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Black Swan Event - Flip The Project Odin Starlink Switch then RV

See they removed it quick.
They dont want you to know.

117% its done
DC its done
All over the World under Covid by Military.

RULE 5.4
Learn it.

Book Of Daniel

Bitcoin DATA CENTRE is under the DAM.
As they were saying Death cross for BTC & ETHEREUM
Now you have STELLAR - PROJECT STARBRIDGE & many others i have mentioned.

Project Starbridge
Part of Starbridge is Starlight (CAP21&40)
Project Dunbar
Project Jump Cannon
Project Bridge Bounty

So many ways to do it.
3GD Collapse
Underwater Data Center
Evergrande Collapse
Tether Collapse
USD Collapse
Internet Collapse

It all Collapse's
Lin Wood says everyone is bad. Y
Because he is proving to you, SHEEP wont research.
This is a Military Intelligence Operation
Love ya Lin. #HumptyDumpty
I have a Military Operational Tactical Brain. I dont think like a sheep, i always go above & beyond why something happens and how it is connected. Think BIG, Think BIGGEST, It is BIGGER than you can imagine.
He said - She Said doesnt cut the Mustard. You must research, find the TRUTH with GOD & inside your SOUL.
Because people UP IS DOWN, LEFT IS RIGHT.
People you know to be dead are alive and people you know to be Alive are dead. See those pink slips. They surrendered their Social Media's in
2017 - So if they make a tweet say from Hillary Clinton's account it is Military not HILLARY
For Instance Q said FOLLOW HUMA - that Account Military are controlling.
MILITARY - NSA have shown us when they changed all their banners at the same time

Forwarded from WhipLash347
See they removed it quick.
They dont want you to know.

117% its done
DC its done
All over the World under Covid by Military.

RULE 5.4
Learn it.

Book Of Daniel

Forwarded from WhipLash347
After the Largest Stock Market Collapse in history will the Stock Market even remain?
Which will be [PRECISION CYBER ATTACKS] on CABAL Companies that link back too (EXECUTIVE ORDERS 13818 & 13848]
Transfer of Wealth must happen some way.
I am starting to see the evidence behind the STELLAR NETWORKS being the new Stock Market.

STELLAR = For The People.

Q says we are going to show you a Brand New World.
Like i mentioned in my write ups.
Many Industries and existing systems will not remain.
The Internet is being replaced by New Quantum Internet. See the Starlink Rocket Launches. Alpha & Beta versions. Alpha is 10,000 times as fast. Beta is about 7,500 + times as fast and ready to go. The Internet needs to be wiped of Operation Mockingbird. All…
This is why Websites are limited now
It needs wiping & rebooting
Why spend money now on big flash websites?
Learn how to connect Ledgers to big players. Read the Memos. Use it for positive. See what i am showing you.
Forwarded from WhipLash347
See they removed it quick.
They dont want you to know.

117% its done
DC its done
All over the World under Covid by Military.

RULE 5.4
Learn it.

Book Of Daniel

Forwarded from WhipLash347
This is why Websites are limited now
It needs wiping & rebooting
Why spend money now on big flash websites?
Learn how to connect Ledgers to big players. Read the Memos. Use it for positive. See what i am showing you.
About 11 pm it began on APRIL 14.
Mr Pool posted 11
11 PM in London = 6 pm in D.C
I said it was the QUEEN's DEATH.
It could be multiple things that go down
EVERGRANDE AUDIT Report could drop imminently.

[Think The Football]
Who has the Nuclear Codes? Not that Masked Idiot that's for sure.