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ZENTRUM FÜR NETZKUNST aims to reconstruct, preserve, and contextualize net art and net culture.
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A new book in our /rosa library ➠ A Decade to Download – The Internet Yami-Ichi 2012-2021, 10th anniversary book

📲 https://yami-ichi.download

We've got this book for our library with the support of exonemo, for which we'd like to express our sincere thanks!
➠ in a week: Savant, savant, savant. by Bertram von Undall

· opening of the exhibition: Friday, 30 June 2023 at 7 pm

Join us at /rosa (Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 35, Berlin Mitte) for the opening of Bertram von Undall's show.

Savant, savant, savant. is a conceptual romantic suggestion of a perspective that sees something very "human" and inherently flawed and messy in technology, presenting works that touch on the disturbances to affective relations and selfhood within techno-capitalism.

The exhibition is centered around a narrative based video game installation. The game is derived from a traditional non-verbal intelligence test called the Raven's Progressive Matrices. This test was the first of its kind to circumvent the need for language in order to measure cognitive capacity; through a visual logic system the test determines the takers general abstract ability and fluid intelligence. The term "savant" refers to a person who has exceptional skills or knowledge in a particular domain - it is, incidentally, also the name of the person with highest IQ ever measured ringing in at an astounding 228. Her name: Marilyn vos Savant.

Works: Angel Interface (2022) and Self-Drive (2023)

In the context of this exhibition, the idea of cognitive quantification is used as an aesthetic pointer that informs the production of the works in terms of their technical expression and their formal compositions. Cognitive quantification is, at the same time, a central component of today’s human experience, technological devices and computational logics condition nearly all of our social and environmental relations.

Accompanying the installation is a set of drawings manipulated on screen. The exhibition presents a mode of speculation and drifting off; distracted notebook drawings are placed in contrast to attention capturing game technology. On a small scale, the show proposes the notions of thought and learning in the light of a common denominator: algorithmically aided production.
Bertram von Undall's work engages a variety of media ranging from CGI, graphic design and video recordings to sound, fiction and gaming technologies. Their compositions draw on theoretical research in the nested arenas of the psychic, the social and the technological, with an affinity for practices of learning and feeling. Central to this enterprise are the ongoing collaborations and collective engagements that make up the ground of their individual gestures.
Tiny sounds.
by Tsch!

/rosa, Saturday, 15 July 2023 at 9 pm

Artists: Jaime Lobato, David Camargo, Román Castillo


Tsch! is an experimental audiovisual project formed by David Camargo and Jaime Lobato that through Live Coding and Live Cinema develop sets of algorithmic music full of polyrhythms, broken rhythms, lots of horrible glitch, incorrect appropriations of pop culture and flavor. This time we are going to have Independencia Biolab as a guest for improvisation with an open peer 2 peer server that will open a window for public telematic interaction.

/rosa, Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 35, 10178 Berlin

This Saturday at /rosa
➠ Bruno Gola: "microwebs"

/rosa, Saturday, 16 September 2023 at 20:00

"microwebs" is an experiment on interactive systems, smartphones and spatial sound. Through Live Coding and multi-channel audiovisual streaming, the audience phones become a medium to distribute micro sounds and codes over the space, constantly changing perceptions as the audience is also invited to move around with their phones in hand, creating a multi-dimensional, interactive sound environment.

Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 35
10178 Berlin


Bruno Gola is a Brazilian computational artist, sound artist, live coder and musician based in Berlin. He studied art and media at the Berlin University of the Arts where he currently works as artistic assistant in the Generative Kunst/Computational Arts class. In his projects, Gola combines his interest in programming languages and sound programming to create his own software and build instruments for live performances and interactive installations.
37. Chaos Communication Congress »Unlocked«
Hamburg, 27 – 30 December 2023

Track Art & Beauty:
Deadline: 11. November 2023 (23:59 UTC)

[EN] Call for Participation:

Art & Beauty

The quote »you can create art and beauty with a computer« formulated by Steven Levis in 1984 in his hacker ethics is the leitmotif for the Art & Beauty track. The focus here is on artistic practices (including literature, comics, film & audiovisual media, music, games, theatre, dance, performance, and painting) that (critically) engage with new technologies and their social impact.

We welcome submissions that use computers, coding, and networks to expand the possibilities of art; or demonstrate that the principles and practices of hacker culture contribute to constructive and unforeseen perspectives in artistic contexts. We also welcome submissions that present a theoretical reflection on the impact of new technologies on artistic practices and forms of expression.

