inform mankind that Nibiru, aka Planet X, does indeed exist and is positioned for a passage past Earth.

It is ZetaTalk, ourselves, and our message that will get the attention due to our 17 years of accurate predictions and worldwide fame. It is clear which Service-to-Other group will get to influence mankind, and the losers are resentful, calling our warnings “malevolent” as they feel a blunt message will increase fear and a lean toward Service-to-Self thoughts.

In this channeled report, the Pleiadeans are promising rescue to all when this has not been granted by the Council of Worlds. The Pole Shift has never been, and will not be a tea party as the Pleiadeans promise. For mankind, the future times are not going to be comfortable, but bad tidings to be dealt with.

For mankind, the loving thing to do is prepare for the coming Earth changes and react to the distress of others, assisting them. In our view, it is not a proper act for the Pleiadeans to reassure mankind that no harm will come to them, when clearly man has always dealt with volcanoes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunami, and giant predators.

For mankind, any intervention by benign alien forces will be as a reaction to their own Service-to-Other endeavors and thoughts. Rescue must be earned, not assumed.

It is likewise true that the rapid progression of the 7 of 10 plate movements was slowed to a crawl, because the Council of Worlds saw the potential for a break in the cover-up and did not wish massive death from 7 of 10 plate movements when the populace had no opportunity to have a spiritual lesson, no opportunity to react.


Nibiru Worry
Pleiadean Resentment
Got Religion?

Regarding religion. We have a religion. In fact, everyone does. Even those who profess not to have a religion have a religion in their protestations. When we speak of our religion, it is more of an understanding of the Universe. We are emotionally connected to the Universe. We are within the One. We have kinship with one another as parts of the One. We have reverence for the Universe and its workings, as a thing of beauty which we wish to understand.

Each soul is in the hand of God, within God, to our way of thinking, and thus needs no intermediary. We, the Zetas, do not impose schedules on when God will be present, or we should all gather and listen to someone interpret God's words and thoughts for us. Each is left to his own communications, which needs no other intermediary.

Our religion is not like the major religions of the Earth, which deify entities human in appearance. These religions, where the message given to humans was to draw them to the light, have been corrupted over time by the forces of darkness.

These religions preach against knowledge, against self initiative, against free thought. They restrain with rules which assist only those who wish to rule. Where human religions, however well founded, have invariably been twisted by the Service-to-Self crowd until they have lost all semblance of the original intent, our faith is not so affected. The pure adage to Love thy Neighbor as Thyself stands as the rule by which we guide ourselves, and there are no Thou Shalt Not's included.

Where human religions, having been infiltrated with the structure the Service-to-Self crowd feels comfortable with, have pomp and ceremony and severe strictures for evading the controls, we have no ceremony to express our faith.
Was it not Jesus who said, insofar as ye love the least amongst you, so ye love me, or words to that effect?

Jesus was relaying a true Service-to-Others philosophy of faith, as we believe that each of us, the least included, represents a part of God, is included in God's plan, and is God's handiwork. Where we are not much clearer than you are on what God is, this is our faith.


The City is asking residents to avoid a sinkhole in the NB lane of Hwy 71 near Dairy Dream. 

Traffic from the NB lane will be diverted into the middle turning lane to help residents avoid the sinkhole. 

ZetaTalk Followers
ZETAS vs. PLEIADIAN RESENTMENT WHY ARE THERE DISAGREEMENTS WITH OTHER ALIEN GROUPS—ARE WE NOT ALL WORKING FOR SAME GOALS "There are some similarities in this channeled work by a valid Pleiadean channel and what ZetaTalk has stated. There are also points…


"There are some similarities in this channeled work by a valid Pleiadean channel and what ZetaTalk has stated. There are also points where we differ, and differ greatly." ~ZT

Few races have abused humanity more than the Zetas through their traumatic abductions. There have actually never been Zeta contactees. You’re sharing nothing but fear based nonsense from someone’s imagination. Devoid of spiritual awareness, only serving the agenda of dark forces aligned with Zetas. Zetas are like children to Galactic Federation who are now kept far away from Earth. Pleiadians are the parents and protectors of Earth and Zetas are pests who provided the cabal with their greatest weapon against us, rapid cloning.
https://familyoftaygeta.com/zeta-reticuli-greys/ https://twitter.com/Kabamur_Taygeta/status/1787221238752158104
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Petrol from Nibiru Complex
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Note: Indo-Australian plate
and S America tilting and rolling

