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On this blessed occasion of Eid al-Adha, we extend our heartfelt greetings to all our comrades and the people of Kurdistan and Syria. We especially honor the families of our heroic fighters who have sacrificed their lives in the battle for freedom and justice. Their courage and dedication are forever etched in our hearts. May this festival of sacrifice bring peace, solace, and joy to everyone celebrating. Let us unite in the spirit of Eid, upholding the values of selflessness and resilience, and continue striving for a future of freedom and dignity for Kurdistan. Eid Mubarak.

Em bi navê Fermandariya Giştî a Yekîneyên Parastina Gel, Cejna Qurbanê ya pîroz li gelê xwe, li hemû misilmanan û bi taybetî li malbatên têkoşerên me yên qehreman ku di têkoşîna azadiyê de şehid bûne, pîroz dikin! Bila ev cejn bibe sedema aştî, aramî û şahiyê ji bo tevahiya Kurdistan û Sûriyê.

Fermandariya Giştî | YPG General Command
قواتنا تستذكر تضحيات الشهداء بزيارة أضرحة الشهداء صباح أول أيام عيد الأضحى و تقدم الحماية اللازمة لمزارات الشهداء خلال زيارة الأهالي للمزارات في عموم مدن إقليم شمال و شرق سوريا.
Today, we proudly celebrate 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution. We honor our heroes and their sacrifices, which paved the way for freedom, equality and justice in Kurdistan, Syria and the Middle East. We celebrate the courage and resilience of our people.



SDF fighters, joined by the General Command, came together to commemorate the anniversary of the Rojava revolution. Addressing fighters, Commander-in-Chief Mazlum Abdi reflected on the revolution's achievements, honored our fallen comrades, and affirmed the forces' readiness to defend against potential threats.

Şervanên Hêzên Sûriya Demokratîk, bi rengekî girseyî û bi tevlîbûna Fermandariya Giştî 19ê Tîrmehê, salvegera şoreşa Rojava pîroz kirin.