[DE] Call for Participation:

Das Zitat »you can create art and beauty with a computer« aus der von Steven Levis 1984 formulierten Hackerethik ist das Leitmotiv für den Track Art & Beauty. Hier stehen künstlerische Praktiken (darunter Literatur, Comics, Film & audiovisuelle Medien, Musik, Games, Theater, Tanz, Performance und Malerei) im Vordergrund, die sich mit neuen Technologien und deren gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen (kritisch) auseinandersetzen.

Dabei freuen wir uns über Einreichungen, die Computer, Coding und Vernetzung einsetzen, um die Möglichkeiten der Kunst zu erweitern; oder auch zeigen, dass die Prinzipien und Praktiken der Hacker-Kultur in künstlerischen Zusammenhängen zu konstruktiven und ungekannten Perspektiven beitragen. Willkommen sind ebenfalls Einreichungen, die eine theoretische Reflektion über den Einfluss neuer Technologien auf künstlerische Praktiken und Ausdrucksformen präsentieren.
Pre Book Launch ➠ Planetary Atoll: Connecting Latin American Dots and Talk with Gabriel Menotti and Cornelia Lund

Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 19:00 – 22:00
Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 35, 10178 Berlin

In 2022, panke.gallery and the Zentrum für Netzkunst presented the curatorial program Planetary Atoll: Connecting Latin American Dots. As a follow-up, we are launching a book with guest authors reflecting on the internet, culture, and art in the context of the Global South.


Join us on Wednesday, November 29 for a pre book launch and talk with author Gabriel Menotti and Berlin-based art, film and media scholar and curator Cornelia Lund. They will discuss the intersection of internet art, Latin America, and Germany, as well as the broader themes of the exhibition, such as the gap between the local and the global and the role of the internet in shaping contemporary culture.

The evening will be hosted by Berlin-based Brazilian DJ Jorge Kukiri, and will conclude with a DJ set.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.


Gabriel Menotti

Gabriel Menotti is Associate Professor at the Film and Media Department of Queen’s University. He holds a PhD in Media and Communication from Goldsmiths, University of London, and another in Communication and Semiotics from the Catholic University of São Paulo. He also works as an independent practitioner in the broad field of moving images. His work on media technology has been published and presented worldwide. He is the author of "Movie Circuits: Curatorial Approaches to Cinema Technology" (AUP, 2019), and co-editor of "Practices of Projection: Histories and Technologies" (OUP, 2020), among other anthologies. He is also one of the coordinators of the Besides the Screen research network and festival, and currently convenes Museums Without Walls, a curatorial survey on media infrastructures and cultural institutions.

Cornelia Lund

Dr Cornelia Lund is an art, film and media scholar and curator living in Berlin. She has worked for years in research and teaching, mainly on audiovisual artistic practices, documentary film and practices, design theory, and de- and postcolonial theories (including at HU Berlin, University of Hamburg, PUC São Paulo). Since 2004, she has been co-director of fluctuating images, an independent platform for media art and design (http://www.fluctuating-images.de). Currently, she is a Research Fellow at the University of the Arts Bremen. She has curated and collaborated on numerous screenings and exhibitions, latest examples are Connecting Afro Futures. Fashion x Hair x Design (2019), Disrupt Dismantle Desire (2021), Laboratoire Kontempo Kinshasa–Berlin (2021/2022). Among her most important publications are Audio.Visual – On Visual Music and Related Media (2009), The Audiovisual Breakthrough (2015), and the online platforms Post-Digital Culture (2016–), lundaudiovisualwritings (2017–), and http://decolonial.etc.br (2021–).
This Wednesday, 29 November at 7 pm: Pre Book Launch ➠ Planetary Atoll: Connecting Latin American Dots and Talk with Gabriel Menotti and Cornelia Lund

Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 35, 10178 Berlin

The evening will be hosted by Berlin-based Brazilian DJ Jorge Kukiri, and will conclude with a DJ set.


In 2022, panke.gallery and the Zentrum für Netzkunst presented the curatorial program Planetary Atoll: Connecting Latin American Dots. As a follow-up, we are launching a book with guest authors reflecting on the internet, culture, and art in the context of the Global South.

