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A marketing agency helping small business owners massively impact the world with our value-driven customer-centric methodology called "7 Ideals"
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Knowledge Industry Success Blueprint:

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Hidden bonuses inside the workshops.

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Knowledge Economy Success Blueprint Workshop #2 Competitive Advantage

Welcome back to the knowledge industry series of workshops, events, and happenings.

Today, we are diving deeper to discover:

- Growth Factors
- Challenges
- Future Trends
- Strategies for Standing Out
#1 Competitive Advantage

Get prepared for the next and most critical workshop. We'll be developing information products and services from scratch.

#knowledgebroker #knowledgeeconomy #selfeducation #knowledgeindustry


The Game Has Changed
Starts Today!
June 13-15

Event Series

- Q&As
On WebMarketSupport with me.

#deangraziosi & #TonyRobbins

2 of the most powerful influencers in the knowledge industry pull back
the curtain on what is possible.


#knowledgeindustry #selfeducation


Workshop #3 Incoming
Don't miss out and fasten your seatbelts.


Huge bonus for attendees (hidden).

#knowledgebroker #knowledgeeconomy #selfeducation #knowledgeindustry

Knowledge Economy Success Blueprint
Welcome back to the knowledge industry series of workshops, events, and happenings.

WORKSHOP #3 INCOMING (filmed and ready for video production - tomorrow in approx. 12 hours - stay tuned)

WORKSHOP #3 MARKET TESTING (huge hidden bonus for attendees)


🚀Why Market Testing - Innovation through "7 IDEALS" - A New Client - A New Market - A New Challenge - Vision - Goals - Strategy - Action Plan - A New Information Product - Ongoing Updates/Reporting - secret section.

#knowledgebroker #knowledgeeconomy #selfeducation #knowledgeindustry

Welcome back to the series of workshops, events, and happenings all about the knowledge, self-education, eLearning, or information industry.

This is workshop #3 and it's entitled "Market Testing".

Market testing is an important component of marketing and the base for innovation.

🚀 Here's what we cover:
- Why Market Testing?
- Innovation through "7 IDEALS"
- A New Client - A New Market - A New Challenge
- Vision - Goals - Strategy - Action Plan
- A New Information Product
- Ongoing Updates/Reporting
- secret section

We discuss various models and frameworks of the "7 IDEALS" methodology:
- Market Parallax (consumer behaviour research and analysis - target audience, market segmentation, targeting, market positioning, and testing
- X-Mark (industry and competition research)
- 7ID BMCF (custom business models)
- Marketing Mix (the marketing choices to satisfy the needs of the target market)
- 7ID Multi-Test Protocol (testing wildcard)

There's a hidden bonus for attendees.

#knowledgebroker #knowledgeeconomy #selfeducation #knowledgeindustry

Knowledge Economy Success Blueprint

Collectible Coins Industry Part 2
Notable Entrepreneurs (last 200 years)

We continue our wonderful journey in the knowledge industry and this time we go deeper into the coin-collecting market, a unique, special, and very distinctive one making it an appealing solution for aspiring and established entrepreneurs.

Delving into the history of coin collecting reveals a rich spectrum of human culture, artistry, and economic evolution. Understanding the past of numismatics, as well as the stories of notable entrepreneurs in the field, provides invaluable context for your own collecting journey.

Studying history, whether in numismatics or any subject, equips you with a deeper appreciation of current practices and future possibilities. It helps you recognize patterns, avoid past mistakes, and build on the successes of those who came before.

Learning about influential figures in coin collecting, such as John Jay Pittman and King Farouk, inspires and guides your own endeavours. Embracing the lessons of history enriches your perspective, enhances your expertise, and empowers you to make more informed and impactful decisions in your coin-collecting business.

What do you know about these names?
- Abe Kosoff (1912-1983)
- B. Max Mehl (1884-1957)
- John J. Ford Jr. (1924-2005)
- Wayte Raymond (1886-1956)
- Harvey Stack (1928-2022)
- John Jay Pittman (1913–1996)
- Louis Eliasberg (1896-1976)
- Q. David Bowers (b. 1938)
- David Hall (b. 1947)
- King Farouk I (1920–1965)

Stay tuned for more.

#selfeducation #knowledgeindustry #CollectibleCoins #coincollecting

Knowledge Economy Success Blueprint

"Collectible Coins" Market Potential.

I’ve been researching the coin-selling industry and found some cool insights.

Online shopping has really boosted the reach for collectible coins, letting us tap into a global audience with low costs. With economic uncertainty, more people are investing in tangible assets like gold and silver coins, which could be profitable for us.

Tech advancements like blockchain and NFTs are catching on in the coin world, and getting in early could set us apart. The coin-collecting community is diverse, so we can target different segments with tailored products. There’s also high demand for themed and commemorative coins, which we can use to our advantage.

Focusing on a niche like historical or limited-edition coins could help us stand out. Partnering with grading services to certify our coins will build trust. A strong online presence with an optimized e-commerce site and active social media is key to driving sales.
We should also provide educational content and engage with the community through webinars and virtual shows to build our reputation.

Offering international shipping and multi-currency payments would expand our global reach.

Of course, we’ll face competition, economic fluctuations, and regulatory hurdles. But by focusing on niche markets, ensuring authenticity, and engaging with collectors, we could do well.
The market potential looks strong, with growing online sales and diverse collector interests. It’s all about being adaptable and innovative to succeed.

What do you think?

Trends in the numismatic industry: Current & future.

Business owners and marketers study trends to stay competitive and relevant in their industries. Understanding trends allows them to anticipate changes in consumer behaviour, adapt to evolving market demands, and identify new opportunities for growth.

The coin-collecting industry is dynamic, with several current and emerging trends shaping its landscape. Here are some key trends in the coin-collecting industry:

Increased Digital Engagement: online marketplaces and virtual auctions.
Certification and Grading Services: trust and authentication.
Themed and Commemorative Coins: popular themes.

More current trends are revealed in my next information product.
Plus, I share the future trends and a section dedicated to helping small businesses adapt to emerging trends - strategic recommendations.

Stay tuned for the upcoming product! Huge surprises inside.

Sign up for the WMS newsletter to get access to the membership area, the 7ID Amalgam concept, and the Live Challenge (has it already begun?).

#numismatics #numismatist #businessconsulting

Knowledge Economy Live Challenge

It's coming next. A challenge that may change the way you do business. An event where ALL the participants - not just the winners earn rewards.

Do you want to enter the knowledge industry in the most elegant fashion and build a profitable business for years to come?

Learn more by signing up for the free newsletter.

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