Comment by Kojima 3 hours ago

* 2024/5/6 T00:03

Zeta Roles

As with human society where people migrate to roles they feel most competent to hold, or most enjoy, or receive the most praise or reward for holding - Zetas likewise gravitate to roles. In human society individuals find themselves less than free to choose their roles. Parents not infrequently start talking about their hopes for their offspring before they are out of diapers. Non-athletic children are pushed to practice, as daddy was on the Varsity team or mommy always dreamed of being a ballerina, so junior must fulfill the parent's dream. If a child is bright enough to foresee a successful performance at university, a lucrative white collar professional career looms up and overshadows any desire of the child itself. The child is not asked what he or she enjoys or desires, they are told what others expect of the child. Sometimes these expectations are relayed in frank verbal terms, as in direct orders, but most often are relayed via body language or the not-so-subtle withdrawal of support and love. Fail to go to football practice and daddy is more interested in reading his paper than talking to junior, and all mention of the weekend trip to Disneyland has stopped.

So how do we, the Service-to-Others Zetas, differ? All children are given access to all learning experiences, equally. Should they indicate difficulty with some material, or confusion, their request for assistance is met without hesitation. The males, for instance, do not have their questions answered while the females find they are expected to be seen but not heard from. When our little girls well up with ideas, they are given the opportunity to present on an equal basis with our little boys, nor are they cut-off in mid sentence by male teachers or fellow students, as little girls in human society find they are, daily. In short, we simply treat little boys and girls as true equals, so that when they arrive at the point where they can contribute to Zetan society, they are prepared to make their decision about the roles they would like to fill. In the Service-to-Others society, roles are self chosen, in response to the needs noted or expressed by others.

So, imagine this scenario: Zetan youngsters, having sopped up all the learning their curious minds can hold, and having practiced various roles during play and school projects, by choice, now spend a portion of their time in the community. They attend one of the community meetings that occur regularly or more often if need arises. They hear discussion on a problem the adults are dealing with. A youngster, as the adults, is free to volunteer his or her services. If the others feel, in their hearts and minds, that the youngster would be overwhelmed in this role, this is, in essence, another problem to be addressed. Perhaps a classmate, or one of the adults, offers to assist the young volunteer, and in this regard is truly just a second set of hands or a backup in case of failure. The volunteer is allowed to proceed, even if inexperienced. All are in Service-to-Others, and none wishes to harm the community, so the volunteer is not assumed to be operating out of self interest. Most often, in such situations, we are pleasantly surprised. On occasion the youngster needs some assistance. And when there is failure, we wait for the youngster to request a review, so they may learn from the failure, before comments are offered.

So if the Zetas find that their sexes choose different roles, how do these roles by sex come about? In the same way that roles by height, or physical or mental acuity, or past experiences and differing knowledgebase, or desire to learn in a particular area, or empathy with certain experiences affect role choices. In no other way.


A section of Balloon Base Rd was closed in Palestine, Texas, on Sunday, May 5, due to a “cave in” transport officials said.

The Westside FD there were several county roads with water over them.

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts

At approx 1 a.m. May 6, a manhole explosion near W85 (Westgate Apartments) & Tang Hall caused power outages to numerous buildings along the Amherst Alley, also known as Dorm Row.

The Cambridge FD were present at the scene, & are investigating what happened. No injuries were reported, but power has yet to be restored to the affected buildings. 

According to an MIT Alert notification at 1:24 a.m., W85, Tang Hall, Next House, New House, & McCormick were among the buildings that lost power. In Next House, students were reportedly trapped within elevators, necessitating rescue by firefighters.

At 2:10 a.m., an update from emergency.mit.net stated “the cause of the power outage has been determined as damage to MIT electrical equipment caused by the manhole explosion.” The update also said that equipment was being repaired by the electrical crew, but did not provide a timeline for restoring power. Amherst Alley & Audrey St are open.

Sidmouth, UK

Ladram Bay beach near Sidmouth on the Devon south coast, saw a large section of its cliffs collapse at around 7am Sunday, sending rocks tumbling down onto boats and paddle boards below. Fortunately, there were no injuries reported.

A spokesperson for the holiday park confirmed that the beach would remain off-limits while thorough safety checks are conducted on the iconic cliffs and the Jurassic coastline.