Cultural support: fluctuating images
From Net, City, World to Cloud, Market, Sea

From Net, City, World to Cloud, Market, Sea investigates how we narrate and imagine the internet with the help of metaphors.
– Net stands for the relations between various forms of infrastructure;
– City conceives cyberspace as an urban and social site;
– World focuses on utopias beyond the laws of physics and politics;
– Cloud marks the internet as an ephemeral and decentralized repository;
– Market zeroes in on the commercialization of Web3;
– and Sea opens up the metaphor of water for the digital data stream.

On the basis of these six terms, the project traces various narratives, experiences, and points of historicity of the internet. It moves from the overarching metaphors of the internet to concrete visual manifestations and attempts to historicize the internet and its linguistic imaginaries.

From Net, City, World to Cloud, Market, Sea is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin and takes place in collaboration with /rosa, diffrakt zentrum für theoretische peripherie e.V., Hopscotch Reading Room, and panke.gallery. The project entails a publication, a reading group, a workshop, and six public events.

Curatorial concept: Tereza Havlíková, Julia Kochanek, Anneliese Ostertag
Graphic concept: Judith Weber
Production management: Elfi Rückert
Programming: Paloma Oliveira

The realization of the project is made possible by funds from the Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Metaphors we click by
– reading group

The internet is full of metaphors. Our use of language, the descriptions of our everyday applications and experiences of the internet, are incredibly figurative: we stream films and series, store data in the cloud, teach AI as if it were a child and construct fantastic worlds in video games. The Reading Group “Metaphors we click by” wants to explore these images: their historicity, their influence on our notions of the internet, their technical manifestations. Together with interested people, we want to read various texts (German/English), visit websites, and discuss our own use of the internet. We will meet weekly from 21 February 2024 (6 dates in total) in the project room.

21 Feb 2024
28 Feb 2024
06 Mar 2024
13 Mar 2024
20 Mar 2024
27 Mar 2024

Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Location: /rosa, Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 35, 10178 Berlin
Please register: info[at]netart[dot]berlin
[info] The next big thing we're working on is the reconstruction of the net art project "without addresses" by Joachim Blank and Karl Heinz Jeron from 1997.


The project is supported by digiS – Förderprogramm zur Digitalisierung von Kulturgut des Landes Berlin.

The work "without addresses" was commissioned by the documenta x in 1997. The canonical work by the Berlin artist duo Blank & Jeron, which has not been accessible online for 26 years, forms an important part of Berlin's digital cultural heritage. The reconstruction of a work of net art was to be conceived and realized together with the artists as a pilot project.
This Thursday at /rosa 🌱 Welcome!

Green Whispers - Jaime's Botanical Telenovela
live telenovela reading with special guests
Era JM Couts

Thursday, 18 April 2024, 7 pm
Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 35, 10178 Berlin

Green Whispers is a speculative exploration of empathy, connection, and the narratives that unfold in the liminal spaces between species. Jaime Lobato, a transmedia artist with a background in music, art, mathematics, and research and doing weird things like live-coding with bacteria signals or creating architectural sounds, offers us a world where technology bridges the communication gap between humans and the non-human inhabitants of our planet.

Using self-crafted bio-markers created from the physiological responses of plants, the captured bio-signals are transformed into prompts for the advanced language model, Davinci (ChatGPT), which then crafts a mini-telenovela in real time.
Narrating the Internet
Writing Workshop
with Jackie Grassmann & Anneliese Ostertag

➠ Saturday, 11th and Sunday, 12th May 2024, 11.00–18.00
/rosa, Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 35, 10178 Berlin

· please register: info@netart.berlin (max. 12 participants)

We tell many stories about life, but what kind of stories do we actually tell about the Internet? Which net-experiences, phenomena and tropes are forgotten over time, and which new ones emerge and why?

Can the Internet be narrated at all? Which adversities do we encounter when we try it? With the help of writing exercises and text examples we want to approach those questions and find words for the stories and narratives the WWW might has to offer. One thing is for sure: in the digital space we can draw from a large pool of language, because it is full of metaphors: An Email is sent as a paper airplane, we surf, and our data is stored in clouds.

· free of charge and can be held in English and/or German if required
Dear friends and supporters, at the beginning of July this year, after more than two wonderful years full of exciting and inspiring events, exhibitions, presentations, workshops and meetings with artists and theorists, we emptied, cleaned and left our /rosa project space at Rosa Luxemburg Platz.

📢 We're looking forward to introducing you to our new space in Berlin at the end of this summer.

But for now – goodbye, old /rosa! And thanks to everyone who helped us keep it alive! Cheers to the new adventure that awaits us in the autumn! 💥
